Titan after 8/10/12 months

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Titan after 8/10/12 months

Postby frank66665 » Thu May 25, 2023 4:06 am

I would like to ask 2 of these and know from users who are over 4 months and up to 12 months and beyond, does titan round off a bit or does it stay oval forever? Have you noticed any gains in length and girth over 4 to 12 months?
56, ED since 2010, pills work but not always and well, trt in progress improved but not so much, myocardial infarction january 2016, new stent september 2016, hypertension, venous on 1/23/23 titan one touch 22, no rte dottor Gabriele Antonini Italia

Posts: 1350
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Re: Titan after 8/10/12 months

Postby frank66665 » Fri May 26, 2023 2:58 am

Strange that no one has replied to this post with so many titans, isn't it that the translator didn't translate well what I wanted to say?
56, ED since 2010, pills work but not always and well, trt in progress improved but not so much, myocardial infarction january 2016, new stent september 2016, hypertension, venous on 1/23/23 titan one touch 22, no rte dottor Gabriele Antonini Italia

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Re: Titan after 8/10/12 months

Postby Youngmen » Fri May 26, 2023 3:44 am

When aroused there is blood flow then its More rounder. Some gains in the first few months. After a year more length than before the surgery.
1995, ED since birth due to venous leak. Pills worked but then get
peyronies. 24 cm Coloplast Titan with Dr Osmonov, germany on 2019/21/3

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Re: Titan after 8/10/12 months

Postby ThailandBound » Fri May 26, 2023 6:06 am

4 months, 3 weeks postop here.

When unaroused and cycling it is oval and somewhat flat on bottom. Glans is unengorged and soft. When aroused it gets rounder and glans swells giving a more normal appearance. Cialis helps.

At full max pump i’m still not able to get full engorgement, but i think the tissue is still being stretched with a lot of pressure on n the tips. I hope this improves with time.

It helps during sex to back off the pressure to 90%. It’s plenty hard for penetration and engorgement is better. In the moments preceding and during orgasm everything sells very nice and it looks like my former penis again.

Still cycling twice daily. Can now pump to 100% for up to :45 minutes without too much discomfort, btw. Those early weeks at 100% were uncomfortable.
Active, athletic 63 years old. Sexually, still 33 in my mind and spirit. Pills and injections all worked, until they didn’t. Diagnosed with veinous leakage in 2022. Coloplast Titan. 22 CM. No RTE. Peno-scrotal. Implanted 1/4/23. Dr. Clavell.

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