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Roll Call - Who Joined the Bionic Brotherhood in 2022?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 2:47 pm
by Flounder
As this year is quickly coming to a close, I thought it would be nice to hear a from everyone who took the final step in ‘22 to take back what ED stole from them. Please update us; how’s it going?
Enjoying your new toy? Rewards or Regrets? Is the implant meeting your expectations?

It’s an open forum always getting new readers who would probably like to hear some condensed comments from recently implanted guys. Revisions in ‘22 count too.

As for myself, my signature tells much of my story. I’ve been cycling a little over 2weeks now. Still some minor discomforts but soon ready to try it out. I have no doubts this was the best thing to do for myself and our marriage. Having a good outcome and knowing what I do now; my only regret is not getting the implant as soon as possible after my prostatectomy.

Re: Roll Call - Who Joined the Bionic Brotherhood in 2022?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:14 pm
by Badspartan
I was implanted 4 weeks ago. No pain to speak of. The incision is taking a little longer to heal but that’s probably because of the diabetes. I see the surgeon and rep next week so they can show me how this thing works. I’m already cycling 2x a day. I can get 10-15 pumps In before the bulb gets too hard. Love the implant so far and looking forward to “activation “

Re: Roll Call - Who Joined the Bionic Brotherhood in 2022?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:37 pm
by Floridaspeedo
June 1st here

Best surgery I ever had. Works flawlessly

Re: Roll Call - Who Joined the Bionic Brotherhood in 2022?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:41 pm
by HikerMan
Flounder wrote:As this year is quickly coming to a close, I thought it would be nice to hear a from everyone who took the final step in ‘22 to take back what ED stole from them. Please update us; how’s it going?
Enjoying your new toy? Rewards or Regrets? Is the implant meeting your expectations?

It’s an open forum always getting new readers who would probably like to hear some condensed comments from recently implanted guys. Revisions in ‘22 count too.

As for myself, my signature tells much of my story. I’ve been cycling a little over 2weeks now. Still some minor discomforts but soon ready to try it out. I have no doubts this was the best thing to do for myself and our marriage. Having a good outcome and knowing what I do now; my only regret is not getting the implant as soon as possible after my prostatectomy.

Wow, so true.
I got implanted 12/22/22.
Everything so far has been flawless.
The only thing I didn't like is that my original surgeon told me you could still function after a Prostatectomy.

Brutal facts here, guys

1. Once your prostate is removed, your hard-on is over with forever.
2. Don't think any pill, vacuum device, injection or anything else for that matter is going to work very long, or work at all.
3. You may get some "engorgement" but nothing that you can actually use in a sexual setting.
4. Anybody telling you different is lying to you.

If your prostate has to be removed, you basically have no other option than an implant.
I tried everything and every parlour truck imaginable.
Nothing worked for penetrative sex.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but these are the facts the Prostate surgeons won't tell you.

Re: Roll Call - Who Joined the Bionic Brotherhood in 2022?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 8:18 am
by Maddawg
I fall in this group. Nov 15th by Dr. Lentz Raleigh. Please with the results!

Re: Roll Call - Who Joined the Bionic Brotherhood in 2022?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 10:23 am
by oldog12
January 6, 2022 for me. Wish I had it done soon after prostatectomy in 2018.

Re: Roll Call - Who Joined the Bionic Brotherhood in 2022?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 10:40 am
by Mikedsy
Not joining until 2023, but I have to respond to HikerMan saying it's over after prostatectomy. Have seen many posts from men who did recover, though I do think my surgeon was over optimistic in my case. For me, injections worked for a little over a year. Not ideal but it worked. Have seen comments from men that had success with injections for 10 years or more.

Re: Roll Call - Who Joined the Bionic Brotherhood in 2022?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:04 pm
by brianroa7
I was implanted April 1. I’m very pleased with it. The implant works great and it’s so nice being able to please my wife as long as she wants without rushing. I used to rush because if I could even get an erectioni might not keep it.

The only thing I’m disappointed with is the shape when it’s deflated. It points severely to the left. It might have improved slightly over the last 8 months but it is still far from natural looking like was advertised. I don’t mind that it’s a bit stiffer than a natural flaccid but really dislike the curve. I never had that at all before the implant. My wife doesn’t care and the erection is fantastic. It’s just a bit embarrassing to be pointing to the left in the locker room.

Would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY! It’s so much better than injections and we make pumping up part of foreplay.

Re: Roll Call - Who Joined the Bionic Brotherhood in 2022?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:43 pm
by bloomingguy
Bionic End of July, has worked wonderful since. I had serious doubts about my choice until the 16th week, when the swelling subsided. My wife loves it and I can live with the pump resting against my groin (wish it stayed in the middle of the ball sack). Another plus is that I hated the "Turtleing" of my penis years prior to the implant. It has a more normal look now.

I had to learn different techniques to pumping and deflating. It would partially re inflate overnight, I now deflate and then pump once. That works better. I pump every other night because my glans is tender cycling every night. I am concerned about cycling in April/May since in my occupation I work 80+ hours per week (I own a garden center).

Northern Ohio. I will be 70 in april.

Re: Roll Call - Who Joined the Bionic Brotherhood in 2022?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:56 pm
by Harleydawg53
Implanted April of 22; wish I had done it a couple of years ago, nice to have a dick that only goes soft , when YOU want it too !

Lost a little size , but slowly gaining it back , hope that continues!