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My Implant story

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 12:07 pm
by Mr Timex
I haven't had an erection in years. 72, diabetic with other diseases. I had tried all of the Viagra type pills which just gave me headaches. I tried tri-mix injections and they had little effect. I finally decided to have an implant.
I had the surgery on Monday at Loyola Hospital in Maywood, IL. Since I use catheters to urinate, the doctor had me stay overnight in the hospital. Surgery went well, I guess. I was sedated and woke up in the recovery room feeling dopey and not feeling any pain.
Moved to a room, I had an uneventful evening.
The next morning, the doctor's removed the Foley catheter and I made my first attempt to get up. My scrotum was aching. I was unaware that they had filed my jock Strap with a 4" thick bandage pad. I walked like John Wayne after riding horseback on a 20 mile posse.
Released from the hospital on Tuesday, my wife was kind enough to bring m some pajama pants.
The ride home, I asked her to take the smoothest roads she could find and was appreciative of her effort to do that. As I hadn't yet managed a bowel movement, I didn't have much appetite. I started applying a cold back to my swollen region, 20 minutes at a time.
Wednesday morning as I was getting ready to shower, I took off the jock for the first time and found the offending cotton wad. In the mirror I saw my black and blue, hugely swollen balls in the mirror. No one had mentioned that beforehand. Scary looking. I tried to have a bowel movement but found our oval shaped toilet seats were painful to sit on. I did manage to get a bit out but my stomach was rumbling a great deal with little to show. My wife had to put on my socks.
Today, Thursday, I was able to go, thank God. I'm feeling a it more limber. I managed to put on one sock, the other will have to wait.
That's all for now.

Re: My Implant story

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 3:27 pm
by DougAnd
So far sounds about right. My scrotum was purple on and off for about 2 weeks. So keep your butt elevated. You already showered? They must have used glue stitches. I was impotent for 2 years before I pulled the trigger. Why did you wait so long? What implant did you get and what size with rear tip extenders? How soon did your doctor say to wait before inflation and sex?

Re: My Implant story

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:13 pm
by Mr Timex
I see the doctor 14 days after surgery for follow up. They anticipate first inflation will be 6-8 weeks in. I have no idea what dimensions are of the implant.

Re: My Implant story

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 8:12 pm
by cwatt1
Revived wrote:I haven't had an erection in years. 72, diabetic with other diseases. I had tried all of the Viagra type pills which just gave me headaches. I tried tri-mix injections and they had little effect. I finally decided to have an implant.
I had the surgery on Monday at Loyola Hospital in Maywood, IL. Since I use catheters to urinate, the doctor had me stay overnight in the hospital. Surgery went well, I guess. I was sedated and woke up in the recovery room feeling dopey and not feeling any pain.
Moved to a room, I had an uneventful evening.
The next morning, the doctor's removed the Foley catheter and I made my first attempt to get up. My scrotum was aching. I was unaware that they had filed my jock Strap with a 4" thick bandage pad. I walked like John Wayne after riding horseback on a 20 mile posse.
Released from the hospital on Tuesday, my wife was kind enough to bring m some pajama pants.
The ride home, I asked her to take the smoothest roads she could find and was appreciative of her effort to do that. As I hadn't yet managed a bowel movement, I didn't have much appetite. I started applying a cold back to my swollen region, 20 minutes at a time.
Wednesday morning as I was getting ready to shower, I took off the jock for the first time and found the offending cotton wad. In the mirror I saw my black and blue, hugely swollen balls in the mirror. No one had mentioned that beforehand. Scary looking. I tried to have a bowel movement but found our oval shaped toilet seats were painful to sit on. I did manage to get a bit out but my stomach was rumbling a great deal with little to show. My wife had to put on my socks.
Today, Thursday, I was able to go, thank God. I'm feeling a it more limber. I managed to put on one sock, the other will have to wait.
That's all for now.

