Ready for the next Chapter

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Ready for the next Chapter

Postby Comebackkid » Mon Oct 25, 2021 8:51 pm

I’ll keep this short and sweet. Please forgive any typos, as this is from my cell. Going bionic tomorrow at John Hopkins (yikes!!) I can truly say I have given this much thought and believe I have exhausted all reasonable options. I’m almost 50 and plan to get back to dating and exploring this new Chapter.
I was nervous was hell a couple a months ago when I received my surgery date, but I am actually excited and anxious to get the this done and move forward. I have confidence in my surgeon as he has been doing this for 30 years and don’t anticipate a rough recovery. But we will see.

I also think when you have realistic expectations, it is easier. I don’t expect every woman I encounter to appreciate the new me and that is OK because this is the road I choose. Anyway, I will share more afterwards, but many thanks to all of you who posted your experiences, frustrations, pros and cons. It enabled me to make an informed decision and have realistic expectations. I’ll be bionic when I return, lol…. Never in a million years did I foresee this in my future.
Oh and the last two weeks of work have been my least productive ever. I have been on FT and focusing on this only. Take care

silver daddy 1960
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Re: Ready for the next Chapter

Postby silver daddy 1960 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 9:23 pm

Congratulations!!! Take your meds and take it easy!! Keep us posted and we will be thinking of you tomorrow
63 yrs old, NYC, DR. Eid Titan Coloplast Dec 10, 2021

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Re: Ready for the next Chapter

Postby abhishek26 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:00 pm

Comebackkid wrote:I’ll keep this short and sweet. Please forgive any typos, as this is from my cell. Going bionic tomorrow at John Hopkins (yikes!!) I can truly say I have given this much thought and believe I have exhausted all reasonable options. I’m almost 50 and plan to get back to dating and exploring this new Chapter.
I was nervous was hell a couple a months ago when I received my surgery date, but I am actually excited and anxious to get the this done and move forward. I have confidence in my surgeon as he has been doing this for 30 years and don’t anticipate a rough recovery. But we will see.

I also think when you have realistic expectations, it is easier. I don’t expect every woman I encounter to appreciate the new me and that is OK because this is the road I choose. Anyway, I will share more afterwards, but many thanks to all of you who posted your experiences, frustrations, pros and cons. It enabled me to make an informed decision and have realistic expectations. I’ll be bionic when I return, lol…. Never in a million years did I foresee this in my future.
Oh and the last two weeks of work have been my least productive ever. I have been on FT and focusing on this only. Take care

Excited for you man! Update us with great news on the other side!
24 y/o suffering from sudden onset of severe ED (from previously having no ED at all). perfectly normal penile doppler and blood/hormone/urine test results. UPDATE: diagnosed with tight pelvic floor dysfunction :roll:

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Re: Ready for the next Chapter

Postby Txagq8 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:29 pm

I’ll be wishing and hoping and praying that your experience with implant surgery turns out to be as successful and uneventful as mine.

21 months after doing it, the word that comes to mind is anticlimactic.

I was expecting pain, misery, and all sorts of crap for a recovery. Bottom lines: you may have some bruising. You may have some soreness. It may take a while to get your size back (avoid the inclination to freak out about that). But in the hands of competent surgeons (and I suspect you can find those at John’s Hopkins if I can find one in flyover country) you truly have little to fear.

Optimism, patience, and a strong desire for a great outcome should be your focus. The surgery itself was not any worse than getting a hernia stitched up. Don’t try to be a hero after the procedure but don’t be an invalid just because you think it’s expected. Different guys respond way differently. Listen to your body.

Welcome to the club. You’re no different afterwards than before, except you now have a functional erectile system, compliments of medical technology. Don’t think of it as an alien device, think of it as an integral part of you.

Lots of mice and rats will be scurrying around in your brain, before and immediately after. If you need a listening ear, pm me for my cell #. You won’t be the first or last implanted I’ve talked to and calmed down.
Robust, adolescent 65 year old. Venous leakage forever. Used shots, shots+pills 30+ years. Married to same wife ~35 yrs. Implanted 31Dec2019 in Austin Tx. AMS 700 LGX 18 cm with 5 cm RTE.

