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You guys think I should get the implant?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 9:30 pm
by Hillywilly
I reinjured my penis in November via a 12 hour long masterbation session. Seemed to harm the same area I have injured from other marathon masterbation sessions (funny how in early 2000's they told you masterbating couldn't hurt you). I had a doppler that noted scar tissue and "subtle" narrowing midshaft but my uro thought that was overcome by the trimix which it could have been but I do not want to use trimix every time I want to get off.

In the past my penis has recovered from these sessions but this time it's been 3 months and it hasn't fully recovered. It started as almost a small band that goes all the way around mid shaft but it is most pronounced on the the left and top of my left corpora. I tried Traction with restorex and I think it made it deeper and thus less stable. For awhile my erections seemed to improve a bit and I thought I would try sex so I fucked a woman i met on a dating app and it was very difficult to get and maintain the erection. Afterwards the condition of my penis seems MUCH worse. That happened 2 weeks ago and since then I have not got a single erection firm enough for penetration and I am extremely upset about it. I tried the trimix on it and now that I think about it that was firm enough for sex but the dent like ring could be felt and was painful. I fear this weekend area of my penis leaves me susceptible to further injury via buckling.

Re: You guys think I should get the implant?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:45 pm
by Dent4ever
I reinsured my dick through masturabation as well and stuck in a similar scenario. I understand that it comes down to an individual decision here since I can still get and maintain an erection but some guys have said, dont fix it if it aint broke. Now I can agree with that statement because the complications that can occur -however unlikely are pretty drastic. For someone with a nonfunctional erection its a pretty straightforward decision but its hard to be stuck in the middle of the road so to say. this hourglass thing has caused me to stop dating for the time being and needless to say, a few less than satisfactory encounters over the last few years. If people could chime in with a similar situation id really appreciate it also.. I guess I could hold out for the new titan coming out in the next 4-5 years but I dont even know what improvements that will have over the current model.

Re: You guys think I should get the implant?

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:51 pm
by KeithC
No I do not.

I have read many of your posts and I think you need psychiatric help.

I know that may sound harsh to you and others, but you need some help.

Please seek help and quit obsessing over your cock.

Re: You guys think I should get the implant?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 12:13 am
by sswinsfba
Hillywilly wrote:I reinjured my penis in November via a 12 hour long masterbation session.


In the past my penis has recovered from these sessions but this time it's been 3 months and it hasn't fully recovered.

It started as almost a small band that goes all the way around mid shaft but it is most pronounced on the the left and top of my left corpora. I tried Traction with restorex and I think it made it deeper and thus less stable.


I fear this weekend area of my penis leaves me susceptible to further injury via buckling.

How/why does one masturbate for 12 hours and, if you injured yourself doing so, have you seen a urologist about it yet? Seems like that would be the 1st step before considering an implant to "fix" the problem if it's "fixable."

If it's not "fixable," then an implant certainly would be a consideration but, as @KeithC suggests, it seems that you have other "issues" that should be addressed before you get one because if you abuse your implant the way you have abused your dick, you are likely to require further surgery to repair your implant and/or your dick, unless those "issues" are resolved 1st.

Re: You guys think I should get the implant?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:27 am
by crazyjoe
Agree with the suggestion to address the mental side of your condition — seems high priority. We all have two sides to this sex game — mental and physical. Each can go out of sync with the other and with our whole life for that matter. Addictions can play into it— at times I feel addicted to porn for example (there, I said it…). Anyhow, you might see a therapist and a urologist simultaneously — I would hope you won’t center on the physical side and skip over addressing the mental side as well.

Re: You guys think I should get the implant?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 8:50 am
by Alan67
I also think you should accept that you have an unhealthy addiction and address that first. You were aware that you might injure yourself yet you didn't stop the excessive masterbation. Good luck to you

Re: You guys think I should get the implant?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 12:35 pm
by Hillywilly
I am seeing a sexual health counselor for mental health. However, I am certain there are physical changes to my penis. There is a dent there and it is not in my head... I have seen a urologist he said there is narrowing and small calcified scar tissue which I think has become worse since my last doppler in December.

I got a NTE erection last night but even with an erection the whole area of scar tissue is thinner than the rest of my penis and it is causing issues with sex/masterbation.

Re: You guys think I should get the implant?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2023 1:17 pm
by Nestor
If you don't get a handle on your self-gratification illness an implant will make things worse for you.

Meaning likely permanent neurological damage... Dopamine dysfunction that maybe could drive very early dementia?

I really haven't researched it enough to say - partially because I'm worried about what I might find.

But whether it is masturbation, pornography, high carb foods, or even just web browsing... Dopamine reward dysfunction is a serious issue that goes far beyond just losing erectile quality, in my non-physician, non-researcher opinion.

If someone out there is smarter than me on this subject, I'd be very happy to hear that I'm wrong.

Re: You guys think I should get the implant?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:44 am
by Hillywilly
WatNext wrote:Explain everything you've said here to a medical professional. Not about your penis, as you've been given answers already, but about your mental state and what you're thinking about.

There's nothing to hide or be ashamed of but you're clearly suffering and there are ways to ease that.

I'm not meaning to be condescending, patronizing or minimising what you're going through but I've been exactly where you are multiple times and know how much it f*cking sucks.

Dont waste so much time worrying about what ifs and leave your penis alone long enough to potentially heal.

I will. It’s just been 3 months and it is not looking better but smaller and less firm and last time I had sex it made it worse just very tired of going on like this. If it was fixed I could resume my life and go out and meet women again and have confidence.

Re: You guys think I should get the implant?

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2023 12:59 pm
by Surfshack
It's also probable that you inflamed your prostate and lower pelvic floor area. You need refrain from masturbation and go see a urologist about lower pelvic floor therapy and massage. Your penis will develop hard flaccid and other things if you don't stop masturbation and take the steps to heal your inflammation/injury. There are lower pelvic floor therapists out there who can help you , just be very honest with them and they can heal you. It takes time with yoga practicing and taking baths. Give it time. You got into this mess and now you're gonna have to be very patient and heal what you have inflamed/injured.
Forget the porn and masturbation right now and get your mental and physical health on the right path.
Just trying to help.