Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

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Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby David7 » Sat May 08, 2010 3:20 pm

Hello everyone,

My name's David from Miami and I just had the surgery done April 14th, (Titan 3 piece malleable) still having a lot of pain - and I'm wondering if this was a mistake or not. I'm 32 years old and have suffered from ED since I was about 19. I've used all of the oral medications, and also used injections of various types for a couple years. I was in the ER due to priapism on 3 separate occasions - getting blood extracted from the head of my penis, etc etc. It was very painful. I was able to achieve a full erection prior to the surgery, but wasn't able to maintain one. As I would start to go limp during sexual intercourse.

After going through all of this I began to research penile implant prosthesis. However, I'm afraid I didn't do as much research as I should have done. I had my surgery done by Dr. Paul Peritto of Miami, Fl. He seems to be one of the best guys in the country to do this. So far, from what I've seen, I'm very unhappy with the results. I was in his office for a follow up visit 3 days ago, where he pumped me up (I guess not all the way) to see how things looked. From what I saw, my penis wasn't even half the size it was prior to the surgery!

I asked him about size before the surgery, in which he told me I wouldn't lose any. I'm guessing I haven't seen the implant fully erect, yet. He told me while he was pumping it that it could still pump up 'more.' Although, I'm not happy at all with what I saw. Oh my God, I'm freaking out so bad. I was at least 7 1/2 to 8 inches before this. Now, it looks like I've lost everything. I never would have had this surgery if I knew I'd lose such significant size. So, now I'm stuck with these results? I can never have this surgery reversed? If this is the case I believe my doctor didn't provide me with enough information in regards to size as he should have. Does anyone here have experience with the Titan 3 piece malleable device? Does anyone know if phalloplasty (penis lengthening) can be done to someone that has had this surgery? Does anyone know how many pumps it takes to be fully erect with the Titan device, (btw, I was fitted with the largest one). Right now I'm so unhappy, if anyone here can give me advice or anything at all to help me, that would be great.

If there was one thing I could pride myself on in life, it was the size of my penis. With this gone, I have no idea what to do. I wish this doctor was more straight forward with me about size, as this seemed to be one of my biggest concerns! Am I overreacting? Is it possible that since I haven't seen this device fully inflated yet, that I could be worrying over nothing? So far, from the inflation that I did see, it wasn't satisfactory at all. I am very, very scared about this. Any advice would be appreciated.


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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Sat May 08, 2010 5:11 pm


This can be a very scary time. I suggest you contact Minnesota who is a member of this site. He is also young and had to have an implant. He seems very nice and can probably answer your questions. My guess he will be helpful and you can ask to speak directly with him. He responded to the general post of "Where do we all come from", he is about 2/3 down the list. I can't directly help as I don't have an implant only the side effect results of required surgery for PCa. I do understand the recovery from implant takes time and can be tedious. I also suggest you contact Paul the Administrator of the site and talk with him. If you are still "very scared" on Monday call the doctor and ask for an emergency appointment or GET to speak with the doc or his PA, etc. Please state your concern directly and the burden it has placed on you and your mental health status. There is no need to put yourself thru this kind of torment; we pay them to take care of us and we need to push so they follow thru. I'm sure they will help, sometimes they just don't understand the depth of our fears and darkness.

I am new to the site and have had some scary moments with my problems also. I agree no one should give up 7 1/2 inches without a fight. I have found the general support of this group amazing. I'm sure some of the guys who have traveled your road will respond and be able to assist. Stay as calm as you can remembering the many men of this site are on your side and will help in any way they can.

PCa-surgery 10/06

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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby jackpTenn » Sat May 08, 2010 7:50 pm


Lets try and get you some help. This "doctor" has done this before and has many unhappy patients. Go to Bob Bacon's Blog and read Curt's story. Also google him and read about the gentleman in Miami that lost most of his penis because of an untreated infection.

If there is one doctor in the world that can help you it is Dr. Douglas Milam at Vanderbilt. He does "tons" of revisions where other doctors screw up. Send me an email to and I will get you in touch with Todd Doran PA-C for Dr. Milam.

You did your best so now lets get you the help you need.

Big guys need special attention. Dr. Milam can help.

Peyronies 1995
Penile Implant 10/08
Dr. Douglas Milam @ Vanderbilt
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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby David7 » Sat May 08, 2010 9:25 pm


My "Doctor" has had many screw ups? What's your evidence for this, sir? Seriously, I felt like I was going to faint when I read that. What am I looking at in terms of cost for the revision? This makes me feel even more uncomfortable, I woke up this morning not knowing what to do. I've been sleeping most of the time - having feelings of hopelessness and desperation. I got your private message and will try to give you a call tomorrow.

Thank you,


P.S. Thank you Dick for the words of comfort.

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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby jackpTenn » Sun May 09, 2010 5:24 pm


I sent you my phone number by email. Feel free to call me, if you get my voice mail just leave a short message and I will call you back. I have about 3000 ATT rollover minutes.

There is no excuse for what happend to you. If you have the 24cm implant and with rear tip extenders that can add up to another 6cm. You should have been very close to your original size.

The implant surgery at Vanderbilt is about 75 minuete. I do not see how any doctor can properly do an implant in 15 minutes like he shows on the internet.

Any of you other gentleman want to talk about an implant on the phone just send me a email to and I will be happy to talk to you. I have about 4 years of research into implants. I am not a doctor nor do I represent any hospital or company, just my research I am willing to share.

