This is Starting to Annoy Me!

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This is Starting to Annoy Me!

Postby barrylandon » Fri Jan 15, 2021 6:55 pm

I'm starting to get annoyed by guys who haven't had an implant yet making comments as if they are experts on what it's like AFTER implementation. They don't have a clue. I have absolutely no objection to pre-implantees asking good questions to learn more about implants (that have not already been topics of discussion on this forum ad nauseum) but if you're a guy like this, please stop insulting members by posting your "expert" opinions on post-op situations. Thank you!
Implanted 5/6/20 by Dr. Jesse Mills at UCLA; AMS 700 LGX 18 cm w/2 cm RTEs. I'm 76 & fit but had ED for 20 years. Pills/injections ultimately failed, including 3 ER trips for Priapism; Shockwave & embryonic stem cell therapies didn't help either.

Lost Sheep
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Re: This is Starting to Annoy Me!

Postby Lost Sheep » Fri Jan 15, 2021 9:02 pm

Sorry you are annoyed at people trying to help. Even if they are off-base, good intentions (in my opinion) count for something. Maybe not much, but something.

As far as insulting members by providing opinions of an experience I have not had yet: Before my implant, I did a lot of research, learned much that was useful (which I shared here) and after implant I continue to share information I find, regardless of whether or not I have first-hand knowledge.

Here is a saying: "The wise man learns from his experiences. The TRULY wise man learns from the experiences of others." I don't need to fall off a cliff to know it would hurt, so I will advise others to not fall off cliffs.

In my seeking an implant, I tried my best to learn from others (by reading FrankTalk, peer-reviewed medical journals and watching interviews with implantees on YouTube and interviews with Drs Kramer, Eid, Perito etc.) I did not need an implant to form valid (and, I think valuable) opinions on the matter.

My primary care doctor commented to me that I knew more about E.D. and its treatments (including implants) than he did. My surgeon commented to me (and to his assistant) that I was the most informed patient he had ever had. All that BEFORE I had an implant, I knew what to expect of it. Experience with mine has confirmed my opinions on the matter were correct.

Thanks for reading, barrylandon. I hope you will take this in the kind vein in which it is offered. I would have sent it in a PM, but I wanted to avoid a chilling effect on offerings of well-intentioned of informed but not-yet experienced participants.

Caveat: To those well intentioned, informed but not-yet-experienced participants who wish to offer advice and opinions. DO TAKE barrylandon's sentiments to heart. Thoroughly vet the information you receive and post, PLEASE. If you contribute mistaken information it does not help - it hurts.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Re: This is Starting to Annoy Me!

Postby Gt1956 » Fri Jan 15, 2021 10:21 pm

Nice post LS. I should plead guilty to sometimes writing in too authoritative of language. Generally I try to use words that convey lack of first hand experience. Like think, should, seems or likely.
Like you (LS) during my visit with my proposed surgeon. He commented that my understanding & use of words correctly was good. Even the pronunciation was pretty decent. Btw, I lack good clarity on some pronunciations. If this darned Covid thing will lighten up I would really like another visit with him. I have been making a list of topics to go over.
In an effort to let guys know how to proceed in trying times I've posted about some obstacles to my surgery. Being stuck in that taint zone of not quite having Medicare has been awkward. Covid has been icing on the cake. I have good health insurance that I'm allowed to carry thru my retirement but it isn't cheap. Discussing my upcoming 65th birthday with my primary care doctor. Who is a great guy but really knows very little about implants. We both agreed that getting insurance approval from my health insurance so close to the onset of Medicare was unlikely. Not wanting to get bashed about the denial process I decided to wait. Of course Covid has gotten worse in the mean time. Time will tell when I get a card for Medicare & it becomes effective. Then I need a break in Covid restrictions.
I too share some of Barrylandon's gripes. I've felt very little need to ask questions. Litterally everything has been asked before I got here. The search function is your friend.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: This is Starting to Annoy Me!

