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Best case recovery

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 8:29 pm
by aslanglobal
Hi guys,
I'm pre-op. I'm a younger guy and was previously training vigorously to be a pro bodybuilder. After a urologist showed my bloodflow was damaged due to two hospitalizations due to priaprism, it seems an implant is the best way to go. How long post surgery would I be able to get back to the gym for lighter workouts with weights? One month? 6 weeks? I know everyone is different and I'm not going to do something stupid like workout too soon and destroy the implant. Thanks for sharing your experiences/thoughts.

Re: Best case recovery

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 8:39 pm
by wolfpacker
A lot of doctors release you to have sex again at the 3 week mark. I know that's not working out but it should give you a datapoint for how fast things heal.
On a side note, your signature says your size is 7x7.5? Is that natural? That is insane

Re: Best case recovery

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 8:57 pm
by tomas1
Obviously I really can't say, but I'd guess you could go back to light workouts after 1 month.
I felt like I had a hernia where they inserted the reservoir into my abdomen.
That's why I'd advise light workouts until any discomfort is past.

I realize I'm older and may have healed slower, but I had that discomfort for several months.

Re: Best case recovery

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 10:08 pm
by OregonStrong
I lift heavy weights a lot at the gym regularly, I was probably back to doing my regular routines at about 4 weeks. I probably could do some lighter things like arm curls, triceps by 2 weeks though without any problem with soreness. Really for me just being upright in general for a few weeks after surgery my penis would swell a bit, but that was whether I worked out or not. I don't think lifting weights worsened it by any means.

Re: Best case recovery

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:02 am
by boots1959
I went back to the gym after 6 weeks. Started with lighter weights and upper body only. My surgeon advised me to be careful due to the risk of a hernia. Any exercise that gave me discomfort I stopped and retried some time later.
1 exercise I have stopped is back extensions using a roman chair, I can always feel the implant reservoir when doing this son now use a lower back machine with no discomfort.

Re: Best case recovery

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 5:18 am
by dhiker99
I started back climbing and running 10 mile races after 4 weeks. Was back at full power in 7 weeks.

Re: Best case recovery

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:21 am
by Hrc714
For me: Upper body isolation was at 4 weeks. Lower body isolation at 6 weeks. Core took about 3 months. Power lifting was not in my workout, but suspect that would require even more time. I would suggest start light, but after 4 weeks light will feel heavy.