Questions from a desperate 27 year old

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Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby Antipsychoticssuck » Sat May 04, 2019 5:51 pm

Hello all,

I have been lurking this forum for a brief while and have found both hope as well as worries. I am currently on antipsychotics that are necessary to for my mental health(without them I end up involuntary hospitalized). I have been on them for 6 years and everything was fine until I lost consistent sexual functioning 3 years ago. Since then I have tried lifestyle modifications such as a low fat diet, working out, refraining from pornography and e d meds. None have worked. The only thing I haven't successfully been able to do is quit cigarettes. I will keep at it and eventually quit though although I have little hope this will reverse my sexual dysfunction. I can still try Injections and the pump but I find they would make sex less spontaneous than even the pills and also have a feeling they won't work either as the dysfunction I have likely comes from neurotransmitters damage and not blood flow issues. Of course I am very young so this problem is horribly distressing to me. I was very sexual before this happened, and now I am too scared of humiliating myself to even try intimacy. It is definitely NOT in my head as I cannot maintain a consistent erection even with self stimulation in a solitary enviornment

My questions are;
have you heard of anyone getting a penile implant because of psychotropic med induced sexual dysfunction?

Have you heard any accounts of quitting cigarettes healing sexual dysfunction?

I have read the rates of satisfication with implants is around 70% , does that mean that 30% get botched surgeries ?

In the case of surgical error, is corrective surgery available and reliable?

Are there any reputable surgeons in the bay area?

And about how likely am I to lose length if I do go on with the surgery?

How likely am I even be able to even get the surgery as my dysfunction is somewhat ambiguous in it's cause?

And does prolonged e.d actually shorten length?

Thank you,
27 years old ,unresponsive to e.d treatment. Going to attempt supplements with doctors approval. On 7.5 mg of abilify for bipolar 1 with psychosis. Living in San Jose California ,looking at the possibility of needing an implant to regain my functioning.

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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby Frenchboy » Sat May 04, 2019 6:17 pm

I really feel close to you because i was hit Ed as your age, and i work as a psychiatric nurse so I can give you some advice.

Unfortunately yes antipsychotics meds have side effects like that. Tell your psychiatrist about it. He may not switch for another med.

You can try cheap pulls like ginseng, l arginine, ginger, maca. Naturals medecine really add something for sure you ll feel a difference.

If you are not satisfied you can add vacuum therapy to oxygen your penis. It s really important to
Have some hard on from time to time. To keep your penis healthy.

Implant is a vert good option don t be afraid. You ll not lose any lenght if you choose a good surgeon. Some are dissatisfy but they come with very damaged penis, years of Ed can make implantation difficult and cylinders are shorter and thinner than expected. ....but better than nothing.

You will be fine

Lost Sheep
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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby Lost Sheep » Sat May 04, 2019 7:08 pm

Men normallyget nocturnal erections. Except when E.D. (whether naturally occurring, from injury or from drugs (psychotropic or not - many drugs have side effects). But the body erects the penis with fersh blood to keep the penile tissues oxygenated and elastic.

Vacuum therapy while you do not have daily erections replaces the noctorunal erections. I recommend a protocol I read of in a medical journal of vacuum pumping to produce an erection for about a minute, then release to full deflation and repeat . 20-30 minutes per session, no constriction band and once or twice daily.

Prolonged e.d. does not in an d of itself shorten a penis, but prolonged absence of erections (stretching the tissues in length and girth) does.

Dre. Karpman in Mountain View is highly though of.
Cigarettes are known to cause lessened blood floww, a major cause of e.d. Quitting cigarettes has also been demonstrated to restore most of a person's health. The studies have been focused mostly on lung function, but I am sure circulatory function recofvers, too. But it takes years to fully recover from long-term cigarette use. But there is no time to start as good as the present, since you cannot start any earlier than today.

There are many reasons for dissatisfaction,surgical misadventure only one. Unrealistic expectations, I think, is the most common. For example, people may complain about lost size. But many who complain are dissatisfied because their penis does not compare to the size it was when it was perfectly healthy, not in comparison to its condition the day before surgery. I have read that satisfadction rates are far higher than 70% in most studies. 905 or even more, among both the men AND their partners.

Only your insurance company and urologist can tell you how likely it is you could get an implant (or any other treatment - there are several less-invasive procedures, such as changing your current treatment, injections or supporsitories for your penis, oral meds (viagra/levitra, etc and using a vacuum device with constriction rings for sex.) All these are revesible. An implant permanently destroys most all of your erectile function. If going off your meds (for another cocmktail that does not induce e.d.) cures your e.d., that is a far superior option than the implant. Remember, an implant is not a cure, only a treatment.