Peyronies 1995
Penile Implant 10/08
Dr. Douglas Milam @ Vanderbilt
Normal Again

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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby Matdam » Sun May 09, 2010 6:07 pm

David, I also had the 3 piece titan done about 6 weeks ago, I suffered a lot of pain for the 1st 4 weeks, it does get better, be patient, listen to everyone on here, take it easy, get back with your doctor, your probably still swollen and that will make you look smaller than you really are, once the swelling goes down you will probably be pretty close to what you had before the surgery. I lost maybe a 1/2 inch but gained in girth. Give it time, after 6 weeks I feel 100% better than I did after 3 or 4 weeks even though I am still tender and am taking it slow. This is not a quick process it takes time to heal.
Take care.

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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby David7 » Wed May 12, 2010 2:47 am

Dear brothers,

First, I can't thank you guys enough for all the support I've received in one of the most troublesome times of my life. Seriously, Paul and Jack (as well as the rest of you) are some of the most sincere, caring, human beings I've ever met. Thank you Jack and Paul for the emails, sending me your numbers, telling me to call whenever I needed someone to listen, etc etc. People like you restore my hope in humanity...

Okay. I just saw Dr. Perito yesterday. Boys, things went a lot better than last time. Upon entering his office I said, "I have a couple concerns, Doctor. A) I'm afraid I've lost length. B) I'm afraid I've also lost girth." The good doctor proceeded to tell me "I hadn't lost either." He also told me in time (6 to 12 months) the Titan would expand in girth and length. Then comes the fun part - putting your penis in the hands of another man - (I'm a heterosexual male). Dr. Perito inflated the implant and to my surprise I was starting to look a lot closer to normal than I had previously thought! Now, I don't know if this is true or not. But the doctor stated "I see more dick than a Biscayne Blvd hooker, and your in the top 95 percent." In addition to this, I was very satisfied with the quality of the erection - which was very firm. What I hadn't mentioned in my previous post(s) is the fact that I had severe scar tissue in my penis due to priapism, in addition to peyronies and actual trauma. Yes, trauma. When I was about 20 years old, I was having sex with my girlfriend, in which she was on top of me. The both of us were shocked to hear a "crack" sound that occurred in my penis. I recall being sore for days afterwards, although I never sought medical attention for it. This actually occurred twice.

Basically, I was told for my size the Titan was the best route to go with. I questioned the doctor in regards to any type of revision I might need. His response was I'm not gonna to get any larger than I am now, and as I previously mentioned, he claims I didn't lose any length nor girth - but I wouldn't regain the size I was prior to the priapism / trauma. To be quite honest, I'm not sure I remember a difference in size after said events took place. After this, I questioned the Doctor about the LGX implant. He was kind enough to show me a model of it, and not to offend anyone here, but the quality of the erection in this implant, from what I observed, was inferior to the Titan. I don't know if this is factual, but it was just my observation. After my doctor's visit I drove to my father's house. He's been in my corner ever since the operation and I've kept him updated on a daily basis. I sat down and inflated the implant. Afterwards, showing him my erection. His response, "David that's huge! You look like a porn star." Me: "Really, Dad?" My Father: "Yes David! That's about twice as big as I am!" Me: "Oh Dad, I'm sorry!" LOL

Okay. So what do I do now? Dr. Perito says I didn't lose any length or girth. He said over the next 6 to 12 months the Titan will expand, and that the LGX model isn't the only implant that does that. He also stated I don't need any revision, even if I paid him to do it. In my opinion, I do look a tad bit shorter - am I going to regain this? In his opinion there's absolutely nothing to regain. As I still haven't seen the implant inflated during arousal. Maybe that's causing the slight difference that I see? Would revision surgery really help me? If so, how, being that I was given the best implant for larger men? Right now I think my plan of action is to use it for 6 to 12 months and if I'm dissatisfied afterwards than I'll see Dr. Milam. Please, give me all the feedback you can. What's the best idea in your opinions, gentlemen?

I have to repeat how thankful I am for all the support I've gotten in one of the hardest weeks of my life. I actually thought about putting a Glock .40 to my head and pulling the trigger. I had spent the last couple of days with my best friend in South Beach. Heavily sedated and drinking (I know it's not safe and I don't make it a habit). However, it was the only way to cope in the last week or two. Seriously, you guys have been "the light of the world and salt of the earth" in my book. Thank you so much again. Please, give me your honest opinions and advice as to what I should do.

Fine regards,


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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby jackpTenn » Wed May 12, 2010 7:21 pm


I am delighted to hear you are getting better results now. Yes the implants take up to 18 months to expand the only missinformation is Coloplast does not expand in length only girth, but with big guys >7" Coloplast is the implant of choice, it offers you a firmer erection. For us "normal" guys the AMS LGX offers a more natural look and feel.

I do not want to start a contervousy but there is nothing in the Coloplast litature that says it expands in length. AMS has a patent on that process. The newest revision for the Titan is a one touch release system.

Big guy use the implant for a year of so. I am sure you will enjoy it. Have fun enjoy your new sex life.

Peyronies 1995
Penile Implant 10/08
Dr. Douglas Milam @ Vanderbilt
Normal Again

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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby David7 » Thu May 13, 2010 12:38 am


Will do my friend, will do. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted - as I have a date next week. She knows exactly what I want. I told her just be gentle, LOL.

I'm happy I found a new family of guys that share my experience. You people are great.

Paul, I'll be responding to you soon, thanks!!!


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Re: Very Scared - Just Had Surgery

Postby regain-is-the-aim » Thu May 13, 2010 2:34 pm


I really pleased that things are better. You were on my mind all weekend but I knew since you were brave enough to ask for help you would handle the situation. Just take it easy and get to slowly know your new friend and I think the implant will serve you well for many years. Always ask these guys any questions between them they have probably experienced the same. The fun has just begun.

Take Care,

PCa-surgery 10/06

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