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Pump pointing sideways, can something be done?

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 4:29 pm
by young_and_impotent
The pump has healed sideways, which means the deflate button points to the right.
There's no problem in deflating but the rectangular portion kind of pokes at my scrotum and might poke my partner.
I have tried twisting the opposite way but it goes back and stays in the sideways state most of the time. I was wondering if this can be rectified non-surgically.

Re: Pump pointing sideways, can something be done?

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 5:50 pm
by Eveready
You're less than a month since surgery, right?
My experience, which I gather is pretty usual, was that initially the pump got surrounded by some kinda scar tissue that bonded it to the inside of the scrotum. Over time (maybe a couple of months, but I forget) this tissue gradually disappeared and as general swelling went down the pump hung free.
I could tell you of the post-op visit to my surgeon who commenced inflating the prosthesis by squeezing my left nut, but it's too painful to recall ...
It's early days for you, so don't worry. You're not fully healed yet.

Re: Pump pointing sideways, can something be done?

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2020 7:37 pm
by rdnkbiker
I just pulled the damn thing down worked great

Re: Pump pointing sideways, can something be done?

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:40 pm
by stephen54
Yes, hang in there and be patient for a while longer to see how things settle there. I was 6-7 weeks post-surgery before the edema/swelling cleared up enough in my sac to allow me to even discern the proper parts of the deflate valve. I did not see swelling by looking at my sac externally and I did not feel "swollen" at all. My physician definitely proved me wrong. Over the next several weeks, things got clearer and clearer in my sac generally and around the valve/deflate buttons. Very different (improved) scenario for me today at just over 10 weeks.

I'm not clear on what most guys' experiences are with the valve orientation. My (Titan) deflate valve is oriented in line with my shaft. Other guys seem to be at 90 degrees to mine, ie, buttons side to side vs pointing same direction as my penis. I wish mine hung the other way but I think it's not changing, so I'm just doing my best to keep figuring out how to orient my hands to deflate, squeeze, deflate, was impossible at week 6. Just a month later, this robo-penis is doing exactly what wanted it to do.


Re: Pump pointing sideways, can something be done?

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 1:05 pm
by Lost Sheep
young_and_impotent wrote:The pump has healed sideways, which means the deflate button points to the right.
There's no problem in deflating but the rectangular portion kind of pokes at my scrotum and might poke my partner.
I have tried twisting the opposite way but it goes back and stays in the sideways state most of the time. I was wondering if this can be rectified non-surgically.

Short answer is, "Adapt and overcome". My pump is not 100% ideal (my scrotum has a bulge that is readily apparent when I wear briefs), but I learned what hand positions allowed easy operation. So, operationally, it is just fine. Cosmetically, it could be better.

As far as poking you or your partner, I expect it will similarly be a non-issue. Unless it rules out a favored sexual activity.

Rdnbiker's advice (perhaps performed more gently (but assiduuosly!) is the solution.

Adhesions inside your scrotum are still forming, thus can be modified by applying pressure/tension constantly. The scar tissue/adhesions grow every minute of the day and you can shape how they grow by applying gentle guiding force on as constant a basis as possible. Gentle constant force is easier on the patient than greater force applied over a short time (as Rdnbiker's post seems to describe). But both are effective.

Re: Pump pointing sideways, can something be done?

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2020 4:19 pm
by trlewis35
I agree with everything the above replies have said. I thought my pump had gotten attached to the scrotum and since message through the portal. I Got a phone call very quickly from one of the nurses. I told her my concerns and she said it didn’t sound like I had a problem and to give it time. All the tissues that were around the pump disappeared in about another month. Now, 6 months out I have no problem with the pump and can be ready for action in about a minute. Just be patient.