Hesitant to tell wife about impending IPP surgery.

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Hesitant to tell wife about impending IPP surgery.

Postby asmith » Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:47 pm

I'm hesitant to tell my wife about possible IPP surgery--reason being is that she can't keep her mouth shut. She tells her friends and our family EVERYTHING about our lives--even when she's asked not I really don't want anyone but the two of us to know if I get an IPP--just a very private person and I don't want the intimate details of my life discussed privately or openly with others.

Do I have to tell her?

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Re: Hesitant to tell wife about impending IPP surgery.

Postby rlm1818 » Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:33 am

I don't have an implant yet, though by this time in two weeks I should,so I'm not the best person to answer this. I find it hard to believe you could get away without telling her, but Dr Eid has mentioned having patients that didn't tell their wives and that after years they still don't know. I wish I had asked him if those men were actually having sex with their wives, ir if they just got the implant for their extra-marital play. It appears you are planning on meeting with Dr Eid, so you could ask him about it.
22cm Coloplast Titan OTR implanted Feb 2012 by Dr Francois Eid in NYC.
Initial implant experience here: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1308

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Re: Hesitant to tell wife about impending IPP surgery.

Postby danny1553 » Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:01 am

Hi Asmith

Have you considered the approach "So What?" If your wife wants to share the story so it'll be... just take it like "yes, I have an extra powerful dick that can do wonders anytime, anywhere as long as needed. Nothing more special than a dental implant, or (in case of a female) - breast implant.

Or what you can say is that you'll have the surgery that will make your dick wood hard; without going into too much of details what kind of surgery that would be (this is the approach I am taking).

Either way, since your wife is telling everything I think being a proud owner of a robo-dick that can make you a sex machine is better than "compassionate" comments (behind your back) about being a "poor impotent".

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Re: Hesitant to tell wife about impending IPP surgery.

Postby antelope » Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:08 pm

Yep, if she blabs like you say, then certainly everyone you know is aware of your limp dick. Might as well celebrate the solution.

BTW, if you want her to get her out of "tell-all" mode, maybe you could show her what it's like for everyone in her family to know soething about her she'd rather keep provate. I think it'll only take once or twice before she learns the value of discretion. I'm just saying.

Baton Rouge
Born 1948, wed 1969. BPH & Type II Diabetes at age 35. TURP-2002; ED even before that--diabetes. Cardiac valve surgery: 2007 & 2019. Poor results with pills. Started trimix injections in Nov, 2010. Great results from the very beginning.

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Re: Hesitant to tell wife about impending IPP surgery.

Postby Dave48003 » Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:30 pm

I'm thinking the same as Greg. I don't think you will be able to keep it from her. My wife loves my implant, but she says she can't believe a man's partner wouldn't know. She can tell the difference from touch, orally, and vaginally. So, good luck there!

I would think of the most embarrasing thing about her and tell her you will spread it all over town if she as much as thinks about blabbing about your secret. This is your personal information, if you want it kept quiet, that is your perogative.

Me, I could care less, but that's just me.

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Re: Hesitant to tell wife about impending IPP surgery.

Postby dg_moore » Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:10 am

Tell her if she blabs to one and all, you'll be showing it to everybody at the next family gathering :lol:
Dave, 80, Maryland - Implant (Titan) 2008 by Dr. Andrew Kramer (failed Sept 2020) - never used due to a stroke that, among other things, ended my sex life.
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Re: Hesitant to tell wife about impending IPP surgery.

Postby hard drive » Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:59 am

I don't think I'd like my wife blabbing to just anyone either, but honestly, I don't think there's anyway possible you could conceal this from your wife for any length of time, unless of course you don't plan to have sexual contact with her. I also don't think that threatening to tell her secrets will stop her either. It's an irresistible impulse she has to tell all probably. It would be like telling a chain smoker to just stop it now, because you say so, or else pay the price. They probably just couldn't do it.

She probably has told everyone already that you have a limp dick anyway. Perhaps you to convince her that if she has to blab, she could simply tell that you suddend over came your limp dick (without pills) and now you are a rocket man. A sexual super-hero... That will give her something to tell, but without the IPP information you are worried about.

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Re: Hesitant to tell wife about impending IPP surgery.

Postby regal1945 » Sun Feb 12, 2012 12:33 pm

:mrgreen: A good case for duct tape!

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