Comparing Dr. Eid with Dr. Hakky

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Comparing Dr. Eid with Dr. Hakky

Postby wunhunglo » Sun Dec 13, 2020 2:09 pm


Based on what I’ve read here, I don’t think I can go wrong with either doctor. Logistically, Dr. Hakky is a 4 hour car ride away and with Covid still raging, I don’t want to go to NYC right now. With that said, has anyone ever had/read any negative outcomes with either doctor?

People have stated Dr. Eid is more famous because of his videos/marketing. That may be true but he is a pioneer in the field, and clearly cares about his patients and the quality of his work.

Can any of Dr. Hakky’s patients address some of the differences in their approaches?

1) Dr. Hakky’s website says he removes spongy tissue to make room for the implant. Dr. Eid only mentioned an incision and that my penis could still get engorged post implant.
2) Dr. Eid’s preference is spinal anesthesia while Dr. Hakky intubates you. Anyone have any bad experience with a ventilator?
3) Dr. Eid sutures you up “water-tight” and recommends hot baths two days post surgery to reduce swelling. Dr. Hakky states no direct water contact until 7 days.
Implanted April 9th 2021(age 55) by Dr. Eid w/ 24 cm Titan
Activated Day 3; minimal swelling and discomfort for 3-4 weeks
Preop injection size: 17 cms length (slight press) & 15 1/2 cm girth
Post up w/max inflation: 17 cm length 14 cm girth

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Re: Comparing Dr. Eid with Dr. Hakky

Postby Ronn1708 » Sun Dec 13, 2020 2:30 pm

I had three surgeries by a previous doctor for my implant. Dr Hakky did my surgery on Nov 3 and the experience was daylight and dark difference. Dr Hakky was great. I had no problem with being put to sleep and I had almost no pain post surgery. I did have a little bruising but nothing like I had on the previous surgeries. The previous surgeries left me in the bed for two weeks. The pain was terrible and I was eating pain killers. I only took two pain killers after the last surgery. One for the long ride home and one the next night as precaution. I just don’t think you can go wrong with Dr Hakky. Just my thoughts!!!! He’s a one of a kind doctor.
Revision 2/13/24 Dr Tariq Hakky, Atlanta (Great Doctor) Titan 24XL no Rte’s. I’m 62 married. I have had numerous revisions due to product and body failures. Always had a Titan ipp.

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Re: Comparing Dr. Eid with Dr. Hakky

Postby indusvalley » Sun Dec 13, 2020 3:07 pm

I had surgery with Dr Hakky a week ago, you can see my thread where I shared photos. No swelling, no pain (just some discomfort), and the whole thing was a breeze. The experience has been so easy that sometimes I look back and think everyone in this forum were over exaggerating the pain and other things that happen post surgery. But then I realised that no, I just choose an excellent doctor who did the best surgery one could possibly do that’s why I am so lucky.

I talked to Dr Hakky about the tissues part in person before the surgery and he said that he will touch nothing, he will just do no-touch based minimal invasive surgery and my glans will still engorge after the surgery.

I don’t like spinal anaesthesia, they did my surgery in-office and I didn’t even know when I went to sleep, they gave me oxygen mask and before I knew it, I woke up in a chair and asked the Dr, if the surgery is done, and he was like yes. I asked again and he said yeah all is done. I couldn’t believe it. Lol. I was awake one second, the next second I have an implant.

It’s safer not to go in hot water right away after surgery but hopefully if you’re young like me you won’t have to wait long before cycling. He activated me one week after my operation and I am now 9th day out of surgery and cycling my implant without much pain. Dr Hakky is a magician!
A young guy in his early 30s from South Asia. Implanted Titan 22cm by Dr. Tariq Hakky in Atlanta (Dec 2020). Amazing doctor! No pain during recovery. My size is 5.75” x 4.6” which is better than pre-OP size of 5.6” x 4.5”. Hoping to gain more in future.

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Re: Comparing Dr. Eid with Dr. Hakky

Postby Masonjames » Sun Dec 13, 2020 5:20 pm

I used Dr. Hakky on the first of September . Like the two previous guys I have nothing but positive things to say about him.
Great Doctor and great surgeon. I took one pain pill the night after surgery just because I thought I should and one one the way home. No pain at all just mild discomfort. I had no bruising until the first time I cycled and burst a vessel on the side of my dick.
I have no experience with Eid other than his videos. He is a great surgeon also. I feel that they are both wonderful choices.
The most impressive thing about Hakky was is down to earth approach and his accessibility. He was and is always available for me. Any questions or concerns are answered promptly and personally by him. As you can tell he impressed this old country boy. Never dealt with a doctor like him and that's a good thing
70 year old, Married 53 years with two adult children.
Tried pills, herbs, and Trimix. Implanted by Dr. Hakky , in Atlanta, on the 1st, of September 2020. Titan XL 24cm's with two 1.5cm"s RTE"s

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Re: Comparing Dr. Eid with Dr. Hakky

Postby mikestap » Sun Dec 13, 2020 9:33 pm

I have no experience with Dr. Eid, but have no doubt he is among the best.
You can count me as a very happy Hakky patient, though.
64 Years. RALP 2013. Received 22cm Titan Dec 20, 2017 by Dr Hakky. See results at download/file.php?id=5320 and download/file.php?id=4754
Revision 3-25-21 24 cm XL No RTE

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