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Soft Penis Head!

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 9:35 pm
by Bailey
Any of you implant guys have any suggestions on how to get the head of penis harder? My implant is very rigid, but the head of my penis wants to bend at initial entry of vagina. OUCH!

Re: Soft Penis Head!

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 9:46 pm
by Quincy
Mine is soft also, but the cylinder tips are positioned well into the head, so it's not too much trouble. We use a good silicone lube to make it easier and put a towel under us so the silicone doesn't stain the sheets. I also find that the head is much more flexible when I'm not aroused. With arousal, it gets bigger and harder. Glans engorgement comes from the spongiosum, not the corpus cavernosum (which was replaced by the implant). Many guys say they still get head engorgement even with the implant, though it can take some pretty intense arousal. Others say they don't get any head engorgement at all after an implant.

You might ask your doctor if there is something you can do to get the head to engorge, but some implant doctors don't seem to have suggestions beyond the implant. Maybe some others here can be of more help.

I hope it works out well for you.


Re: Soft Penis Head!

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 10:12 pm
by Lost Sheep
As Quincy said, glans engorgement (as well as the penis, but not the part that provides rigidity) is provided by the corpus spongiosum. Spongiosum engorgement makes the glans swell and become firmer. Sometimes this is unencumbered by the implant operation, sometimes it disappears after the implant operation. Sometimes it was not present before the operation.

There are treatments (injections) that will stiffen the glans. They last a few months. Some men find a dose of an oral E.D. drug helps spongiosum engorgement.

I find that making sure my lady is thoroughly wet and ready (foreplay, foreplay, foreplay) and making sure her labia are spread makes a HUGE difference to ease of entry (and comfort for us both).

Re: Soft Penis Head!

Posted: Wed Aug 07, 2019 11:52 pm
by xrciiserx
My doctor just prescribed me 10mg/ml of phentolomine (one of the ingredients of Tri mix)

Each 1 ml contains:
0.02 G hydroxyethyl cellulose
0.01 G phentolamine
0.05 ML glycerin

It comes in 1ml syringes. I insert the syringe (no needle) into the urethra (intraurethral gel)

My dosage is 1/2 ml. It makes my head fully enforced again and fully sensitive as it was before.

It has to be made by a compounding pharmacist.

Re: Soft Penis Head!

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:02 am
by tobers
my glands does not get fully hard either. However I can feel the tips and would never risk damaging the device. my dr told m to do away with the needles. at 62 I have the rod of a 21 YO. could not be happier :D

Re: Soft Penis Head!

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 10:10 am
by postra7777
I have the same issue, however my cylinders don't completely go into the glans. (semi floppy head) I take my penis and pull it into my body a bit to push the tips into my head and that helps guide it in. Unless my wife is super wet then it slips in with ease.

Re: Soft Penis Head!

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 11:15 am
by Evinrude
Lost Sheep wrote:
There are treatments (injections) that will stiffen the glans. They last a few months.

Months...what is it, epoxy ? :shock:

Re: Soft Penis Head!

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 9:38 pm
by Lost Sheep
Not empoxy, Evinrude. Radiese. There may be other materials, but Alibaba mentioned this and I have seen similar things on the internet which specifically target the glans.

alibaba wrote:Radiese ( Hyaureaic Acid) is temporary. It does not migrate and do damage to other organs like silicone injections are claimed to do. I had Radiese injections in my vocal chords 4 times. They were supposed to last 18 months to 2 years but my body would absorb it in 2 weeks time. If my dick did that it would be a waste of $1000 an injection. Bad enough when ppl say they have to get the injection in their dick every year. Up side, it is supposed to feel more natural than silicone. Dr. Eid advised against gortex, silicone or Radiese in my glans. He says it causes issues.

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Re: Soft Penis Head!

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2019 12:06 am
by alibaba
Some doctors have the glans plumping radiese listed on their web sites to go along with an implant. Most state they have to be repeated every six months to 18 months. The product label says it replaces with your own collegen but it does get absorbed and need replacement. I think it is Doctor Eid that offers implanting a strip of fat under the glans cap on each side as a permanent fix but as with the temp injections, there is a limitation what it can do. Read Merrix's thread. He states early on that his glans stays plump from is ligation surgery but doctor Eid was concerned the lack of blood flow could cause the glans to die. I discovered something new this week. My glans plumps up a bit if I do not pump up my implant all the way. After it plumps up, I can pump it the rest of the way and it remains mostly. Cheers.

Re: Soft Penis Head!

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 10:34 am
by LeRoastBeef
Here we have Dr Perito discussing the use of a cock ring to facilitate glans engorgement after implantation. ...

A simple and effective solution.