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post surgery pains?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 7:04 pm
by gakman
Hi all,

I had my surgery 10/14 so it has been one week since the surgery. I had my implant done by two urological surgeons in a Kaiser Permanente hospital. Right after the surgery of course as expected everything was swollen, huge (and ugly). I was sent home after a night at the hospital.

So now it has been one week+, my scrotum is no longer the size of a cataloupe but everything there: the penis etc. is STILL extremely sole and painful to the touch. The doctor said things are swollen and to give it time to heal. Absolutely no pumping or testing the new toy yet.

I am on oxycodone 5 mg every 6 hours but the parts still hurt like hell, the "sagging" of the scrotum (of course I wear supportive undies) is a new level of soreness. The only time I am kind of painless is on my back - like typing this.

Would you guys share your post-surgery experience? I have read that some implant is like an out-patient surgery and patients go home in the evening of the surgery. I cannot imagine I could have done that.

In pain....

Re: post surgery pains?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 7:36 pm
by gakman
Just read the other thread about "icing" the hospital never asked me to ICE, so I am going to try that