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Revision surgery

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 5:43 pm
by jimmi85
I am meeting with a new surgeon next Tuesday to determine how botched my first surgery was in February. I am very undersized and he will likely suggest a revision with a larger implant.

For my first surgery I was off work for just over two weeks and was unable to sit down for the first five weeks.

I understand a revision is harder for the surgeon but easier for the patient - I would also imagine it will only be the cylinders that get replaced.

For anyone who has had one or multiple revisions, how did your recovery compare to your initial surgery?

Re: Revision surgery

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 3:29 pm
by DougAnd
Very sorry to hear about your situation. We all expect every doctor to be on their game every time especially our time. But that is just not the case. I have to assume that when they replace your cylinders they will also replace your pump. They might replace your Reservoir just depends. I had a revision 4 months after surgery. The doctor wanted to replace my cylinders but I told him I had distal crossover and I did not want to take a chance of making it worse so he only replaced my pump so that I could use my prosthesis. That surgery went well it was on I think a Wednesday he sealed my incision with surgical glue and I went back to work the following Monday. Never had any soreness to speak of. Of course yours will be more severe because they're replacing your cylinders and we'll have to open up your inner layers of skin inside of your penis again. Hope this helps good luck

Re: Revision surgery

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 3:53 pm
by Wiggles123
Had 2 revisions, and both were somewhat easier than the initial implant (but this is attestable to also having a scrotal plasty at my first operation - my scrotum was VERY unhappy). The 2 revision surgeries were as traumatic to my penis but the scrotal pain was much less. My surgeon removed the pump pouch each time (my new surgeon that did the 3rd implant said the first surgeon should have reused the pump pouch... All worked out in the end.