Keeping it up

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Keeping it up

Postby Terry1094 » Sun Dec 30, 2012 1:21 pm

I saw Dr Eid a week or so ago and will go back on the 14th. When I saw him he inflated, then deflated my penis. It is 2 1/2-3" in it's "flacid" state, which is sort like a half woodie. I've gotten used to the feeling thus far. However he told me to keep it pointed up, as in pointing to my belly button. Maybe its my body shpe or something, but keeping it staight up is fine as long as I am sitting doing nothing. As soon as I walk or move, get into or out of the car, et, it wants to point level and to the right. I dont mind that, and indeed find it comfortable for the most part.
Anyone else deal with this in that you didnt keep it pointed straight up during recovery?
I also notice that the sensation of having to pee is different than pre op. It's like a slight increase in discomfort, that once I realize is there, I need to pee. Anyone else btdt?
As always, thanks for your responses.

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