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Long term pain after recovery

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 9:14 am
by iwantanewone
good morning guys…

Having surgery soon…AMS 700cx…..anyone that’s had surgery more than 6 months ago still having lasting pain after the discussed recovery time? I’m expecting 6 months + of being uncomfortable but I don’t want to have forever pain/uncomfortableness . I just want to recover and forget about it.. I have a great high volume surgeon so hoping for the best outcome.

Re: Long term pain after recovery

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 9:33 am
by cbinspok
For me and most other guys the worst is over in a few weeks then a month slips by … your healing. You will feel different but ok, at a few months you still note the thin tubes and the pump. More over you will be so happy with your new junk that any minor pain blips will not bother you. At a year you will be whole and so glad you did it!…and your memory of it all will soften.

Re: Long term pain after recovery

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 10:15 am
by SteveSW
I'm 15 months out and I was almost pain free at 8 weeks. The only pain I had was my scrotum which was uncomfortable (not really painful) for about 4 months and after an hour or so at max inflation I would get a sharp pain at one of the cylinder tips in my glans. Over the next few months, my balls got used to their new roommate and I can stay fully inflated for several hours with no pain. No two men heal the same, but you will most likely be in good shape at a few weeks. Good luck!

Re: Long term pain after recovery

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 6:19 pm
by iwantanewone
Thanks guys….doesn’t sound too bad….. waiting for my May 17th surgery and hoping not too much pain for the rest of my life…

Anyone else?

Re: Long term pain after recovery

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 7:40 pm
by SWorks17
Everybody seems to be different with how they heal, at 10 weeks I was feeling pretty good with very little pain unless I pumped it up to the max which I could bear for about 30 to 40 minutes. At 10 weeks I was back on my road bike and to my relief no problems with the third nut getting in the way or causing pain, I've put in 1,800 miles since then. Now that I'm 5 months from my first device training which was 13 Dec 2021, I can pump it up to 35 to 40 times and have no discomfort until it goes past an hour of inflation. Sometimes I can get almost 50 pumps, the last 10 are half pumps. I continue to get better.

Do exactly what the doctor tells you to do and don't pick up anything over 5 or 10 pounds after surgery, you'll pay for it the next few days with pain. I did it a couple of times thinking that I could handle something light.

At three months I was taking a lot of warm sits baths, inflating to 20 pumps to stretch my penis in all directions holding the base and then inflating to the max that I could handle for at least an hour. That seems to help a lot.

Good Luck,
reach out with any questions after you have surgery

Re: Long term pain after recovery

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 11:35 pm
by NothingIsOver
Ironically, I just started a thread on here about still dealing with pain over one year after my surgery. I don't think this is typical though. I wish you better luck in this regard than I have had.

Re: Long term pain after recovery

Posted: Fri May 06, 2022 12:32 pm
by MK1965
I used my first implant first time PO day 71. I continued to have pain, pain on and off till I had my revision 27 months later. As some remember: I had right RTE cross over to my left crus and I am sure that was source of pain in my case.
After revision all pains and aches are gone by end of 4 weeks.
It was no pain with cycling and no performance pain ever.
Very satisfied with results and functionality.
God bless my doctor.