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Implant pain was a breeze

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 4:27 pm
by Dave52
I haven't been on FT much lately to busy enjoying my restored ability to function. Sex with the implant is as good as it can be given the circumstances. I would rate it 95% only because it's not spontaneous. Last week I started out with what I thought was a UTI called Dr. Eid's office for a lab order and antibiotic. Got the results the next day no infection. That was good news till that night ended up in the ER with severe pain. A 7.5mm kidney stone decided to move out of my right kidney into the Ureter then get stuck at the entrance to my Bladder. The Dr. said I needed to have it out asap as it was acting like a check valve preventing my kidney from draining. Laser ureteroscopy then a stent. The stone was blasted and the particles were removed. When I came out of surgery and woke up to a sensation of pain that I thought could not be achieved I was injected with 100 units of fentanyl that hardly even cut the surface of the pain. So sitting here 36 hours later with a string hanging out of my penis and a stent going from my kidney to my bladder peeing razorblades and blood every 30 minutes I was wishing for the days after my implant because compared to this that was a breeze.

Re: Implant pain was a breeze

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 5:11 pm
by oldbeek
Sorry to hear this. Hope it gets all passed soon.

Re: Implant pain was a breeze

Posted: Sat Mar 30, 2019 10:57 pm
by Mr stuby
3wks after implant woke up 1am unbelieveable pain left side 7 mm stone lithotripsy. nurse told me now you know what its like to have a baby. same as you the peeing blood and more pain. the pain from the implant was a walk in park.

Re: Implant pain was a breeze

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 9:44 am
by navy6587

Holy s**t!!! I can't even begin to understand how much pain you're going through! No, obviously, I've never had kidney stones (or had a baby) and I thank God for that. Rest, follow Eid's orders, etc. and get well ASAP. I've appreciated your counsel in the past, even though when I tried to apply your methodology to my situation it didn't work. Thanks for your insight. Good luck with your recovery and continued implant enjoyment.


Re: Implant pain was a breeze

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 10:58 am
by DougAnd
Wow Dave,
No fun at all. My micro kidney stone went from zero to 4mm in just 6 months or so. Not sure how big it is today but sounds like it might be getting ready to deliver this year. Wow!
Hope you heal well and fast.

Re: Implant pain was a breeze

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2019 12:39 pm
by SW0110
Hemorrhoid surgery was a 1000 times worse than this implant pain. Not even comparable.