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Titan yearly growth in length

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2018 4:46 pm
by DougAnd
Yesterday I posted some figures from a study about the LG x c x and Titan. You math whizzes are probably laughing your heads off. Came to work today and recalculated. The LG X grows about 1/4 inch per year that's 8/32. The CX grows about 5/32 a year a little more than half as fast. The Titan grows an average of 1/8 inch per year that's 4/32 of an inch. So the LG X grows about twice as fast as the CX and the Titan. That makes a lot more sense then the LG X growing only about a tenth of an inch a year. So in 4 years the average LG X grows one inch. The average CX and the average Titan grow about 1/2 inch in 4 years