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Implant and the penis shaft

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:05 pm
by TuffDadSF
On Thursday I had a 3 week follow up with my doctor's PA. He also has an implant and is the main person who teaches the new patients how to pump, deflate and check to be sure you're healing correctly.

One thing he mentioned was the importance of waiting 6 weeks for sex/masturbation. He said that at some point the "internals" of where the corpora used to be needs to adhere to the cylinders. When you squeeze and have up and down motion on your "new" penis you are causing that not to happen and lengthening the healing time.

EDIT: He did tell me to start cycling (which I was already doing after week one) and that cycling is NOT causing damage.

It makes sense logically but at the same time I have never heard about that in all the research I did on getting the implant and aftercare.

Is this correct information?

Thanks for the replies!

Re: Implant and the penis shaft

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:21 pm
by ThailandBound
that’s interesting. I have heard quite the opposite.

The “adherence“ you mention is referred to by my doctor as a “surgical capsule“. Not a good thing. This is hard tissue that’s formed around any implant be at a penile implant, a breast, implant, or an artificial knee. one of my ex girlfriends had breast augmentation, and the surgical capsule was of prime consideration to her doctor. He told her that she needed to squeeze her breasts frequently in order to prevent the very adherence you mention. Of course, I was only too happy to assist.

I am officially six weeks postop tomorrow. I have been 60% inflated the entire time. Tomorrow I have a consultation with my doctor and expect to begin cycling. One reason he mentions for the reason of this partial inflation is to have less, rather than more, surgical capsule , in the corpora on the day cycling begins.

I did not really even touch any of my new parts for about a full month. However, in the last two weeks, I have become much more adventurous with it. With all the swelling, long gone I am already basically doing the equivalent of the Pareto exercises. Just without the pumping. I can bend it in every direction, and being mindful of that surgical capsule have been giving the shaft. A good squeeze up and down to keep the cylinders actually moving.

As we all suggest here on the forum, your doctor knows best, however.

Re: Implant and the penis shaft

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:28 pm
by TurnBackTime
I have also read just the opposite. I have read that you though you DO want the capsule to form, you DON''T want there to be adherence between the capsule and the inflatable . Going one step further I have read that sometimes an operation is needed because the capsule has adhered to the inflatable . Also heard that if there is adherence that it can cause extreme pain and also cause the mechanism to not operate properly because if the capsule in the penis has adhered to the inflatable then the inflation and deflation process will not work properly. One of the reasons that the Dr. who recommends the bending of the penis in different directions every day while it is inflated (for what is it, 6 months or is it a year after surgery?) does so is so that adherence does not take place ...