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Post op Blood leaking penis tip in drops normal 3 wks out?

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:43 pm
by Wolfrayet1
About 3 weeks out implant scrotal approach. Reservoir in rezia space

Excruciating pain for 2 weeks w a few days lessening. Then pain everywhere down there shot way up and urinating is very painful. Blood drops leak from the penis a few times an hour. Seems to be a few more blood drops at the end of urination too. Everything everywhere down there hurts and so does my bladder. Urine test shows outrageous RBC value.

Anyone else have blood leakage and blood in their urine this long post op?

Blood work doesn’t seem to show infection though there are lots of posts of infections happening later the first year.

Re: Post op Blood leaking penis tip in drops normal 3 wks out?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 2:15 am
by Daytripper
Wolf it’s unfortunate all the complications you have experienced I’ve read your post including the ones you deleted describing a very disorganized surgery team. You mentioned your RBC counts from your urine what was your doctors assessment from these test?

Re: Post op Blood leaking penis tip in drops normal 3 wks out?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 2:25 am
by GoodWood
Go see your doctor ASAP. None of this sounds OK.

Re: Post op Blood leaking penis tip in drops normal 3 wks out?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 3:56 am
by Pau1pau1
Totally agree , get back to see the doc asap!
At 3 weeks you should be over the worst of the procedure not dripping blood.

Re: Post op Blood leaking penis tip in drops normal 3 wks out?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 5:02 am
by Wolfrayet1
Daytripper wrote:Wolf it’s unfortunate all the complications you have experienced I’ve read your post including the ones you deleted describing a very disorganized surgery team. You mentioned your RBC counts from your urine what was your doctors assessment from these test?

Surgeon said may be infection in pee pipe and to get more tests. The pain is not like post op but certainly never expected this much pain almost continuously this long. The implant has been pumped a few times and the incision seems clear so far. Trying to focus on a good outcome but it’s been bumpy. When I saw the blood drops on the floor the first time I had to stare at it a minute to be sure that’s what I was seeing. I really hate writing anything that will scare anyone off wanting the surgery.

Not the best Christmas.

Re: Post op Blood leaking penis tip in drops normal 3 wks out?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 9:05 am
by Daytripper
I really hate writing anything that will scare anyone off wanting the surgery.

Wolf we all come to these forums to have an exchange of ideas, opinions and information dont worry about scaring people off with your post. Also keep in mind the advice posted here is not a substitution for seeing a doctor.

urinating is very painful

Pain (burning) while urinating can be from an UTI and can be confirmed by a urinalysis test where you pee in a cup, you can have this done for $49 and any lab test now outlets or like in your area. This is treated with antibiotics.

Blood drops leak from the penis a few times an hour.

I had this symptom before and my urologist performed a cystoscopy test where a camera and probe are used to check your urethra and bladder. This is covered by most insurance and is pain free but with a little discomfort.
Im surprised your doctor didnt already perform this for you when you reported blood in your urine.

It goes without saying Im not a doctor and my comments are based solely and what treatments I have had personally. Most importantly you need to take charge of your medical care, if your current doctor is not responding then seek a second opinion with another doctor. Best of luck.

Re: Post op Blood leaking penis tip in drops normal 3 wks out?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 9:20 am
by Old Guy
Have to agree with most, go see your doc asap!
Blood dripping from your penis is not good at any time.
Sorry the pain is so bad.
Best of Luck.

Re: Post op Blood leaking penis tip in drops normal 3 wks out?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:27 am
by HikerMan
Wolfrayet1 wrote:About 3 weeks out implant scrotal approach. Reservoir in rezia space

Excruciating pain for 2 weeks w a few days lessening. Then pain everywhere down there shot way up and urinating is very painful. Blood drops leak from the penis a few times an hour. Seems to be a few more blood drops at the end of urination too. Everything everywhere down there hurts and so does my bladder. Urine test shows outrageous RBC value.

Anyone else have blood leakage and blood in their urine this long post op?

Blood work doesn’t seem to show infection though there are lots of posts of infections happening later the first year.

I'm exactly 8 days in and I have no swelling, blood leakage or anything else for that matter.
None of that sounds correct.

I would get that checked Pronto.

Re: Post op Blood leaking penis tip in drops normal 3 wks out?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 1:03 pm
by Wolfrayet1
Thanks guys for the support. There are stones in a kidney though not huge tests show, but there was not blood drips in my shorts or on the floor before surgery. Evenings tend to be pain worse.

Pain is down this morning back to where it was a few days ago. Sleep at most 2 hours without waking up. Hopefully it’s progress & continues. Thinking anything other than positive is just too scary.

Re: Post op Blood leaking penis tip in drops normal 3 wks out?

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 1:51 pm
by mikestap
Hate to hear you’re having problems. That said, what is wrong with you? Get your ass to the ER. What doctor has office hours this weekend?

You’ve done all this work to get here. I would not F it up now.