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Just got out. Still in severe pain

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 5:28 am
by Entourage
I was scheduled for surgery on 2nd at 7:30 am.
Everything is swollen and couldn't pee after surgery so they had to use a catheter which was more painful.
Titan coloplast.

Any advice from my brothers please let me know how to manage pain

Suffered from pFS and long flacid

Dr clavell

Re: Just got out. Still in severe pain

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 6:15 am
by AussiePete
The first few days can be the worst... Follow your Dr's instructions... Don't be afraid to take the medication recommended...
Welcome to the brotherhood!

Re: Just got out. Still in severe pain

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 7:53 am
by Buzzer
I had surgery on 4-18-2023. The first 12 days were pure hell. I was not given adequate pain meds, not even close. I was on oxycodone every 12 hours, and one extra strength Tylenol every 8 hrs. After 6 days of intolerant pain I contacted the surgeon, she told me to go to the emergency room. I did that and they determined there no issue with the surgery and no infection.

Of course the swelling was extreme. Because I take blood thinners I could not take Motrin which would have helped. I could only take Tylenol. Ice packs did not seem to help much, even though I had an Ice pack all day and night.

Now a very smart nurse asked the doctor to give me a dose of Delaudin. My pain dubsided immediately. So this deterimed that it was not the surgery but lack of an adequate pain meds

I went on one Oxycodone every 4 hrs and 2 regular strength Tylenol every 6 hrs. It only took a couple of days of this new pain med plan to have a dramatic effect

By day 12 the swelling dropped dramatically and most of the severe pain had subsided

My balls still hurt a little but I am confident that I have turned the corner on the pain issue

Here in the USA many former pill mills that abused the issuing of pain meds has caused the industry to severely limit pain meds So even if you doctor was to give you a script for more pain meds the pharmacy may not issue it

Thank you to the Fed gov for that one !!!

Do something about your pain med plan right away and do not think it will get better soon. It won't.

There is no point in you suffering needlessly.


Re: Just got out. Still in severe pain

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 9:15 am
by Old Guy
Entourage wrote:I was scheduled for surgery on 2nd at 7:30 am.
Everything is swollen and couldn't pee after surgery so they had to use a catheter which was more painful.
Titan coloplast.

Any advice from my brothers please let me know how to manage pain

Suffered from pFS and long flacid

Dr clavell

Welcome to the bionic club.
Pain, the first few days are tough. Most say use ice, a bag of frozen peas works nicely. Keep it on your sack and shaft for 10-15 minutes as needed. Lay down on the couch or recliner but try to get up and walk every 30-40 minutes. Ask the doc for pain meds, take them as you start to sense pain getting worse. If you're taking a narcotic use some stool softener too. Catheters are a pain, but better than not being able to pee. When the catheter comes out it may be easier to sit to pee for a few days.
Hang in there. It will all be worth it before you know it.

Re: Just got out. Still in severe pain

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 9:57 pm
by Odecko
Pain is weakness leaving the body. You will soon be BIONIC!

Re: Just got out. Still in severe pain

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 11:24 pm
by Gt1956
I wish that I could offer better advice. I think some of it all comes down to what level of work was needed in the crus. The nurse that removed my catheter the next day was also on the surgical team. She was chatting about my implant (I think to distract me). Said that I had a really deep crus (10cm). I didn't catch every word she said but I think she implied that some "digging" was done at the bottom of my crus. I swear that I think she said my tailbone but there must be a similarly named bone on the testical side. But sure enough I had tailbone pain.
Btw, my opioid pills were 5mg if I remember correctly. One every 6 hours, after 1 1/2 days I had used 2 extra pills for the time that passed plus a couple of Tylenols. Normally after a root canal I haven't needed all of the pain pills. This was different.
Entourage, I wish you luck. If you're in pain be sure to at least keep up with your pill dosage. If you fall behind & the pain spikes. It takes more pain pills to bring it down. Now isn't the time to try toughing it out.

Re: Just got out. Still in severe pain

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 8:49 pm
by Daytripper
Entourage, its a bummer to be in pain but in the long run its worth it. You mentioned a cathetor was used on you if it was foley and its still in place that can be major source of pain and discomfort until it is removed.

Dr. Clavell has a video on pain management to summarize he recommends alternating between Tylenol and Advile every 3 to 4 hours. As a contingency he also prescribed harder narcotics to use as needed. Follow your doctors instructions for pain management for me these instructions were part of my patient package.

Lastly as other members have mentioned ice is your friend for pain management just take care to have a barrier between your skin and the ice. Wishing you a speedy recovery.