NHS questions from a 40 year old guy in the first year of his ED journey

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NHS questions from a 40 year old guy in the first year of his ED journey

Postby Griffin » Thu Jan 07, 2021 2:01 pm

Hi everyone.
Ive been finding people's experience invaluable on here so far so got myself a login and think it's time I started my own story. I'm 40 years old and have always enjoyed a healthy sex life, so much so that I've been taking Viagra recreationaly for a good 15 years or more. I could always perform without it but it was the perfect crime and I enjoyed the gradulation that came from my performances so it became a very regular thing. As you can imaging my penis has had a bit of a battering over the years. About a year ago I started to struggle with or without the viagra then the bruising feeling came during erections so I had a good inspection of myself and felt several hard lumps in my penis. After months of refferels and 2 specialist consultants I was told (rather ruthlessly) I have extensive PD and it's never going to get any better, only worse.
Im prescribed viagra now and have to take a full 100mg every other day to try and slow the degenerative effects of the disease and I've had to buy an expensive medical grade VED on prescription. I'm about 3 months into my viagra treatment and a couple of months into my daily VED workouts.
Im now single
The pain has stopped
The drugs don't even make me hard enough for decent masturbation
The VED looks good but is pointless and I can't imagine the induced swelling it gives me to be any good for sex.
There is no substantial bending of my penis but narrowing in a few places when I VED and I don't recognise it anymore.
It's useless, I hate how it has made my life miserable and feel like I can't move on with my life.
Ive been give a follow up with my consultant in April when it will have been several months since VED and even longer on the pills to see how things are going.
I'll be explaining all this to him and telling him I'm basically impotent and want the implant.
My questions to the British guys are, do you think the implant will be on offer on the NHS after only being impotent for a year or so by then?
Does anyone have any experience with Nottingham City urology?
Do you think they'll force me down the road of injections first. I'm not interested. I'm serious when I say my penis is useless and I'd rather have an implant than rely on an injection to raise a misshapen cock.
Sorry for the marathon post, I just wanted to be clear about things for the right answers. Thanks in advance guys.
42 UK, Peyronie's plaques. No bending, just substandard functionality and some miss-shaping. Jumped through all the NHS hoops (various pills, VED, injections) finally getting implanted 04/10/22

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Re: NHS questions from a 40 year old guy in the first year of his ED journey

Postby Bluewhippet » Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:34 am

I was implanted using the NHS almost 3 years ago after tablets and PGE1 (Caverject) became less effective. The NHS policy is here https://www.google.com/url?q=https://ww ... zXOXSRItOG

Normally you will not be approved unless you have tried both oral treatments and injections and they are no longer working.

My experience was that injections worked well for about 3/4 years and that you quickly get used to the procedure. Perhaps more suitable for those married or in a stable relationship. Some people experience penis pain/ache after injecting - I never did.

However implant was much better for me; spontaneous- no preparation needed, erection always available for as long as I want whenever I want and quick - 45 seconds to pump up.

Not a problem for me but pumping up can be very discreet - a partner would be unlikely to notice you doing it if you were careful.

I wish I had been able to be implanted much earlier. Possible if you go privately costing about £15k but not surprising that the NHS will only do it when essential because the other alternatives do not work.

Best of luck. My previous posts explain how my procedure to get treatments went under the NHS.
80 year old Type2 diabetic, long term ED, pills then injections PGE1. After 4 years they became less effective. Implanted 20/3/2018 by NHS. AMS 700 CX 15+4 cm with MS pump. Never had any significant pain. Still working perfectly and used regularly.

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Re: NHS questions from a 40 year old guy in the first year of his ED journey

Postby Griffin » Fri Jan 08, 2021 4:39 pm

Thank you Bluewhippet I really appreciate your reply. It's good to hear from the NHS guys even if it's not what you always want to hear it's good to know it is happening.
Super pleased for you that you got sorted in the end and are enjoying your bionic life with no issues. I'll have a look back through your journey for more info about how the NHS worked for you I'm sure I'll learn a lot. Private implantation is always the dream I suppose but pie in the sky it seems.
Thanks again
42 UK, Peyronie's plaques. No bending, just substandard functionality and some miss-shaping. Jumped through all the NHS hoops (various pills, VED, injections) finally getting implanted 04/10/22

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