Postby SW0110 » Sat Jan 16, 2021 1:38 am

Everybody gets an opinion. Just some are actually more valid than others. A national news agency paraded expert after expert on tv last summer to say no covid vaccines would be ready before the end of 2021 no matter what our govt said. We got 3 before the end of 2020. Their opinions were wrong.

You are ready for an implant when you are ready. I agree with Barry though that some people on here and other sites bash the option of implants. Really. This site says IMPLANTS. If you are here, this is something you are thinking of. There are many posts of persons on here stating in the days after the implant they are unhappy then over time take those comments back and end up saying they should have been more patient. Anyone who has had a knee surgery knows you do not wake up after it and go run a marathon. If you expect that you are being unrealistic. ED and peyronies did not happen over night and is not fixed overnight.

If you can get an erection for sex or just masturbation, I am happy for you if you are. Do not worry about an implant. If you cannot get an erection this is a damn good option.

Nope it is not your pre ED dick, but not to far from it. Yes you have to live with a pump in your sac. You might feel some tubing at the base of your dick. If you are not pumped and a woman is doing oral or a hand job feeling around. yep she might feel both the pump and tubing at times.

If I am horny and into sex with my dick engorged, you do not feel any tips or cylinders in my shaft. Nothing. If you push around at the base you can feel some tubing going to pump.

I would only say.

Do not bad mouth implants if you do not have one.if you have a bad experience with one or a doc after about 6 weeks after getting one, yep let us know. That way anyone thinking about getting one has valid information to question their doc about.

If you have a bad time the day after surgery, yep write it down, and let us know. It is something others could expect. You might be like me though. I had very few issues with either my initial implant or the revision. So my opinion was really the implant was the easiest surgery I ever had, and I have had several.

So I would just say.

Don't knock it till you try it. If you tried it let us know. Good or bad.

I will say, If you read the posts, most dissatisfaction comes from a bad surgery or not understanding this is not your pre ed dick.
18 cm plus 1 rte titan installed March 2019. Revision March 2020 by Dr. Andrew Todd, Richmond KY. He replaced the titan with an AMS 700 LGX 18 cm cylinder plus 2 rte for 20 cm total length.

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Re: This is Starting to Annoy Me!

Postby barrylandon » Sat Jan 16, 2021 2:04 am

I too was a walking encyclopedia of researched knowledge prior to my implantation and my surgeon made similar comments to me as oldbeek's did to him. I am not advocating for those guys considering an implant to not be likewise informed on FT and elsewhere. They absolutely should be educated before making the decision to go forward with implantation. As I said in my original post, my beef is with posters who have not yet had the surgery making comments about what it FEELS LIKE TO HAVE AN IMPLANT. Ask plenty of questions, which is how we can best help them, but I would appreciate if they did not pontificate about something they really can't know until they have an implant themselves.
Implanted 5/6/20 by Dr. Jesse Mills at UCLA; AMS 700 LGX 18 cm w/2 cm RTEs. I'm 76 & fit but had ED for 20 years. Pills/injections ultimately failed, including 3 ER trips for Priapism; Shockwave & embryonic stem cell therapies didn't help either.

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Re: This is Starting to Annoy Me!

Postby Gt1956 » Sat Jan 16, 2021 4:05 am

I have not found a source of implant info that even comes close to FT. Generally a guy can hopefully wade thru the negative stuff & put it into perspective. Even though I liked some of the YouTube videos. That is but a brief part of the journey.
I nod in full understanding on some of the complaints. My simple circumcision presented me with a shorter penis.Trauma shrinkage. Urine like a sprinkler. A few times I got hit & I've yet to figure out how that was even possible. The recovery was slow but not very painful. Based upon my own experience with a surgery in the same area. I don't fear the implant surgery. I drove my truck 450 miles the evening after the procedure. I could be an exception but I read of guys that sounds like their IPP was similar to my circumcision.
Guys, just read as much as you can. If you have not had cancer then that needs to factor in to posts by a cancer survivor. We are united by ED but not by other conditions. So our path won't all be the same.
I can see some of Barrylandon's point. Some members just want to grill every guy with an implant when they don't share a similar medical history. It leads to multiple posts that are not really connected very well.
I remember 1 member actually saying that he knew that his question had been asked before but he wanted a reply directed at him.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: This is Starting to Annoy Me!

