Infection? Fever and reservoir pain

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Infection? Fever and reservoir pain

Postby Kalidestroyer » Thu Oct 05, 2023 8:35 pm

My implant journey, though less than a week old has been up and down. I hadnt had much pain since maybe day 3 and the pain has been the most severe in the reservoir area. Dr Eid indicated on followup, day 3, that because of my small frame and lack of bodyfat it was difficult to place the reservoir in way that didnt make the reservoir slightly protrude out thus creating the pain which should go away in time. I thought it had but late last night, after cycling for 15 minutes which caused normal pain only in penile region, I began having pain the tubing? area that emanates from reservoir. Today I have that pain and a fever (99.6). I googled “fever” and some say anything less than a 100.4 is not a fever. I typically run a lower than average temperature (like 97) and only checked my temperature because I felt feverish. Also it was 95 degrees out and I walked around outside and I havent slept well the last week.

I am obviously quite scared that the above is evidence of an infection. Hopefully I am just a nutty hypochondriac and there is no infection but wanted to report my full experience as it happens. I chose Eid mostly because of the published lowest infection rate (less than 0.5%). That said, that means that 1/200 of Eid’s implants leads to an infection. I am scheduled to see Eid on 10/13 to have sutures removed and for followup. He said I could have another Dr take out sutures but I thought at the time, Id want another followup in case something unforseen arose.
I know I have been advocating people go the best implanter they could afford regardless of location or insurance (if they could afford it) but if there is an infection, this may be a reason to stay local and use insurance.

Any suggestions are welcome.

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Re: Infection? Fever and reservoir pain

Postby iwantanewone » Thu Oct 05, 2023 11:29 pm

Definitely call the doctors office and be seen again… A temperature may be mild and starting,
I think you are too soon to be cycling, but each doctor is different but with the temperature and the different pain, make an appointment to see him just to be on the safe side. It may be a wasted trip but it’s better than a second trip to the OR…Good luck.

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Re: Infection? Fever and reservoir pain

Postby jwitten567 » Fri Oct 06, 2023 12:38 am

Agree - never hurts to be cautious and surgeon would appreciate the communication as well. Mild infections can resolve, but you hear horror stories about festering infections that ultimately lead to removal. An exam by the good doctor would give you the answer quickly
Radical Prostatectomy in 2015; failed pills, straight to Coloplast Titan in 2019 by Dr. Valenzuela in NYC, Replaced with AMS 700 CX in 2022 by Dr. Darshan Patel in San Diego, CA. Wish I jumped to an implant even before prostate cancer!

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Re: Infection? Fever and reservoir pain

Postby atul21 » Fri Oct 06, 2023 1:37 am

You should msg Dr. Eid and seek his opinion. He is very open to receiving messages from his patients and also replies to them in a few hours. Though I don’t think you should worry much, there is no harm in sending him a message and clarify.
41 yr old from India, Ed since many years
Coloplast Titan 22 cms one touch pump no rte; implanted by Dr. Billy Cordon in Miami on 02-March-2023. Found Dr. Cordon on reco from Dr. Eid after he fell sick.
Happy to help!
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Re: Infection? Fever and reservoir pain

Postby Kalidestroyer » Fri Oct 06, 2023 11:36 pm

Update: the low level fever last maybe 5 hours and today reservoir area pain subsided. I have other pain but it is quite normal given I am all of 1 week out post surgery. I have a suture removal/followup appointment with Dr Eid in one week. Thanks all who commented. Btw, looks like walking around in 96 degree heat when not sufficiently hydrated can raise one’s temperature above the 98.6 “normal range” which doesnt mean there is an infection. I think a lot of us who have been dealing with ed and impotence for years necessarily become paranoid hypochondriacs. I read most of to the penile implant infection literature on pubmed (because thats what hypochondriacs do) and it appears that most penile implantation devices do become “infected” with biofilm. However there is only about a 1% infection rate. The author’s candidly dont understand why there is only external manifestation with symptoms of the bacterial laden biofilm. Since there is already colonized biofilm in most implanted devices, we see higher infection rates on reimplantation as its difficult to completely sterilize the prior biofilm.

From a journal article: “The vast majority of penile implants are contaminated with bacteria at time of surgery and the bacteria live within the implant spaces in a quiescent fashion protected by a biofilm secreted by the organisms that makes them impermeable to antibiotics or the body’s defense mechanisms. Only very rarely do the bacteria cause a clinical infection. Medicine has no clue why this atypically happens.”
Mulcahy, J.J., Köhler, T.S., Wen, L. et al. Penile implant infection prevention part II: device coatings have changed the game. Int J Impot Res 33, 801–807 (2021).

“Medicine has no clue why this atypically happens”?! Anyways…

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Re: Infection? Fever and reservoir pain

Postby Agfa13 » Sat Oct 07, 2023 9:51 am

Yeah....even after the fact, check it out!
A fever is a sign that the body is fighting off an infection of some sort. You may get notice that you have a fever, other times, the body is just goes on it merry way and you are none the wiser.

I can only speak from experience.
My 1st implant did not go as planned. There were signs, but since I did not take any pics, my Dr. did not believe me.
My balls blew up to the size of a grapefruit. No pain, just a 2 day experience. No temperature, no headache.
Fast forward 2 weeks later. Time for pumping. Went to Dr. office and he tried to deflate me. Grabbed his hand while he tried to pump. I was scream bloody murder in his office!
Consult with 2 other Dr., infection.
Ag, 58, Maryland
Document with BEFORE/after pics
AMS cx 24cm, Titan malleable, Titan Legacy on 3/2/20 (20cm/bilat 2cm RTE/ 75 cc)
Face pic on pg. 22: names and faces; dick pics on pg 7/41: Dick of day
Smaller dick, but can fuck without fail :lol: :D

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