Surgery to correct a badly installed implant is not difficult. But issues of liability, who pays, and timing are not fun to deal with.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
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Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby Antipsychoticssuck » Sat May 04, 2019 10:30 pm

Hello frenchboy

Yeah I feel closeness to you as well. Just know that many of the people you see working as a psychiatric nurse have this same problem with e.d. We are struggling here. Much of us need meds but then it takes away our ability to function intimately. It is no surprise suicide is so prevalent among the mentally ill.

I'll try your supplements with the aid of my doctors. I hope they help to some amount.

As for the pump, I can receive erections with constant stimulation and masturbate a few times a day. So I don't think I will suffer too much damage unless my penis is not fully expanding enough. I am only 100% hard for brief moments. The majority of time I masturbate I am 40-80% hard leaning on the harder side. But I don't masturbate too long so it might still cause some damage. Man, I wish I had a doctor tell me that. I never knew and I have talked to one psychiatrist and two general doctors about this.

And hello Lost Sheep

Yeah I'll get a pump just to assure that I don't damage my penis anymore than it may already be. Does that mean those people with e.d abstaining from porn and masturbation are all damaging their penises? That is pretty frightening honestly because I was thinking of trying that nofap thing where you abstain from pornography and orgasm.

I'll look into Karpman for certain. Yeah I have looked about alot of resources about Cigarettes and e.d. There is a very strong studied relation. Unfortunately the only studies I found where sexual health was analyzed after quitting cigarettes found that the benefits were restricted to people with only mild sexual dysfunction. Those with moderate to heavy erectile dysfunction did not receive much benefit from quitting. I will still quit and see what that does for me though. If anything I will do it so I can workout to higher capacities and save money too..

Thank you for your insight into possible reasons for patient dissatisfaction with implants. Yeah I can very easily see if prolonged flaccid states damage the penis that effected men wouldn't get too promising results after their surgery

I have already tried switching a few medications to see if that would help. So far Seroquel, invega , and abilify are all appearing to cause me problems. Abilify and Seroquel are some of the most tame antipsychotics in regards to their side effects so it isn't very promising the likeliness of others effecting me much better. I will still talk to my psychiatrist but continually switching meds can also be potentially dangerous as well to my mental and physical health. The meds I would try next and are more known for inducing unpleasant side effects.

It is also worth noting that my e.d could be because of severe artery blockage from 13 years of smoking and a few years of constant junk food. I am seeing a cardiologist this week and hope to find more answers about that

I have tried generic Cialis 10 mg and did nothing to me. I am trying some levitra today but I doubt anything will come off that as well..

I have yet to try the vacuum pumps with the constriction band. It just bothers me because I would have to carry around a bulky accessory to attempt intercourse and my penis would look somewhat unnatural with the band on. But I will try it anyway to keep my penis from further damage.

Thank you two!!!!
27 years old ,unresponsive to e.d treatment. Going to attempt supplements with doctors approval. On 7.5 mg of abilify for bipolar 1 with psychosis. Living in San Jose California ,looking at the possibility of needing an implant to regain my functioning.

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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby DougAnd » Sat May 04, 2019 10:59 pm

Hello Anti,
I see you are online right now. To answer these questions.
And about how likely am I to lose length if I do go on with the surgery?

How likely am I even be able to even get the surgery as my dysfunction is somewhat ambiguous in it's cause?

And does prolonged e.d actually shorten length?
Dr Karpman will give you back what you have right now in length. As for approval you won't know until you try. Just in case do a flaccid stretch measurement for peace of mind. Take an unsharpened pencil push the erasure tightly against your pubic bone just above your penis grab yourself and stretch hard then while tugging your best mark the pencil. Pull a tape, erasure to mark and write down that measurement. If you have to wait for surgery check your self once a month. If you are getting shorter use the VED daily. I lost 5/8" after my erections stopped and a total of just over 1 5/8 inches after decades of ED, ie soft erections. Good luck
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby Antipsychoticssuck » Sat May 04, 2019 11:52 pm

Thank you for your reply DougAnd

I will be sure to follow your advice. I'll call Dr.Karpman on Monday and set up a consultation appointment. In between now and then I'll try out the supplements, get a vacuum pump and quit smoking. Legitimately I feel though that I may have no other option but an implant at this point. I was going to also talk to a urologist .

