Is It possible to keep the inflated implant into your pants?

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Re: Is It possible to keep the inflated implant into your pants?

Postby Juerhareb » Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:22 pm

Randalltx wrote:Congratulations then and you will quickly learn to deal with the inflated penis with toilet, urination, bulge, etc.

Your dr. should have asked you to keep it up as much as possible. To conceal it, just get a smaller than normal jock like goldberg off amazon with three inch waistband. That will keep you in position and close to your body. Wish I had done that as my normal position is now pointing down or to the side inflated or not.

You are on your way, though you are proibably pretty swollen. I was for 10-15 days and lived on ice packs.

Good luck to you.


Yes, the doctor told me to point upwards. Regarding bruising, I had no bruising at all and I was veey litrle swollen (the first and maybe second day, I think 0 right now too).

I am still learning and peeing is getting easier.

Thanks for.your answrr!
Late twenties. ED since very early twenties. Unable to have sex.
Implanted 20-03-2024 AMS LGX 21+3 cm. Dr Juan Ignacio Martínez Salamanca (Spain).

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Re: Is It possible to keep the inflated implant into your pants?

Postby Juerhareb » Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:23 pm

oldbeek wrote:I go out to dinner 60-70 % inflated. Can wear it for 4 hrs that way. Little bulge but who cares.

But 60-70% is almost like a natural erection, right? In my case, I think it is enough for sex (if what my doctor left me inflated really was 50-60% as he claimed)
Late twenties. ED since very early twenties. Unable to have sex.
Implanted 20-03-2024 AMS LGX 21+3 cm. Dr Juan Ignacio Martínez Salamanca (Spain).

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Re: Is It possible to keep the inflated implant into your pants?

Postby merrix » Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:20 pm

Juerhareb wrote:Thats my main question. Is It really possible to, for example, go to the toilet, inflate it enough for sex (and to look alike a natural erection) get It into your pants (and maybe dissimulate the erection some way) and have It there for around 20 minutes before sex? Is It possible to do that maybe for a shorter time?

We're all different, with different implant models, different sizes, different results, different definitions of "rock hard" etc.
As you have gotten several answers here saying that what you ask for is definitely possible - then of course it is, for them.
In my case, I would say that yes - it is possible. However, I have no clue why I would want to do that.
For that to happen, it would mean that I would either have walk around with a very uncomfortable and very visible erection in my pants for those 20 minutes you mention. And then still have sex with a softer dick than I prefer.
Or, I would inflate to a level which I can comfortably wear in pants, and then have to have sex with a much softer dick than I prefer
So the best solution would be to inflate to some kind of semi, which is still possible and not uncomfortable to wear in pants/jeans.
And then top it up till the perfect sex-level when time comes.

The hardness I prefer for sex, and hence always use, is very close to what I maximally can inflate.
This hardness is 100% impossible to wear in any pants. I can't even wear tight underwear without the waistband leaving a large gap to my abs. My dick points straight out/up and for sure cannot be bent to touch my body.
Not up, not sideways. Not even close. And I can absolutely not fit any pants on to that erection. Unless they were 5 sizes too large and extremely baggy.

I am surprised to read some of the answers you got, it does not match my reality, but lesson learnt here is probably again as I said above, we're all different, with different ideas of how to use the implant, different idead and preferences of how hard we want to be when we have penetrative sex.
So you will have to wait and see what works for you.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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Re: Is It possible to keep the inflated implant into your pants?

Postby daddel » Sun Mar 24, 2024 4:03 pm

Up until, let’s say, 80% I can still bend it somewhat left or right and put it back in my pants. With a bit of a bulge. No problem. The remaining 5-6 pumps I can do easily incognito before sex.
41y/o, VL due to Finasteride use 17 years ago, PDE5i lost effect over the years, nothing worked anymore.
Implanted 18 Aug 2023 (while I was 40y/o), Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE, Germany
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Re: Is It possible to keep the inflated implant into your pants?