I'm almost certain you're right! We were roommates at Loyola! Glad you're starting to feel better. I'm swollen as hell too -- my scrotum is completely purple and I've got bruising that extends from my pubic area all the way to my thighs. I've got a photo on my post about my journey. I've still got quite an ache. Per discharge instructions, I've been pulling my scrotum down in the shower every morning. I think I can feel the pump, but it seems to be on th left side of my scrotum. My follow up is August 17 -- I'm not sure whether I'll start cycling at that point or not. Lets keep in touch and compare notes.

Re: My Implant story

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2022 8:27 pm
by Mr Timex
I was able to get my other sock on. Scheduled to go to a meeting this evening I decided to skip it and stayed home. I feel like my body is fighting off an infection. Got a little chilled even though it’s 80 degrees.
Trying to keep my mind off of the swelling, I’ve spent several hours in the last two days switching our home tv from Sling back to Comcast. Now I can once again watch the Cubs lose.

Re: My Implant story

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 12:11 am
by Txagq8
You guys done about the same time….communicate and compare notes. It helps.

Or at least it seemed to, back 2 1/2 years ago. There were 3 of us who got bionicized about the same time….one guy in Tennessee, one down by New Orleans, and me over in Austin. We even talked on phone, seems like we might have compared photos…but we were kind of our own little ad hoc support group. I haven’t talked to or seen them on here in a while but last I knew we all still agreed that it was life changing, absolutely great improvement in quality of life, no regrets of any kind.

The guy in Tennessee’s wife was a nurse. She kept him iced down after an overnight stay in hospital. I had let my wife go see family in Louisiana before I told her I was finally getting this done. I was in at 6 am and having lunch at Chik-fil-A at 11 on the way home.Probably a good thing she was gone since I bruised so bad from knees to belly button….I accused the doctor of having had anesthesiologist knock me out then staff took turns running over me with an SUV in parking lot.

Nobody’s alike. Some bruise. Some don’t. Some hurt. Some never have any pain to speak of. Where we all seem to get back together, after a while, is the vast majority of us complain that we waited so long to have it done.

I’m fully retired now, for the most part. I try to hit the gym 4-5 days a week. I’m the 66 year old ripped guy with the sizable bulge in his gym shorts. After years of maybe worrying about my erectile ability making me less of a man…I honestly believe I can chew nails and spit carpet tacks.

I wish both of you a speedy and full recovery and great sex. Don’t get me wrong….cycling to get your size back is agonizingly slow at times but it does work. There may be hiccups along the way. But typically, at this point it’s all gonna just keep getting better.

Re: My Implant story

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 11:03 am
by Mr Timex
The implant was installed four days ago. I can bend over easier today. I had dropped something the other day and had to leave it. Swelling is still quite noticeable. In the shower this morning I can feel the self dissolving stitches are still there. The additional glue is starting to dissolve. I lost 3 1/2 pounds since yesterday and I’m hoping to stay “regular” now.
They told me to start pulling on the “valve” but I’m not sure where it is. I can’t tell what’s “me” and what’s “it”. A few more day’s perhaps. I didn’t ask many technical questions when I scheduled the surgery so everything is news to me. I got wondering where the incisions are, how they installed it and how they will fill the reservoir when it gets activated.
This morning I remembered a fitting song for my current condition.

Re: My Implant story

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 11:31 am
by NevadaEd
No joke about pulling on the valve. I didn't pursue that aggressive enough and now I have scar tissue attached to it holding it up against my body which causes a lot of discomfort.

Re: My Implant story

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 11:35 am
by Mr Timex
Where is the valve? Is it at the front or back of the Scotsman?

Re: My Implant story

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2022 11:42 am
by gjmjoe017
Revived wrote:Where is the valve? Is it at the front or back of the Scotsman?

I’m assuming you’re referring to the pump/release valve,where ever it settles in the scrotum,mine is between my balls in the middle.