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Surgeon Reviews 2.0

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:27 pm
by Up4Real?
Hello Gentlemen,
I happen to stumble onto some very helpful postings that were last posted to in March of 2017.
As the owner of a non-functioning penis, I was looking forward to an implant with Kaiser HMO in So. Cal. on 5/28/20. It was canceled (due to the need to do higher priority surgeries). I waited quite a while for the 5/28 surgery date so I am really disappointed. However, given the Covid situation when next to no surgeries were being done, I understand and support the cancelation. I have been lead to believe there is a huge back log of these higher priority / life threatening surgeries.
Bottom line: I am starting to look outside Kaiser to get the implant. I prefer to stay in So. Cal., I am not ruling out anything. At 73 YO I have Medicare and Kaiser Insurance. I am working on getting Kaiser to authorize an outside surgeon. I know they sometimes do this but don't know all the intricacies of the system on making that happen.
At any rate, the prior posting detailed some individual’s experiences, why they feel the way they do and recommendations or the lack thereof. I hope there is interest in updating the “surgery reviews”
This is an awesome group that I have learned so much from.
Thank you.

Re: Surgeon Reviews 2.0

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:39 pm
by Frank Talk Admin
I really do not want to get into surgeon reviews. You are just asking for trouble.
There are several reasons why. First of all, we have a long and extensive history with surgeons stacking the deck around here. One surgeon even created many accounts to post how wonderful he was. Second, men are anything but objective when it comes to their surgeon. It is a fascinating phenomenon, but more fights have been created over men who thought one surgeon was great and another guy who thought he was awful. And then we have the guys who insist that only the top 10 surgeons are worth going to, and that's no longer a valid point.
Having said that, if you are looking for surgeon in Southern California that's one thing. But I would rather not get into reviews of surgeons. Honestly, you have no idea who is making the posting, and it could easily be the surgeon himself. I would start with the physician finder at the top of the page. These are surgeons that I have talked to and I know all of them personally. Otherwise go to, this is the site for the sexual medicine Society of North America.

Re: Surgeon Reviews 2.0

Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 2:07 pm
by Up4Real?
Might I post a rebuttal?
Times have changed. I just retired a few months ago and I can tell you with great certainty I worked my butt of trying to provide the best result possible.....and when there is a problem deal with it.
As a result I had very good reviews with Yelp, Google, Facebook and other sites.
In the event, (of course this is negative thinking on my part) that I haven't enlighten you What is your take on this list that I have received recommendation for?

["Some names of excellent IPP surgeons include Dr. Boyd at USC, Dr. Loh-Doyle* at USC, Dr. Jesse Mills at UCLA, Dr. Warner at City of Hope".
Also from another source, Faysal Yafi. He works for UCI.
And Edward Karpman*]
* indicates on your list

Isn't Dr. Boyd retired?
Where would you starat with this list? Next?

I have no idea how long it would take to be seen and have my implant complete.
Thank you for you service to this group!

Re: Surgeon Reviews 2.0

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 12:09 pm
by Frank Talk Admin
I'm not sure a rebuttal is needed since we are not arguing...
But Asking for recommendations is a lot different than asking for surgeon reviews. The board will not let this turn into a surgeon review site, but helping men find surgeons is totally at the center of our mission.

Any of those doctors you listed are fine - I'm sure. Do not know if Doyle is retired. Karpman is not southern CA. The next generation of surgeons (the guys in their 40's) are just as good as any of the big number guys. The training that has occurred over the last ten years is excellent. The newer generation of surgeons have been able to benefit from the pioneers. I don't recommend going to somebody who is not doing a significant number, but there are somewhere around 20,000 implants being done every year. The rank-and-file surgeons of today are 10 times better than they were 10 years ago.

Re: Surgeon Reviews 2.0

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:50 pm
by Up4Real?
Thank you.

Re: Surgeon Reviews 2.0

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:05 pm
by oldbeek
I had my IP at USC Keck. Dr Loh-Doyle is a younger man. He was second to Dr Boyd, on my IP. In a recent e-mail to me he said he is on schedule to do 3-4 a week in the current year. He has done 80 by himself in 2018-2019 and assisted Dr Boyd ( semi retired) on over 300. Dr Boyd has done thousands over the last 30 years. There is no better hospital in So Cal than USC Keck. I had an experimental surgery there in 1995 and spent 14 days there. The surgery was very advanced and there were 7 student interns and the professor taking me apart and reassembling my body. My evaluation of the hospital is not just a 1 day in and out. Dr Loh-Doyle says Dr Boyd does come in and do IPPs if you ask for the best, but I would go to Dr Loh-Doyle in a heart beat.

Re: Surgeon Reviews 2.0

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 11:10 pm
by oldbeek
3 weeks after my initial office visit with Dr Boyd and Loh-Doyle I was on the operating table. Had a recent e-mail saying they were open for general surgery. Did I mention, the hospital has valet parking. Up date;; I made an appointment with DR Loh-Doyle today to cut my junk open again and add a ams 800 urinary spintcher device.