Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Stayingstrong » Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:07 pm

Again, thank you.
I have been on the fence about having this done and now that I have made a definitive decision, I am as anxious to have it done as a kid waiting to open birthday presents. LOL
How long was it from the time the procedure was done until they released you from the hospital?
Age 70
Pills didn't work well. Trimix worked good for 3 years, then only fair for following 3 years but need a cock ring in conjunction.
Implant 12/6/2023 Dr. Eid
Coloplast Titan 20 cm with right side trimmed to 19 cm. No RTE. Classic pump.

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Kalidestroyer » Fri Sep 29, 2023 6:51 pm

Surgery was scheduled for 730, but I had to arrive at 530am. I ended up leaving the hospital at around 330pm. Most of that time was not in the surgery room. I think I was in surgery for an hour but Im not sure After surgery many hours are spent in the recovery room. The nurses have to make sure regain sufficient feeling to your legs/feet such that you can walk (short distances). Also you are taught how to use the catheter, your vitals are monitored, youre given iv antibiotic and pain killer. Youre given some drink and food and when ready, released. So I was at the hospital for 10 hours.

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Stayingstrong » Sat Sep 30, 2023 3:22 am

I hope this morning finds you doing well?
I guess I'll be needing to use a hotel the night before, nearby, to make a 5:30 AM arrival and probably should book it for the following night as well in case I am held longer than the bus is available.
What hotel did you wind up using?
Age 70
Pills didn't work well. Trimix worked good for 3 years, then only fair for following 3 years but need a cock ring in conjunction.
Implant 12/6/2023 Dr. Eid
Coloplast Titan 20 cm with right side trimmed to 19 cm. No RTE. Classic pump.

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby crazyjoe » Sat Sep 30, 2023 8:36 am

Reading your posts, it mirrors my experience with the master, Dr Eid. I had no pain afterwards and was home sitting comfortably at a dinner we hosted just 5 days later. When I read about some of the brothers’ post surgery suffering, I feel very very fortunate.
Hoping you continue to have rapid positive progress — please keep us posted. Best to you.
75, used pills, injections -- all lost effectiveness. Titan implanted by Eid in Feb '22.

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby warrenw » Sat Sep 30, 2023 11:55 am

Your progress sounds great, I also flew in from CA for my surgery with Eid, no regrets after nearly five years.

My post-op appointment was also on a Monday, and after discussion with Dr Eid I elected to leave the catheter in place for the flight home. That was a good decision as I could relax on the plane never having to use the toilet. Removed the catheter when I got home and self-activated the implant the following day, never needed any followup with Dr Eid. Anyway, might be something to discuss with Dr Eid.

Looking forward to your progress reports.
Implant - Dr Eid 12/2017, Titan Touch 20/21cm no RTE, 125cc reservoir

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Kalidestroyer » Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:23 pm

It was a long night as I wasnt able to sleep but did just get in a few hours of sleep just now. Oddly I think the opiate (percocet) kept me up as the pain wasnt inbearable and I dont have insomnia. Eid currently recommends complete bedrest (aside from three 15 minute walks) for the first 2 days post surgery while keeping the bandage and jockstrap on that he places on you after surgery, with icing and making sure the penis points upwards towards the umbilicis. I have almost no pain in testicle/ball region. I have pain in the lower left abdominal region (where I believe the reservoir was placed?) In this region, I detect swelling and fluid buildup which is a little concerning as most people describe pain only in the area where the pump is placed and where incision is made (scrotum). Also have very intermittent pain (usually not there) in urethral/penile area which I speculate is from the catheter. I also have general stomach pain and a general bloated feeling (urine is building up I think normally in catheter but perhaps there is retention?) I am definitely looking forward to my appointment with Dr Eid on Monday where he will take out catheter and (hopefully) tell me everything is going well and is normal. If Im told everything is good and he says to begin cycling after monday (he advises cycling after day 3), then Ill happy to do that and grin and bear the pain.

I did/do have some of those feelings like “what did I do”, “what if the reservoir caused a hernia which I read about on pubmed”, “what if I’m the unlucky 1/250 that gets an infection”, “ what if pain increases or never goes away”, etc. However, Im really hopeful that Dr Eid will tell me the implant is perfect and progress is normal and as expected. Will keep updating…

Old Guy
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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Old Guy » Sat Sep 30, 2023 1:00 pm

Sorry you aren't getting any good sleep. The first two days after that's about all I did.
Hope you don't have the week or so of "What the hell did I let them do to me" time. Going in I knew nothing, had not found FT yet so I had no idea what was coming. Maybe for the better not worrying about infection, pain, etc.
Nov. 8, 2019
4+ years, Coloplast Titan OTR
Married 36 years to my beautiful young bride
Always here to answer questions if you PM me

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Kalidestroyer » Sat Sep 30, 2023 1:52 pm

About the sleep, whenever Ive been sick (very rare) or had a some injury (also very rare but e.g. broken ankle) Ive not been able to sleep much. Same with drinking or painkillers which Ive very rarely taken - they dont help me to sleep but keep me up whereas with coffee which I drink twice daily, Im able to sleep. So not sleeping much in a situation like this is I guess normal. Ill probably take a nap later. Currently watching college football, slight intermittent pain with high dose ibuprofren (no percocet for several hours). Ive decided not to check any work emails until tomorrow.

Any past implantees have any insight on the pain/swelling on left lower stomach/pubic bone region with very little pain in the groin/scrotum area - anyone else have this and any cause for concern?

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Stewy78 » Sun Oct 01, 2023 1:06 am

Hi, how long have you waited from when you contacted his office to the date of the surgery?

I had an implant with him less than 3 years ago that just failed, I wrote him an email and he confirmed the fail and told me to contact his office for a replacement. I already wrote an email to Ruby and Janice I hope to get a reply on Monday.

And I really hope to be able to have the surgery as soon as possible.
32yo, VL from birth. Implanted in 2020 with AMS CX by Gabriele Antonini. Pump stopped working after three months,replaced with new pump that stopped working again. Complete revision Titan Touch 24+1 implanted by Dr.Eid. Titan failed in October 2023.

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Re: Implant 9/29/23 - Dr. Eid

Postby Kalidestroyer » Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:15 am

Hi Stewy. I think it was a couple months ago that I confirmed that I would get surgery to when surgery happened. However they offered an earlier date but I couldnt do it until 9/29.
Im sorry to hear about your multiple surgeries in so short a time. I really hope this my only surgery for at least 10 years. I dont really understand why the implants fail. It seems like they should be able to construct an implant that wont leak or fail to work, etc.

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