My big day is 1/9!

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My big day is 1/9!

Postby Mwsw1960 » Fri Jan 05, 2024 10:50 am

Like many others, I wish that I had found this forum earlier in my ED journey. 5 years ago, at age 47, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had a open prostatectomy. Like many or most, my ED stemmed from this necessary surgery. Unfortunately additional health issues compounded my dealing with the ED and now, finally 5 years later after trying the usual VED, pills and finally injections I consulted with Ryan Terlacki at Wake Forest Baptist (North Carolina) and having the AMS 700 LGX "installed".

I have no fears or trepidation about the surgery or the initial recovery. FT has given me a wealth of knowledge about that process.

My question, which may be buried in threads that I have been unable to locate, concerns my curiousness about whether I can reasonably expect my length and girth to at least be fairly comparable to what I currently derive from VED therapy. I have certainly suffered loss in length over the past 5 years, probably at least an inch, based upon my estimates using the injections and the VED. I was just shy of 6" before, 5" now with the VED. My girth has been steady at 6" with VED.

I know that there is clearly the break-in period with cycling, exercises and gradually stretching of tissue. With that understood, is there any fellow bionic brotherhood members that can share any personal testimony on this question?
52, open prostatectomy survivor since age 47.
pre surgery hair shy of 6" length, 6" girth

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Happy Toy
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Re: My big day is 1/9!

Postby Happy Toy » Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:23 am

So sorry to hear about your prostrate surgery, so many guys here have had that problem. At nearly 80, in March, I have been spared that issue. I was implanted 5 1/2 years ago with the Coloplast Titan which I love! I did not lose any length, 5.5", or girth, also 5.5". So you may gain back some of your length if you work with your implant . I pump up every morning and leave it that way for an hour. I have done this right from the day after the implant.
So hang in there and bets of luck with the implant but you must give it time to heal and you have to pump it up often. Please PM me with any questions you have, and I mean ANY.
flaccid sit 4.JPG
flaccid sit 4.JPG (167.05 KiB) Viewed 259 times
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erect4 good.JPG (119.07 KiB) Viewed 259 times
Implanted 6/26/2018, Coloplast Titan 20cm, no RTE'S, infra pubic, Dr. Rhee, Kaiser :o 8-) 79yrs., married 56 yrs. ED for over 20 yrs.

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Re: My big day is 1/9!

Postby Witheringhog » Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:12 pm

Mwsw1960 wrote:Like many others, I wish that I had found this forum earlier in my ED journey. 5 years ago, at age 47, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and had a open prostatectomy. Like many or most, my ED stemmed from this necessary surgery. Unfortunately additional health issues compounded my dealing with the ED and now, finally 5 years later after trying the usual VED, pills and finally injections I consulted with Ryan Terlacki at Wake Forest Baptist (North Carolina) and having the AMS 700 LGX "installed".

I have no fears or trepidation about the surgery or the initial recovery. FT has given me a wealth of knowledge about that process.

My question, which may be buried in threads that I have been unable to locate, concerns my curiousness about whether I can reasonably expect my length and girth to at least be fairly comparable to what I currently derive from VED therapy. I have certainly suffered loss in length over the past 5 years, probably at least an inch, based upon my estimates using the injections and the VED. I was just shy of 6" before, 5" now with the VED. My girth has been steady at 6" with VED.

I know that there is clearly the break-in period with cycling, exercises and gradually stretching of tissue. With that understood, is there any fellow bionic brotherhood members that can share any personal testimony on this question?

Vacuum pumps in my opinion give temporary gains, others disagree and there are entire forums on other sites dedicated to the craft. My personal experience, ved gives temporary gains, now if you have small glands and want to increase the size there, i think thats possible. It will not be the same size as ved pumped up length. If you take a day or two off of ved, pull your cock straight out, that should be close. Now some still ved after implant. The bigger worry is if you do nothing your cock will shrink from ED, thats for sure. The implant when done by a good doctor will not shorten your cock, but if you vacuum pump to 7-8 inches like i have done in the past, the implant will not give you that.
49 - Coloplast Titan 22 implanted 5-2 Dr. Clavell in Houston

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Re: My big day is 1/9!

Postby Witheringhog » Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:24 pm

My personal experience was 6.75-7 pre ED, 5.75-6 length pre op, very consistent 6.25 length 7 months post op. My girth remained the same, but i do have injections that increased my girth, so i dont think my personal experience on girth matters to the over all discussion. I got the injections thinking a thicker dick was my problem then 6 months after my injections i put two and two together, ED was my problem. I like the thicker cock fine, no regrets, but the implant is fing amazing, life changing. The extra girth is fun, but nothing compares to the implant.
49 - Coloplast Titan 22 implanted 5-2 Dr. Clavell in Houston

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