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Idiots that don’t have a implant

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 6:28 am
To many idiots here with opinions on something they no nothing about. If you don’t like plants gtfo imo. When I have sex the girl squirts on my dick. They don’t even know I have a implant unless I inflate in front of them. They suck, they piv sex and they never know that I’m implanted. I don’t even give a shit at this point. Don’t listen to the dumb asses this is a awesome solution. If you just sit there looking at the girl weird as you get head your gonna weird her out. Get it done and forget about it. Too many dumb boys here that don’t even know and will continue to be pessimistic haters. Come at me

Re: Idiots that don’t have a implant

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:47 am
by FreddyFree
My advice: Don’t drink and type.

Re: Idiots that don’t have a implant

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 8:06 am
by Elyrev
I agree with the message, however not the delivery.

Re: Idiots that don’t have a implant

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 9:33 am
by defiant
Not implanted.

But I agree with your sentiment. So many naysayers who know sod all.

It’s a great solution and the vast majority of literature and user feedback supports that.

Re: Idiots that don’t have a implant

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 9:39 am
by SquadCaptain74
Title of this forum: IMPLANTS

Agree there are more people complaining without cause than praising the pump. Way too much latrine lawyers thinking they are smarter than those who've done the research; completed the process; and are proselytizing the performance.

Take most of what you read on here as half truths. There are alot of great success stories and helpful information to be gleaned. Avoid the noise.

Re: Idiots that don’t have a implant

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 12:54 pm
by Flounder
Elyrev wrote:I agree with the message, however not the delivery.


I’m not implanted yet, but it’s not for lack of want or my IQ. My surgery was postponed a year but as soon as my cardiologist clears me, I’ll be back on the Dr’s schedule. Thanks to the many positive contributions and information provided here.

I’ve been reading FT regularly for several years and contributing where I can. However recently I’ve noticed more “Doom & Gloom” type threads. Makes me suspicious there may be some trolls just stirring the pot so to speak.

Re: Idiots that don’t have a implant

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 1:39 pm
by frank66665
stay calm guys, this is a forum I hope not DICTORIAL with a single thought, I hope it is a DEMOCRATIC forum, everyone can express their thoughts and feelings, there is no need to OFFEND those who do not have a system or who arises some questions because imminent to implant, as friend FreddyFree said put down the glass and keyboard, count to 10 before typing offenses against people who have different views from yours, we all implanted and we do not hope that things go well at who undergoes an implant, God knows how I hope so since I see myself very close to the event, and I do not hide my fears and perplexities, I conclude by saying to let everyone do their question and observation, the comparison serves to open the mind not to quarrel

Re: Idiots that don’t have a implant

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:41 pm
by newbie443
This is a difficult decision to make. Fear of the unknown is a powerful thing to overcome for some of us. So men will sometimes just keep asking all kinds of things while they are deciding about this. Maybe some of us were a little like that before we made our own decision. Best thing I have found to do is just not read all of a thread or for sure not to reply if there is little I have to post to help. But that also limits your knowledge. I does get frustrating answering the same questions over and over again. But some direction for new members to use the search function and then go over to the general section and do as much reading as they can that is relevant to them. Then if they have questions on things they are not able to find with a search and the first couple of pages of posts they can ask better questions. Of course some things are about a problem that is happening now and should not wait to post a question.

For me the thing that is going on is we have a number of men who are having a really difficult problem making a decision. I saw information published that almost 50% of men who have ED tell no one. I was one of those for a long time. Lots of emotion with this. Fear, anger, and many others.

Just my point of view on this and I could be way off on this as I do not read every post or remember all the details members post. Just something for folks to think about.

Good luck to everyone no matter where you are with this.

Re: Idiots that don’t have a implant

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:05 pm
by Cnidium
Early 30s, implanted.

Are there risks. Yes. If you make the right choices and due diligence are the probabilities of complication low - yes.

I encourage other younger guys to maximize your income, your mindset, your health - that way the problem of getting an implant becomes trivial. Any issues you can and will solve.

Re: Idiots that don’t have a implant

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 5:13 pm
by DougAnd
Despite the hoops and challenges my IPP has created. Hey, I've had nearly 4 years more of enjoyable sex with my implant than I would ever have had without it. Doesn't get much better. Right guys!:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P