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Has anyone had to use a lockout method?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 4:09 pm
by edwardl007
I am having trouble deflating. have an LGX. I don't want to fool with the pump too much and am wondering if i accidentally pressed the inflate and deflate button at the same time.
I have been so careful not to do so.

Also does your pump move around to different positions when trying to use it?

Re: Has anyone had to use a lockout method?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 5:27 pm
by Quincy
If I have a valve failure, my method is to try to inflate with a pump or two and the press hard on the deflate button. That frees the valve for me. I can then inflate or deflate as needed.

My pump does move around in my sack, which I like. The skin gets sore if I press too much in one spot, so moving it around can help. I hold the pump by the tubes coming out of it with one hand and pump with the other.


Re: Has anyone had to use a lockout method?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 5:33 pm
by oldbeek
I hold on to the tubes with one hand and pump or press release with the other hand. My release button is usually facing out, but sometimes the block turns sideways.

Re: Has anyone had to use a lockout method?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 5:44 pm
by oldbeek
I hold on to the tubes with one hand and pump or press release with the other hand. My release button is usually facing out, but sometimes the block turns sideways. I can turn it with the tubes.

Re: Has anyone had to use a lockout method?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 5:51 pm
by Gordon
I hold the pump with one hand and use the other hand to pump or deflate. Hurts when you knock the pump into your testicle if it slips out of your grip.

Re: Has anyone had to use a lockout method?

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 10:14 pm
by newbie443
My dvd said not to push the deflate button and squeeze the bulb at the same time. That is a rule folks should stick by. Under some conditions after speaking with an AMS rep or other professional to make sure you will not damage something someone might be told to pump the bulb while holding the deflate button down. So don't do this unless you have talked with an AMS rep or other health professional.

Keep pushing the deflate button and hold it. Also squeeze the end of the block to try to reset the deflate button as shown in the dvd.

I have lots of room and hold the tubbing with my left and pump with my right. But mine is broke in. Early on I had to use both hands on the bulb to work it. Heat helps early on to soften the bulb. Heating pad, hot bath, hot shower, all help. And I have places with less pain to inflate and move the pump around to them.

Re: Has anyone had to use a lockout method?

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:30 am
by edwardl007
Thanks guys !