Postby JohnHC » Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:10 pm

When I was cycling it before my latest device failed, I could pump it as full as I could get it and still get it into my pants, difficult and somewhat painful after a time for sure. But I was doing that as I didn't want to get up earlier to pump it up and wait the 15 to 20 or 30 minutes for cycling, so I'd pump it up, put on my pants and go. I'd deflate a little later before I got to work since I could easily reach and find the deflate button. But the worst for me was right after surgery being 60% ( according to the Dr ) and trying to pee while sitting on the commode was almost a no way it'll work. Finding that right position leaning forward and spot towards the far back of the seat was difficult at best....
AMS 700 CX 21cm x 12mm with 1.5cm RTE, MS pump, and Conceal Reservoir. Implanted on 4-12-2023 removed and replaced 6-22-23 with the same, 1st implant surgery had pinhole leak in left cylinder, second failure tubing at connector

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Re: Is It possible to keep the inflated implant into your pants?

Postby Randalltx » Tue Apr 02, 2024 7:51 pm

Juerhareb wrote:
Randalltx wrote:
Juerhareb wrote:Thats my main question. Is It really possible to, for example, go to the toilet, inflate it enough for sex (and to look alike a natural erection) get It into your pants (and maybe dissimulate the erection some way) and have It there for around 20 minutes before sex? Is It possible to do that maybe for a shorter time?

At the risk of being ridiculed but for your assistance---My normal daily life is with the penis inflated to maybe 80% which is a bulge, yes, but looks and behaves naturally. I am retired so it doesn't matter about workmates, and I have learned the art of positioning when dressing. Sometimes I wear a jock on the outside of underwear, but lately, I do not. I am 7.5 long and 6.25 circumference. My knit pants which are my standard and my sweats show less than my dress pants or jeans oddly enough. I was hesitant at first after the operation as I went from a 2.0 inch grower to a six inch shower overnight. Then I was almost fully inflated for six weeks. I always wore a jock then, but my wife advised me on what looked the best and she encouraged me to just leave the thing hard as it was easier for both of us. If you look at bulges on other guys, you will see a variety of shapes and sizes even among young guys in jeans and dress pants. It is not a big deal to walk aound hard, I forget about it and I would only be hesitant if someone is bumping into me or dancing with women I don't know.

Good Luck and you will find your way.

Thanks for your answer, I was implanted last 20thb
of March. I was left at 50-60% inflated (which, bye the way, in mi opinion, is more tan enough for sex) and It it difficult for me to conceal It. However, it might also be because I am scared of moving It and It is alway looking upwards (maybe if I moved It to a side It would be easier).

-------------I wanted to expand on my answer a little. My penis does not point up when erect. I can put it hard in my pants down or sideways but within minutes, depending on how tight my pants are, it will be pointing pretty much down within a few steps. Laying it to the side when dressing, if I want it to stay there, I use tighter underwear or a jock and there is a large horizontal bulge with the shape easily seen. That is actually fine and my wife is pointing out that no one looks but me generally. Although when she is not around, other women will notice and some approach me to start a conversation. I am comfortable either way. It is just your anatomy now. I don't try to hide my biceps, and I don't try to hide my masculinity for social concerns. I am finally comfortable in my own skin and if someone doesn't like it they do not have to look. What the implant did for my confidence far exceeds worrying about what anyone else thinks or believes I should look like.
76yo, ED Venuous Leak since age 40. South Texas location.
02/09/2023 24 CM Titan Dr. Hofer, Stone Oak Meth San Antonio.
@OEM 7.5L x 6.0/Flaccid 2.0L x 6.0 (Grower)
@8 months 7.50L x 6.0/Flaccid 6.0L x 6.0
@14 months 7.50L x 7.25/Flaccid 6.0L x 6.0

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Re: Is It possible to keep the inflated implant into your pants?

Postby ShouldIwait » Fri Apr 05, 2024 6:18 pm

CigareVolant wrote:
Juerhareb wrote:
I think your real question is, "Can I have comfortable and natural sex with an implant," and the answer is emphatically, "Yes!"

YES very much so!!
56, ED 10-15 years. Pills, Bi, Tri then Quad Mix Injections- all slowly less effective. IPP July 2022 (Penscrotal, Titan, 22 + 1) @6mo back to OEM--7.2"L x 5.5"w

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