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Started applying ice on Day 2

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 7:11 am
by proctor
Started the icing routin. 20 minutes followed by 10 min break
Is that how you guys did? .

Re: Started applying ice on Day 2

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:50 am
by vajim1
Pretty much, just don't freeze your nuts off and use your own judgement. :D

Re: Started applying ice on Day 2

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 9:03 am
by dirtman1993
I had three different size Ice bags from amazon and they worked great

Re: Started applying ice on Day 2

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:16 pm
by Masonjames
My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday of next week. How long after surgery do you have to do the ice routine?

Re: Started applying ice on Day 2

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 2:39 pm
by notaes
Mason James

I started using ice packs as soon as i got home. Be use to use cloth between skin and ice. Don't use ice directly on skin. My doctor never mentioned using ice but married to nurse who was surgical nurse for 40 years. It helped the swelling and bruising a lot. Best of luck to all.

Re: Started applying ice on Day 2

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:11 pm
by proctor
notaes wrote:Mason James

I started using ice packs as soon as i got home. Be use to use cloth between skin and ice. Don't use ice directly on skin. My doctor never mentioned using ice but married to nurse who was surgical nurse for 40 years. It helped the swelling and bruising a lot. Best of luck to all.


Re: Started applying ice on Day 2

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 7:38 am
by AST2123
I am also curious about the use of ice pack vs heat pads. My doctor recommended heating pads over ice packs. Not sure why. Also he said it is not something to worry about if the swelling is normal and will go down gradually.

Re: Started applying ice on Day 2

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:01 am
by Old Guy
Never used ice after my implant. Always hated cold, and putting it on my privates sounded like torture. However my healing time was way longer than it should have been. Not sure if that was from not reducing the swelling or if my body just didn't like what was done to it.
My real cure for the pain was hot baths after doc ok'd them. Every morning I'd sit in the tub for 30-45 minutes. At first some days it would be 2 baths.

Re: Started applying ice on Day 2

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:08 am
by notaes
Applying ice packs

I think most of us know that you should not put ice directly on the skin. Just make sure you have a thin washcloth or something between the skin and ice packs. I used ice packs after my surgery and it worked to help speed healing very well. Married to a surgical nurse my surgeon did not instruct me to use ice packs after surgery. My wife did and boy I’m glad I listened to her 40 years of experience. Best of luck guys!

Re: Started applying ice on Day 2

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2021 12:44 pm
by implant1959
Ice helps to prevent/reduce swelling. I used ice for 2 weeks continuously post op(as instructed by surgeon). Starting in the Recovery Room. During this time I was to take cool showers as heat could increase swelling in the early stages. I typically wore two pairs of underwear and placed the ice bag between them, this held the ice bag in place.
Cold constricts blood flow thus preventing swelling, while heat increases blood flow to help with absorption of the fluid causing swelling.

Good luck in this new bionic life.