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Implant Surgery My Journey

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 9:50 am
by notaes
Implant Surgery My Journey

Day Ten

It's hard to believe but it is day ten on my implant journey. I awakened this morning around 2 am and noticed something about my scrotum. I got up and looked and my scrotum was swollen to about twice it's normal size. I have never had big balls but I sure had big balls this morning. I filled my ice bag and stayed up a couple of hours icing my scrotum. I took a couple of generic Tylenol and all was well. I would highly recommend you buying a big bottle of generic Tylenol or Iburophren which ever you can take. I use the generic Tylenol because I take Celebrex. Celebrex is a type of arithritis medication which has anti inflammatory properties. Ibuprophren also has anti inflamatory properties. You cannot take Celebrex and Ibuprophren together. You would be double dosing so to speak. Icing has really paid dividends for me as my swelling and bruising is much better today than it was yesterday. My bruising is all on one side of my penis now. It was all over my penis now it is all to one side. My scrotum is much lighter now. Not nearly as darkened and brusied as it once was. My pubic area is almost all healed up now hardly any bruising located in that area. I have been able to tell a difference everyday because I have used ice as much as possible. I have not used ice directly on the skin but ice packs covered with a thin cloth between the skin and ice pack. I still sit down cautiously protecting my package. Don't think I have address that before but I suppose I thought it was common sense.

Re: Implant Surgery My Journey

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 9:52 am
by notaes

Re: Implant Surgery My Journey

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 10:53 am
by Cajun Jeff
Sounds like your doing the right thing. I am following in you footsteps. Almost exactly the say except my swelling last night was just on the Left side. I tried a heating pad that seemed to really work quickly.

Do keep us posted. Speedy recovery buddy.

The Cajun

Re: Implant Surgery My Journey

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 11:43 am
by Txagq8
Howdy guys. TxAg checking in. Here’s what you have to look forward to Day 18. Maybe. Your mileage and/or Doctor may vary.

The swelling on L side of scrotum with pump is still there but subsiding just not rapidly.

They want me to cycle. Finding the bulb is easy. It’s hard as hell to squeeze. With the swelling the deflate button is a bitch to find. And things are slippery. Best I’ve been able to deflate to is maybe 20% pumped. That’s not uncomfortable.

I’ve gone to wearing a jock. Have quite a few, mainly the lace up type. To prevent shoelace imprints on my dick I’ve gone to wrapping it loosely in an ace bandage. That also had the upside of getting rid of the edema I was seeing on my circumcision scar. I was cut loose, and have some extra skin, and for whatever reason it would get puffy.

Pumped all the way up yeah, I lost some size but no, I’m not going to jump off a water tower. Went from 6.8x6 to 5.8x5.5. Number 1, they tell me most of the amount lost will come back with cycling. Number 2, what I have now gets so hard that to me I t was worth exchanging a bit of size for. We will see how that all plays out. Just be ready to have less cock than you thought you did. Also it’s hard to get a good bone press length measurement since I was infrapubic and incision right on top. Flaccid is a nice 5.25x5 which is about 1.5 inches longer.

Still no pain to gripe about. Bruises about gone. And y’all remember how bad my bruises were. Swelling gets aggravated by my digging around trying to identify parts but I don’t think I can harm myself. Doctor and PA were more or less encouraging me to get comfortable with the device and its use.

Still eating Motrin for inflammation and wish all swelling would disappear.

Re: Implant Surgery My Journey

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 12:10 pm
by Cajun Jeff
Thanks for the info. That is what I was talking about when I said you guys give us such great support.

Re: Implant Surgery My Journey

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:33 pm
by Agfa13
Well, even if you did not ice it, it would have gone down.
My 1st Dr. did not believe my balls swelled up, and I wish I took pictures.