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Two year update

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 9:59 am
by beachbum
OK. It's been awhile since I last posted. Though I would give an update on how things are going. I'm a little over 2 years now. I’ve had no issues, problems with the implant at all. I wish I could say that I'm ecstatic about it but I can't. But I do love it. The only problem is it's not a natural erection. It's not something that happens on its own. But then on the flip side when I could get an erection on its own I couldn't get it “on demand" like now. That in itself is one of the best parts pf being implanted in my opinion. One anyway.
I pump it up as often as I want/can and as long as I want. I m up early so it gets pumped and stays that way for a few hours at a time. I still love walking around with a full hard and seeing it bounce around. 8-) I sit outside in the mornings with it pumped up and have my coffee. Or I'll fool around the house nude and hard, just nice to be able to do that.
Anyway, back to the update. I have had no issues with it at all from day one. The pain from the surgery wasn't all that bad. The bruising and swelling was quite a lot but no big deal. First pumped at 9 or 10 days. Started regular pumping to full after my Dr said ok And have done so ever since.
I do have a couple of complaints about it. I really don’t care for the way the tubes show at times. Its nothing that bad but I do wish that they could have been hidden a little better. I don't know if it could be done. The way that they attach to the cylinders and have to be routed from the pump to the reservoir there may not be a way to completely hide them. Another thing is the pimp itself. I kind of wish it was more to the back, behind the balls rather than in front. When the sack is warm and relaxed the pump really hangs down and is quite noticeable. At first glance it looks like one of the balls is hanging low but if you look harder you will see the that’s not the case. But it does make it easier the get to and pump. Another thing is I wish that the angle was more like I used to have. Before it was about 45 degrees. Now its 90 at best but mostly 95 or more. All of these complaints are trivial and really nothing. I mean they are nothing compared to being able to get an erection anytime I want. And they are certainly nothing that would have made me, if I had known about them, changed my mind about getting the implant.
I've had no problems with hiding it in my pants. Dress pants or shorts. I've read on here that some say theirs doesn’t hang natural enough to not be noticed in dress cloths. I have not had that. Maybe I'm not big enough to have that issue. But then again I kind of like the thought that it is noticeable. Not to the point of rude or obscene but noticeable. 8-) 8-) When I'm around the house I wear shorts that really show it. Sometimes with sometimes without underwear.
Now speaking of size. As far as length goes, I think I may have lost a little. Maybe 1/2” or so. I have a ord pic of a full erection and it have tried to reproduce that with what I have now and best I can figure is about 1/2”. That also showed the big difference in the angle. The girth is about the same or maybe more. I can pull on the gland and get an extra ½”or more. But I have to remember that an erection now doesn't have an engorged gland like a natural erection. So that could make up the difference. Yea sure I wish I was longer but then don’t we all. And as I've said before a 5 1/2 “ hard dick is better than 7” dick the doesn’t work. I have the ams cx. I pump it to where the bulb is solid. I always figured that was it. And sometimes depending on which way the pump was turned it would pump easy but didn't seem like it was working. So I would twist or turn it until it pumped and got hard. But lately I've found that when it starts the easy pumping it still adds a little fluid I've been able to pump it up to the point that hurts some. So maybe it's still stretching some. Who knows. So size wise I'm OK with it. Its close to what I had.
Mentally, I'm good with it. Yes there are times when I think, What have I don to myself, but those times are mainly when I'm feeling a little down. The rest of the time it's I don't think of it or think it's great. Mostly I think it's the best decision I have ever made, or at least one of the best. The only regret is I hadn't done it sooner. If I would have known about implants 8 or 9 years ago I would have done it then. Things may be different now if I had. As I said it was one of the best decision I've made. If it was to fail tomorrow I would be on the phone to my Dr and get it replaced in a heartbeat. Yes I would do it all over again even knowing what I do now about the whole process. Knowing about the pain and discomfort right after surgery, the loss of some length, and some of the other things that I know now. It has helped me just feel better about myself just knowing that I not broke any more. So yes mentally I'm great with it. Physically the same. I FEEL GOOD about it.
I have done a show and tell and I hope that it helped the individual. Talked about the procedure, showed how it works, and tried to answered any questions. He is having issues with the insurance but I hope he doesn't give up. I would do it with others.
So that’s about all. I thought that I would give a quick update but it seemed to be a long drawn out post. Sorry for that.
Just one more thing. An implant just might not be for everyone. You might not get the satisfactory results. Others here can attest to that. Some did it again to get it right. That is something you have to keep in mind. So do your research, find the right Dr, and do what he tells you.

Re: Two year update

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:29 am
by Hawkman
Thanks for the update BeachBum.

You say your tubes somewhat show. Did you have a scrotal or punic incision?

Re: Two year update

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:36 am
by beachbum
Scrotal. They show, not real obvious and maybe know one would notice, but I know they are there so maybe I think it more then really is

Re: Two year update

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 11:50 am
by Happy Toy
Your story sounds like my story, I feel the same way as you, love to be nude around the house, have a flaccid dick now.
How old (young), are you? Would love to see a picture of your 2 year old implant so I know what I have to look forward to. I'm the same size as you, 5.5" long, did not lose any length, but lost 1" of girth, from 6.5+" to 5.5". I guess that makes me square :lol:

Re: Two year update

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 5:00 pm
by JH2007
beachbum wrote:Scrotal. They show, not real obvious and maybe know one would notice, but I know they are there so maybe I think it more then really is

Is also like to see a picture of the tubes just as a personal reference because I feel my tubes show also

Re: Two year update

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2018 7:26 pm
by Hawkman
JH2007 wrote:
beachbum wrote:Scrotal. They show, not real obvious and maybe know one would notice, but I know they are there so maybe I think it more then really is

Is also like to see a picture of the tubes just as a personal reference because I feel my tubes show also

I am very interested in this "tubes showing" comments. I am pretty lean, not as lean as Merrix (who is younger than my sons) but lean and I can see no tubes. I can probe and feel some tubes. I really wish I understood exactly how every tube is run. I am just curious and a little confused about my implant installation.

Re: Two year update

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 2:56 pm
by beachbum
here is a pic of the tubes. Not real noticeable but still there. not as much on the other side

Re: Two year update

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 4:25 pm
by beachbum
Here's the 2 year pic of my implant. May not gain any more but that'OK. I can live with this
20180927_042920.jpg1.jpg (39.29 KiB) Viewed 2957 times

Re: Two year update

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:39 pm
by Vagabond127

I've never seen a pic with wires showing. Does your tubing always show?

Re: Two year update

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2018 5:57 pm
by beachbum
Yes. Its not real bad but they do show