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Re: Ready for the next Chapter

Postby rjdoan » Tue Oct 26, 2021 10:23 am

I hope your experience is as good as mine was. I was also implanted at Johns Hopkins--who is your doctor. I had a great experience, even as I walked into the OR and the nurse told me to get on the gurney and make sure my gown was in front. She said that I knew what to do. Stay in touch and best wishes.
Bob Doan
65 yo, Prostate Cancer - radiation therapy 2018, ED 20 years used pills, MUSE, trimix. Weekly testosterone injections for TRT. AMS 700 CX implanted Feb 12, 2021, 18/1, by Dr Herati, Johns Hopkins

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Re: Ready for the next Chapter

Postby Comebackkid » Wed Oct 27, 2021 7:54 am

Thx for all of the support and well wishes. Went bionic last night. Burnett is the surgeon. It was kind of difficult to get around last night, but I can already see the improvement this morning. I had to make a quick trip to the pharmacy for some additional gauze pads and could get around OK considering the procedure was done yesterday. I am taking pain killers so the pain is not too bad, but definitely experiencing a dull ache and soreness which is to be expected. Tomorrow I will attempt to manage without any pain killers and see how it goes.
Anyway, I have done quite a bit of moving around this morning, and didn’t get a whole lot of sleep , as I had to urinate every hour (I hope that subsides soon), so I am going back to sleep. I will definitely provide more details once I get settled

Also, if anyone is deterred because their health insurance provider lists this as a procedure that is not covered, I would urge you to still have your doctor submit the request for coverage. My plan clearly states this procedure is not covered and I had expected to switch insurance providers during the next open season and move forward with the surgery early next year, but was surprisingly informed that they covered all except 5k. This was when I became nervous as I had mentally prepared to do this next year, lol. I was still skeptical based upon my readings on this site where some insurance companies reversed decisions a week prior to the surgery, but here I am. I should definitely be set for the new year and looking forward to this new chapter.

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Re: Ready for the next Chapter

Postby cbinspok » Wed Oct 27, 2021 8:49 am

Welcome to the brothers CBK. Sounds like you are doing fine, Take it easy and rest the next 6 weeks are the hardest because you will see and feel your bright future and you want the healing to be over. It takes time.

67years,fighting ed for over twenty years. A sever break, vit E, pataba, Viagra, massage Ved cilas, and I'm tired- throwing in the towel, Op for implant Mar 18, 2021 AMS LGX 18 x12 + 1 3cm RTE, gained girth and length, very glad I took the hard step.

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Re: Ready for the next Chapter

Postby NorCol » Wed Oct 27, 2021 11:52 am

Scheduled for IPP in mid December. If I could swing it I'd willingly have it done tomorrow. Keep posting your recovery. Wishing you a quick healing.

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Re: Ready for the next Chapter

Postby Comebackkid » Thu Oct 28, 2021 1:19 pm

Day 2:
Went to bed early last night, kind of worn out. Work up at 4:30 am with mild discomfort, so took some Tylenol which was sufficient. It is still difficult sitting up from lying down, but once I am on my feet I can get around pretty well.

Received the OK to remove the drain (progress)

This is a chubby little sucker (lol). It was pointing straight out yesterday when released from the athletic support and my surgeon said I would be fully deflated for 6 weeks. Today after some of the swelling subsided it is pointing more downward. I expect the cylinders to be stiff for a while. Not much else to report right now. My focus for now is completing the healing process with no infections and having a properly well functioning implant. I will address size once I start cycling, but it def looks like I will have gained some girth.

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Re: Ready for the next Chapter

Postby Comebackkid » Sat Oct 30, 2021 2:02 am

Day 3:
Had not had a #2 in almost 4 days so went to the local grocery store and purchased some magnesium citrate as directed on the discharge papers to loosen things up. I probably drank this down at 6:00am and by 9:00 I spent a good 30 minutes in the bathroom. I’m not sure if it’s the side effect of the general anesthesia that had me constipated or some of the antibiotics I have been prescribed. We will see how things go on day 4 because my appetite has returned

I took a short walk and drove to the office to retrieve some items. Getting in and out of the car is still a slow process

The swelling is reducing, but my scrotum is still huge and sore. I did feel the cylinders and. Priced that they feel more rigid than expected when flaccid. This concerns me a little
Because I wonder how obvious they will be to a woman who is unaware. I was aware they will k know when or if they play with your balls, but now I am curious of others experience if the cylinders became obvious to someone. My cylinders are not visible, just rigid in its flaccid state. I am not cleared to cycle so don’t know what to expect beyond that.

Please share your experiences you may have regarding TiTAn cylinders. If they were discovered, very rigid at first, etc.

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