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Trigger point

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 5:17 am
by Asecondtobreak2
Hi all for those that don't know. I have been active on this board for a few months now. After experiencing priapism last October.

Originally treated my subsequent ED with tadalafil and shockwave therapy. These methods have not improved my condition. I have now found that my erections are at 50% even with medication. I'm working with a hardish semi at best now. I'm also completely numb.
I'm becoming Increasingly disheartened , i'm depressed having to take time off work recently because of my mental state.

I would like to ask the other members of this group. At what point they realized it was necessary for them to pursue an implant?

I have no interest in injections as I am 30 years old and wish to be able to have sex multiple times a week with my partner.

Re: Trigger point

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 6:27 am
by riseagain
Maybe the time has come to go see a good implant doctor. Wish I would of done it sooner.

Re: Trigger point

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:41 am
by beachbum1
In my opinion, and we all know what options are, the minute ED, or anything else for that matter, starts to affect your mental and physical state/ health, it's time to see a qualified person about it. In your case from what you've described, I would say that that it's time to seek professional advice. I think you have only two choices. 1 live with it and the consequences, and hope it gets better. Or 2 actively seek a cure/answer to your problem. I personally would go with 2.
Best of luck on what ever you chose

Re: Trigger point

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 7:56 am
by ThailandBound
I don’t believe i have ever, once, seen a post on this forum that said “shockwave therapy cured my ED! It’s great!”.

Sounds like a quasi-scam at best.

Re: Trigger point

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:27 am
by Asecondtobreak2
Shockwave therapy did little to nothing. If I'm honest I've noticed a dramatic drop in my EQ since the 6 sessions that I had. Whether this is attributable to the shockwave or just a deterioration of my condition I am unsure.

I think this extreme low point in my mental health is my trigger point to push for the implant. I feel as though since my case of priapism I have lost a lot of myself. My confidence, my ability as a man to please my partner. My self esteem.

I am leaning towards the implant. I'm UK based so will look to push for a referral to UCLH. I am aware that this is a very final solution but tablets and the continous poor performance/ side affects are becoming too heavy of a burden.

With regards to EQ. How do you find your implants perform?

Re: Trigger point

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:11 am
by Old Guy
For me when injections began to fail my mental state began to fail. The depression thinking there was no other way and my sex life was over. When I found out about implants that was all I wanted to have done. Wish I had found out about implants sooner.
Since you are younger I say don't wait. Seek out a doctor asap. Lack of erections can cause loss of size.

Re: Trigger point

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 10:44 am
by Rider1400
I’ve often mentioned that when all other options are failing and in my case greatly affected my marriage and relationship with the wife it was time. Everything you have said on here screams that it is your time to take control of your ED. It’s not an overnight fix, it takes work,but once I had my implant my depression began to go in the opposite direction as I had something to work with, and to work on. The process of exercising my implant was a good thing for me. Took a year to feel normal and my mental state to be normal but that’s a short time in comparison to the 10 years of pills and 16 months of injections

Re: Trigger point

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2024 8:40 pm
by monkfroot
when you make excuses about sex and tolerate more bs in relationships bc of insecurity. be the alpha male u need to be. dickmatize these chicks if need be.

Re: Trigger point

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:12 pm
by Alex258
ThailandBound wrote:I don’t believe i have ever, once, seen a post on this forum that said “shockwave therapy cured my ED! It’s great!”.

Sounds like a quasi-scam at best.

Scam is right. The place I used for Trimix injections for a year were pushing me to try shockwave etc and I told them I had meetings with different dr's for an implant and that dr highly recommended to me to not do the implant. Said it would be a mistake. I smelled BS $$$ right away and today 15 months in I'm one happy man with a working penis.

Re: Trigger point

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 2:19 pm
by Asecondtobreak2
As far as I can tell. Shockwave treatment is complete snake oil. Has done nothing for my ED but certainly hit my bank balance hard enough.

Would anyone say that the implant is a much better solution than balancing pills and injections? I've heard the satisfaction percentages etc. But, if you could choose between a dick that responded to pills or having an implanted guaranteed shaft. Which would you choose?