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Recovery Question

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:12 am
by Gamer82

First time poster here. I’ve been living with ED for about 10 years now due to my T1 diabetes. It’s really kept me from dating or pursuing any relationship so I think it’s time for an implant. Im 40yo and meeting the surgeon in a month. I was wondering how much time you all requested off work. I had two shoulder surgeries and took 2 1/2 weeks for those. Is that about the length of time you all needed or should I request a little longer? Thanks!

Re: Recovery Question

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:26 am
by alfa88
I would pose that question to your doctor. However, It kind of boils down to your threshold of pain. After 2 weeks I was pretty much pain free but my instructions were no lifting anything for 10 days and light exercise for a couple more weeks. It also depends on what type of work. If you have a desk job and no pain I see no problem. If you have to move around a lot or do lifting probably a week to 10 days more. Just my amateur opinion. You're going to want 'that' area super clean and dry.

Re: Recovery Question

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:38 am
I sit at a desk at home in front of a computer all day for work, and still took two weeks off to recover from my implant surgery.

When I had my Nissen fundoplication for acid reflux, I had to take three weeks off. And that recovery was WAY WORSE than my implant recovery.

Re: Recovery Question

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:42 am
by newbie443
Gamer82 wrote:Hello,

First time poster here. I’ve been living with ED for about 10 years now due to my T1 diabetes. It’s really kept me from dating or pursuing any relationship so I think it’s time for an implant. Im 40yo and meeting the surgeon in a month. I was wondering how much time you all requested off work. I had two shoulder surgeries and took 2 1/2 weeks for those. Is that about the length of time you all needed or should I request a little longer? Thanks!

Welcome to the site. I was not working when I had mine done. It really depends on the job you do and the doctor you have. You will be on a weight lifting restriction for some time. The doctor makes a hole to insert the reservoir and that needs to close and heal so stuff will not come out through that hole. This would be a good question to ask the doctor(s) you interview for this. Doctors can vary a lot for this and it is worth taking some time reading in the general section of this forum in the documents worth reading thread. Lots of good info in there on preventing size loss and even restoring some if you have any. Some doctors do not have a lot of interest in this surgery. They are just about giving you something and not doing the best they can for you. If you can ask the doctor if they do replacements or repairs. Many don't as it is more difficult. If the doctor does not do them ask where the doctor sends men who needs them. That would be the next place I would look for a doctor to do this. You have a month so do some reading and ask questions about anything you don't understand.

Re: Recovery Question

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:57 am
by RoboCock69
I was literally back to work the next day. Granted, I'm a programmer who works from home since Covid, but it's notable I felt well enough to work a full a day within 24 hours of my surgery. I was also going on long walks (with my doctor's encouragement) by day two. Perito is the man!

Re: Recovery Question

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 11:27 am
by Old Guy
Welcome to FT. You're going to get answers all over the board on this question.
Some guys are fortunate enough to heal quickly and head back to work in a week or two. Other guys end up taking a long time to heal or have soreness for months. I think your current health going in and your pain tolerance will determine how long you'll take to feel better.
Not to deter you, but my healing was terrible. Believe it was a reaction to the antibiotic on the cylinders that made me feel like my shaft had been sunburned. Also, the surgeon took excess skin off my too large sack that kept my incision sore for a month or so. Health wise I have no medical problems other than migraines, but I am a long-term smoker. Probably one reason why it took longer, nicotine deters healing.
Good luck on your future decision. Ask the surgeon all of the questions you want to know. Don't be shy because he's heard it all before, many times.

Re: Recovery Question

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 3:30 pm
by ventura
I would just take 1 month off. Peace of mind . Tell your employer .

Re: Recovery Question

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 5:40 pm
by jimmi85
I’m 37 and a type one diabetic so we are in similar positions. I had my Titan in February due to Peyronies and not ED although clearly it’s the same outcome.

With diabetics, as I’m sure you are aware we are more prone to infections and generally speaking our healing time is longer than those without diabetes.

I stopped smoking three months prior to my implant as well as drinking, basically gave my body the best possible chance to heal.

I think I did ok, was back at work ( estate agent / real estate ) 3 weeks later although could t sit at my desk or wear a suit until week 5. My swelling took longer to go down so I didn’t start to cycle until week 6 but now 9 weeks on I can’t even tell it’s there.

If you are overweight, go on a diet.
If you smoke, quit.
Get your five fruit and veg a day in
And just be healthy.

Re: Recovery Question

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:45 pm
by Lost Sheep
Gamer82 wrote:Hello,

First time poster here. I’ve been living with ED for about 10 years now due to my T1 diabetes. It’s really kept me from dating or pursuing any relationship so I think it’s time for an implant. Im 40yo and meeting the surgeon in a month. I was wondering how much time you all requested off work. I had two shoulder surgeries and took 2 1/2 weeks for those. Is that about the length of time you all needed or should I request a little longer? Thanks!

My work is sedentary - seated in front of a computer.

Stay horizontal as much as you can for as long as you can. This will shorten the recovery time. Standing up, moving around trying to do things will be uncomfortable and make it take longer before you are able to go back to work.

I could have gone back to work full-time after 14 days, but took 21 just because I was enjoying the time off and had the leave time available.

Re: Recovery Question

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:46 pm
by Time2Change
I was out 2 1/2 weeks.

My job entails being on my feet a lot, and it was tough for a while after I went back.