14 Day Out of becoming Bionic. Concerned questions

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14 Day Out of becoming Bionic. Concerned questions

Postby NeedWood » Wed Sep 01, 2021 6:57 pm

As I asked in my last post
Monday or Sunday I was just feeling below the base in top of the scrotum on the left sideand I felt like a “tip”. Like if the end of one of the cylinders that should be in the crux came out? I am I overthinking? Can it come out?
Also, I noticed on my left side of my “fat pad” it is hard. Can the reservoir drop down to that location? I am thinking I am feeling the inlet and outlet of the reservoir close to the top of my scrotum near the base of the penis.
Alittle background of my procedure: after the procedure I was in great pain when they wanted to discharge me. Cold sweats, and turning pale( not good when you’re part Native American). I had pain on the left side and near reservoir.The Uro deflated me. I have been deflated ever since. I was admitted over night for observation. At my 5 day checkup I was still tender there and pain level was 3-4 when pressure was applied there. Day 8 or 9 after procedure the pain was gone. Due to the holiday this Monday my next follow is a week from this coming Monday.
What are your thoughts?
I am going to call the urologist tomorrow about my concern.
Age: 47, Type II Diabetic, Discectomy L4,L5,S1 Nueropathy and sensory issues. ED ever since Oct. 2018 (2 1/2 yrs now) Viagra and Cialis no help. IPP scheduled for 8/18/2021

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Re: 14 Day Out of becoming Bionic. Concerned questions

Postby Txagq8 » Wed Sep 01, 2021 7:50 pm

Let me address the hard pubic fat pad.

Short answer: it’s swollen. Let it heal.

Historical version: had my implant put in Dec 31, 2019. Everything went well and things were good, according to surgeon.

I went back at the two week mark (and was told I could have sex if and when I felt ready) and was somewhat disturbed by size. I kept trying to take a bone pressed measurement (compare apples to apples) but the area where the fat pad would be was hard as a rock. No way in hell im going to press for 3/4 to an inch of extra length. I was looking at 5 visible inches and no pressable fat pad and that’s nearly 2 inches from where we started so WTF is going on?

The PA in the surgeon’s office swore it was swelling and would go away and he was right. It was so gradual it was not really noticeable as to when the fat pad was back.

I suppose anything is possible and not looking at it (thanks, but I’ll pass) I can’t say it isn’t the reservoir. To be honest I think I know where mine is but I’m not certain. Anyhow, the swelling right above penis, where you mash to find the pubic bone, is about the last swelling to dissipate. Mine was hard as a rock and took a long time to resolve.
Age 68. Physically fit educated red neck in Texas. Very married. 23 cm (18+5) of LGX installed by Dr. Bryan Kansas 12/31/2019. I fought the ED and my wife & I won. I’m either full of shit or sound advice. You decide which.

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