Will Schedule Next Month

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Will Schedule Next Month

Postby DaveKell » Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:17 pm

Just got back from last appointment with uro to discuss implant procedure. He assured me that after ten years of ED issues and BP meds there is nothing that can be done to reverse the changes that have taken place in my body that brought on the ED. All the pills and strongest doses of Trimix have been a failure that have left me shattered with this issue. I brought up issues I learned about here including loss of length and the tips of the inflatable tubes not reaching into the glans. He said he has done over 400 procedures and only had a few where the tips didn't go into the glans and required a revision. As for loss of length, his theory is most men who have had ED for any length of time have already lost length they aren't aware of because they haven't had an erection. He told me there is no way to do an implant that doesn't result in some loss of length, but he assured me it is minimal. He stretched me out to show me the length I would have. At least I was already aware of the loss of length I've had and would be satisfied with what he showed me. I asked him if there was anything else at all that could be done to reverse this issue, no matter how remote and he reiterated that I am out of options at this point. The testosterone I've been injecting every week only produces a very detrimental blood panel result that shows a natural erection is out of the question. I even stopped taking my BP meds a year ago to try and see if that would do it. I was willing to risk a stroke to reverse this. I'm done with this craziness. He told me in no uncertain terms I am going to be in a lot of pain. I am already a chronic pain patient on daily narcotics but still have a lot of breakthru pain because I keep reducing my dosage. He said he would adequately address my pain relief issues after the surgery. I told him about this forum and how the guys who are happy with the implant are very happy with it. I also mentioned all the issues that have led to disappointment and he assured me he hasn't encountered them, with the exception of the few revisions that have been required. All in all, I feel like I am in good hands. He said he keeps his patients in the hospital overnight with a drain installed. I've had the drains after nearly all of the previous 18 major abdominal surgeries I've had. He said he believes this gets the healing off to a better start. I'd really rather go home afterwards and avoid adding to my mounting medical bills. Do his comments sound plausible to you guys?
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

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Re: Will Schedule Next Month

Postby antelope » Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:55 pm

Yes. I've not had implant surgery, but I've read a lot about it. Yes, he sounds plausible. But listen to some of the better experts.

Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Will Schedule Next Month

Postby DaveKell » Wed Sep 19, 2012 7:59 am

I forgot to mention another interesting thing the uro told me on pre-op consult. He said an implant grows a "capsule" around it inside your body. Any of you ever been told this? I told him many of my 18 major surgeries have been due to adhesion complications following abdominal surgery, I've been told by a couple surgeons I produce a prolific amount of adhesions. Google abdominal adhesions if you want to learn about the nightmares I've experienced. I asked him if this capsule was similar to an adhesion, which is fundamentally scar tissue. If so, this would cause me grave concern. He said no, it's more like the amniotic sac a baby grows in! This is just sounding more and more gruesome to me. I've been in some incredible pain in the past and have routinely lived with pain that would have crippled a lot of guys, that's why I'm being treated daily for chronic pain. The uro said the pain of this implant WILL BE some of the worst I've ever experienced as a foreign object is being placed into the most sensitive part of a man's anatomy. How long until you can't detect that you have this foreign invader inside you?
Became DaveKell 2.0 on July 18th with Dr. Allen Morey in Dallas, TX. AMS 700 CX implant. 18cm with 5.5 RTE's.

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Re: Will Schedule Next Month

Postby rlm1818 » Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:06 am

As far as pain, that seems to vary greatly from one person to another. See "My implant with Dr Eid", for my experience, which I think was much easier than most.

As far as how reasonable the Dr's comments are, especially as to your specific case, the best way to test that is to get a second opinion consult. I visited more than one surgeon before deciding, and I felt that was extremely helpful in my case. I would recommend that to anyone who has even the slightest doubt about either his surgeon, or about the procedure generally.

I would also pick, as at least one consult, one of the world class surgeons who has done thousands of these procedures. There are a number around the country. In my case, I picked the one that was easiest for me to get to, though that meant an airplane ride to get there. Visiting someone like that might reinforce your decision to use your local surgeon and to have the procedure. Then again, as it did with me, it might cause you to reconsider your initial choice of surgeon.
22cm Coloplast Titan OTR implanted Feb 2012 by Dr Francois Eid in NYC.
Initial implant experience here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1308

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Re: Will Schedule Next Month

Postby buckshot » Wed Sep 19, 2012 9:08 am

Dave...I'm 78 years old and had my implant six weeks ago...at this point the implant just feels like it's always been there and is a part of my body that's always been there. Next week I go back to my uro/surgeon and start the inflate-deflate procedure...it's been partially inflated ever since the surgery. Like you, none of the ED erection aids worked for me and, although I am an "old dog" in years, I still am looking forward to quite a few more years of chasing my wife around the bed. The implant surgery was not a piece of cake, but it also was not extremely difficult to go through. I think you are doing exactly the right thing and I hope you get the results that you are hoping for...I feel sure that you will. Your doctor sounds like a good one...listen to him and take his advice...and keep us posted on your progress.......JOE 8-)

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