Tomorrow meeting with Dr. Cosentino for implant

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Tomorrow meeting with Dr. Cosentino for implant

Postby Simoxxx » Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:51 am

Guys, after years of suffering from this damned erectile dysfunction, I decided to proceed with the implant.
I visited several doctors and they all diagnosed me with a serious venous leak.
The pills only worked at the beginning...then little by little they started not working, then I switched to using the vacuum with constriction rings but that also creates a lot of problems for me without taking into account the total lack of spontaneity of the relationship). So I talked about it with my wife, and finally she was convinced too (she had always been against it, that the implant was the best choice.
it was a difficult decision because in any case on an economic level it was a really expensive choice to the point that I had to ask for an advance on my severance pay from work, but I'm sure that it will still be worth it because I couldn't go on like this!
Tomorrow I have an appointment with Dr. Cosentino in Milan, I have already spoken to him by telephone and he has already partially answered some questions I put to him. first of all I want to be sure that they follow me both before and after the implant because I read here that some doctors follow you like dogs before the operation, once they have received the money they tend to not care.he made a good impression on me, he is very friendly and knew how to put me at ease.
he has already told me that we will make the choice of system together, he will let me see and touch the available systems.
I will keep you updated on my trip, see you soon.
47 years old, I have been suffering from erectile dysfunction for about 24 years due to a serious venous leak. i used VED with cock ring but not entirely satisfactory. Implanted 26 April AMS LGX 18 cm by Dottor Andrea Cocci

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