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How much do you inflate for each sexual act?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:27 am
by aussiePeyronies
Hi guys,

I am not yet implanted, but will be soon with a Titan.

Just wondering:

- I've read a lot mixed reviews where people inflate to full 100%, others to about 85-90%... Is there much of a difference in length/girth? and I am guessing the benefit is that, at 85/90%, the penis is more malleable, so a woman can grind on it in cowgirl position etc

- Is there any difference in please or sensations if not fully inflated?
- for oral and anal sex, is it usually preferred not to be 100% inflated?
- What feedback have you had from females regarding preference of inflation? Do they prefer 100/90 etc
- Is it possible to just inflate to 90% and be able to do oral/vaginal/anal, so that you don't have to keep inflating/deflating during the process? So that, if you used it for a one night stand, the woman would not be able to tell at all.

Thank you!

Re: How much do you inflate for each sexual act?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 2:36 am
by advaita

No noticeable difference in length and girth between 85 and 100%, if at all.

I believe there is no good reason to pump up 100% for sex in any position.
On the contrary, it prevents it from being too painful.
The 100% for me is only useful for inflation/deflation exercises and gaining a bit of size.
Never 100% for a report and the partner sees no difference.

As far as I'm concerned, being excited and engorged glans, I could almost penetrate without swelling!

Re: How much do you inflate for each sexual act?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 7:30 am
by gjmjoe017
I pump mine up 90-100% but experiment yourself and see what works best for you and your partner!

Re: How much do you inflate for each sexual act?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 9:35 am
by crazyjoe
I dunno , I have been pumping up to 100% cause I am not as big as some so I want to get get every millimeter I can, and I have not been getting complaints -- in fact she is enjoying it more than ever!

But in truth, I don't cum ever -- have to finish myself off the next day, which I don't really mind but with her it would be better. So either my nerves are still healing -- guys have said it can take up to a year -- or maybe if I was less pumped I would have a better chance. Guess I should experiment.

Re: How much do you inflate for each sexual act?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:15 am
by Flounder
aussiePeyronies wrote:Hi guys,

I am not yet implanted, but will be soon with a Titan.

Just wondering:

- I've read a lot mixed reviews where people inflate to full 100%, others to about 85-90%... Is there much of a difference in length/girth? and I am guessing the benefit is that, at 85/90%, the penis is more malleable, so a woman can grind on it in cowgirl position etc

- Is there any difference in please or sensations if not fully inflated?
- for oral and anal sex, is it usually preferred not to be 100% inflated?
- What feedback have you had from females regarding preference of inflation? Do they prefer 100/90 etc
- Is it possible to just inflate to 90% and be able to do oral/vaginal/anal, so that you don't have to keep inflating/deflating during the process? So that, if you used it for a one night stand, the woman would not be able to tell at all.

Thank you!

The reason the reviews are so mixed is because there are so many variables in partner likes and dislikes. Also, there are no pressure gages on these devises so to even say 85%/90% is a very subjective comparison. I understand the curiosity but there isn’t a standard Titan hardness specification, for each sex act, that works for everyone. The general rule of thumb is start out with something less than max and then discretely add some pumps as the session heats up. This sort of mimics the way a natural erection works.

In general though, I think you’ll find a maxed out Titan will be harder and more rigid than your natural erections ever was. What you can do with your new found hardness and adjustability will become pretty evident once you start cycling.

Re: How much do you inflate for each sexual act?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:28 am
by frank66665
I don't remember if this or another thread someone said that inflating to 100% or 80% doesn't change length or girth, is this true?

Re: How much do you inflate for each sexual act?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:38 am
by Craigohbig
frank66665 wrote:I don't remember if this or another thread someone said that inflating to 100% or 80% doesn't change length or girth, is this true?

100% is definitely bigger…at the end of the pumping range there is a measurable difference with one single pump either way. I’ve measured religiously during every cycle for an entire year. Now I don’t believe a lady will ever know the difference in 1/8”-3/16” of an inch. Most men I know don’t understand measurements

Re: How much do you inflate for each sexual act?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:57 am
by advaita
As far as I'm concerned, no significant change between 80 and 100%. (That what I said above).
It may be of the order of mm.
On the other hand, at 100%, the pain can make its appearance and spoil the moment.

Re: How much do you inflate for each sexual act?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:16 pm
by DonDon
As I am using the AMS, it may not be a direct comparison, but...
For sex: Starting from completely flaccid, it takes about 10 pumps to get to max inflation. I can tell when no more is going into the cylinders because the inflation bulb gets as hard as the cylinders. For sex I use 10 pumps, sometimes 9 when it feels maxed out. It is rock hard at 10 pumps. So each pumping action is comparable to adding 10%. I've never had any pain from max inflation. In fact, I've left in inflated for hours (3 or 4, maybe more) with no adverse effect. I sometimes sleep through the night pumped up to 10 (like after sex) with no problems. I find that inflating every day to 10 pumps for at least an hour keeps the length consistent. I only pump it down when I have to put on clothes. It's great to walk around naked or in just a T-shirt with my penis at max attention. The ladies, remembering that men with erections are "turned on" and ready for sex, and forgetting that I can control my "erection" at will, think I am a horny old man ready for intercourse. I can use it like signal that I want sex. It is common for them to want to touch it or hold it. The only problem with having 10 pumps in is that pissing gets difficult. It is so rigid that it's hard to aim at the toilet.

Pre-sex: I usually add 3 to 4 pumps to get it hard enough to have some fun letting her play with it. It is very flexible at 3 to 4 pumps, but is about the same length as 10 pumps, just softer. It is great for watching a movie and just letting her play with it while we watch. Pissing is no problem since it is still very flexible.

With clothes: I have to let it down when dressed because clothes make it assume an uncomfortable bend if too inflated. However, it is very comfortable to have it inflated 1 or 2 pumps when clothed and I usually move around during the day this way. It seems that a small inflation allows me to position it better in my pants. I can go for days at 1 to 2 pumps.

My only continuing complaint with my implant is that the head does not swell up with inflation like a true erection. But 90% of an erection is still good enough for me.

Re: How much do you inflate for each sexual act?

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 3:57 pm
by SteveSW
For oral, I prefer to have some flex to my dick, so I inflate to maybe 75% I would guess. For anal, I want it as stiff as I can get it, so 100%. To jerk off, it depends on whether it's just by hand, or I'm using toys. With some experimentation, you figure out what feels and works best.