Deflate pain

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Deflate pain

Postby Entourage » Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:34 am

As you all have been following my journey. Which is more diffrent than others not sure because I’m young and have more active nerves of due to HF. My pain everyday is still ranging from 6-9.

I tried deflating and the pain after deflating is always at scale 8. Finished a whole big bottle of tynelol. The stress and not being able to work puts big financial burden. After deflating there’s a sharp shooting pain. Can’t stand or lie down. Im constantly in touch with the doctors. So there’s a few things I have to say.

When I stand up or keep staying up or sitting the penis swells up sometimes becomes round. Lying down with inflation pain and swell goes away. I know everyone has a diffrent journey but walking with an erection with even light pants can be painful.

Can’t sleep or lie down side ways pain starts immediately. My penile is still very tender. I have been ejaculating and rn no pain after that.

Still applying hot water and heat twice a day to loosen the scrotum.The issue I have is due to HF I have a tight scrotum all the time my body is always in a flight or fight mode. Doc gave some really good muscle relaxants due to the HF contractions. This post is to give my fellow brothers a bit more understanding how HF still affects me. I will start physical therapy and pelvic muscle releases to maybe loosen the scrotum up. Sometimes it becomes so hard I can’t even feel the pump. Ahh what I would give to always have loose scrotum. HF definitely plays a role of my pain in this journey.

Things I would have done differently if I knew I’m going in with a bad case of HF.

Get physical therapy weeks before surgery.
Internal pelvic releases.
After surgery move the pump so the tognting scrotum doesn’t get attached to the pump.
Dr Mohit khera uses a specific shock wave. He quoted rest of all are scam.he’s shock wave after two sessions cured my HF for a few days. I coudnt afford the whole session it was $500 each session I think I did 2 or 3 and it did magic.
My penile gets really tight sometimes when I’m excreting or having pelvic contractions.
It’s very important to battle your pelvic issues before receiving the Implant.
I received a smaller pump. But if I could i would prefer the bigger one where even if my scrotum tightens up I could reach the release valve

It Is painful. Haven’t slept good in a while since I like to sleep side ways. Listening to the Doc he’s very knowledgable about HF. Again HF for everyone is very diffrent. Not everyone had the same kind of symptoms.
26 years old
PFS- HF/LF for 3 years
Implanted titan May 2nd

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