Postby maxxxxx » Sat Jan 16, 2021 9:43 am

barrylandon wrote:I'm starting to get annoyed by guys who haven't had an implant yet making comments as if they are experts on what it's like AFTER implementation. They don't have a clue. I have absolutely no objection to pre-implantees asking good questions to learn more about implants (that have not already been topics of discussion on this forum ad nauseum) but if you're a guy like this, please stop insulting members by posting your "expert" opinions on post-op situations. Thank you!

Quote ;)
Titan 24cm . December 2015

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Re: This is Starting to Annoy Me!

Postby Lost Sheep » Sat Jan 16, 2021 11:00 pm

barrylandon wrote:I too was a walking encyclopedia of researched knowledge prior to my implantation and my surgeon made similar comments to me as oldbeek's did to him. I am not advocating for those guys considering an implant to not be likewise informed on FT and elsewhere. They absolutely should be educated before making the decision to go forward with implantation. As I said in my original post, my beef is with posters who have not yet had the surgery making comments about what it FEELS LIKE TO HAVE AN IMPLANT. Ask plenty of questions, which is how we can best help them, but I would appreciate if they did not pontificate about something they really can't know until they have an implant themselves.

Yes, that IS a valid complaint. Ask any mother who has been told by a man what it feels like to give birth!

No matter what his depth of knowledge ( how much he has read or how many women he has talked to or, for obstetricians, how many babies he has delivered), he is not going to have credibility rr even a kind hearing from any woman who has actually had the EXPERIENCE.

Same goes for knowledge of how if FEELS to have an implant. No matter how much I knew about how difficult it is to pump up, stow away, deploy for sex or urination, I could not know how it would feel (and I knew that I could not know). So, personally, I refrained from giving answers like that. (At least, I hope I did.) But I did report what others had said (and gave attribution for that second-hand knowledge).

Yes, it irritates me, too, when someone professes to know something (and especially when that knowledge is clearly in error) and spouts off, thus misleading uncounted readers/listeners along the way.

p.s. I am not afraid to acknowledge when I have been wrong and try to mitigate the damage.
Lost Sheep
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Re: This is Starting to Annoy Me!

Postby SteveSW » Sun Jan 17, 2021 1:08 am

If it weren't for FT and all the great guys here, I couldn't have gained the information and education I seemed to have needed to make the decision to get an implant. My surgery is scheduled for 2/18/21, and yes, I'm scared but have read so many incredible stories by men who have been implanted, and those who have not yet been and are in circumstances similar to mine, gives me the confidence to move forward. We are all individuals, and it's up to us to filter information and opinions.
20 years of severe Peyronie's plaque, 90 curve, hinging and ED. Cost me 1.5" L and 1" G.
Implanted 2/18/21, AMS CX, 18 CM + 3 RTE, penoscrotal. Have gained 3/4". Gay, married, age 68.

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Re: This is Starting to Annoy Me!

Postby barrylandon » Sun Jan 17, 2021 6:20 pm

While most every conceivable question about implants has already been answered on this forum, if -- after reading all posts of interest to you on FT -- you still have specific questions pertaining to your unique situation, by all means ask away.
However, I once again respectfully request that pre-implantees refrain from making definitive comments about what it FEELS LIKE TO HAVE AN IMPLANT! You have to walk the walk before you should talk the talk about things that happen post-op. You simply cannot know that!!
Implanted 5/6/20 by Dr. Jesse Mills at UCLA; AMS 700 LGX 18 cm w/2 cm RTEs. I'm 76 & fit but had ED for 20 years. Pills/injections ultimately failed, including 3 ER trips for Priapism; Shockwave & embryonic stem cell therapies didn't help either.

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