Do you think much length can be lost in the timespan of 3 years? I sincerely hope not but I can't tell noticably when I am at full hardness if I lost any length
27 years old ,unresponsive to e.d treatment. Going to attempt supplements with doctors approval. On 7.5 mg of abilify for bipolar 1 with psychosis. Living in San Jose California ,looking at the possibility of needing an implant to regain my functioning.

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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby alibaba » Sun May 05, 2019 12:44 am

Nicotene and some of the jillion other compounds in cigarettes change the brain chemistry. Some people are wound up by the nicotene, some say it relaxes them but for most that is just the craving for that addictive drug is just satisfied by smoking to get more. It is addictive enough that I know people who stopped 30 years ago that still dream about smoking. It is POSSIBLE that your meds can be reduced or changed to interfere less if you can stop the smokes or chews but only you and your doctor will know after you stop. At least it is a goal for you to work toward. Meds do impact potency and some are much worse than others. I am old and forgetful now so I cannot tell which ones are worse and which are better any more. I used to know, but again, you and your doctor are the ones that know what works for you and which do not and sometimes it is not worth the gamble to try around to see. You posted on the implant forum so I know you are familiar with them. An implant will not arouse you but it will make you hard and sometimes the tension in your dick from making it hard reminds a person enough of the feel of a natural erection to help get aroused. Definitely knowing that it will work every time you want it to work takes away the apprehension of wondering it if will or won't. Bottom line is E.D. rarely gets better or fixes itself. Cheers man and a hug to you. I feel for what you are going through. Do not try herbals without clearing it with your doctor! Many have bad side effects or alter the effectiveness of many medicines. Above all, do not give up hope!
LGX 21cm .Milam 01/13/16. Horror; both service and surgical outcome. hated infrapubic installation. Kramer revision 03/01/17. 22cm Titan +1.5cm extender. Those who think their opinion is the only one that matters are a danger to themselves and others.

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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby Antipsychoticssuck » Sun May 05, 2019 1:13 am

Hello Alibaba

Yeah I know cigarettes can damage potency, I just don't know how important they are in my own dysfunction. I am going to the cardiologist so I will find out soon enough if it is my cardiovascular system at dysfunction. Which still might mean I would need an implant. And I have looked up studies of sexual dysfunction on different antipsychotics, there is one more or so that is associated with less e.d but it is still more likely to cause it than what I am on now. I am on a low dose of abilify 7.5 mg. I can try moving to a mood stabilizer but that is risky because I could fall into a psychotic episode. My psychosis only happened during manic episodes, a mood stabilizer may not stabilize me enough. I could also try zyprexa. But truthfully the odds are not in my favor at this point. .

My libido is just fine, I can get mentally aroused . It is the maintenance of an erection that I have problems with. Which makes it more torturous in its own way. I desire women as much as ever but don't have the physical capability to follow through. I never knew how much an erection mattered until I lost it. I was never even warned by my psychiatrists so this all came as a surprise. I really had to look it up on my own. I'll maintain hope buddy, and sending you a hug as well. The thing is my bet is that I will need an implant to ever have sex again. A pump might help but I am scared of it damaging me too along with having to carry the thing on dates
27 years old ,unresponsive to e.d treatment. Going to attempt supplements with doctors approval. On 7.5 mg of abilify for bipolar 1 with psychosis. Living in San Jose California ,looking at the possibility of needing an implant to regain my functioning.

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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby DougAnd » Sun May 05, 2019 3:34 pm

Antipsychoticssuck wrote:Thank you for your reply DougAnd

I will be sure to follow your advice. I'll call Dr.Karpman on Monday and set up a consultation appointment. In between now and then I'll try out the supplements, get a vacuum pump and quit smoking. Legitimately I feel though that I may have no other option but an implant at this point. I was going to also talk to a urologist .

Do you think much length can be lost in the timespan of 3 years? I sincerely hope not but I can't tell noticably when I am at full hardness if I lost any length

I lost 5/8 inch in a little over 2 years so yes. Go measure your flaccid right now to establish a base line for the future.If you can't stretch it by hand your body cannot stretch it with an erection.
LGX 18cm+3cmRTE 8 / 8/18 by Docs Saracino , Prody of FL Disfigured by Implant. Married 31 years, Functionally impotent 2+ years. 4" day of surgery now 7" inflated after VED 6.5" without. Pump moved 12/4/18 by Dr Kata

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Re: Questions from a desperate 27 year old

Postby ED2013 » Sun May 05, 2019 6:31 pm

Talk to Dr Karpman in Mountain View

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