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Surgical Sizing

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 6:59 am
by Vagabond127
How common is it to be sized with a larger device during surgery than was discussed pre-implant?

Re: Surgical Sizing

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:18 am
by Donnie1954
A good Urologist would never suggest a size implant. It is impossible to determine the correct length except during the surgery itself. There are many factors involved that affect the length of the implant. My crus was deep so my Urologist used RTEs making my entire length 23.5 cm. I get a nice stable (no hinge) 7" erection.

Re: Surgical Sizing

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 12:04 pm
by naginati

Re: Surgical Sizing

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 12:25 pm
by Hawkman
A very good high volume surgeon has a pretty good idea of what size implant you will take after a thorough exam. For example, Dr. Eid told me he was pretty sure I would take. 22cm but said the one side might be longer and take another setup. I did in fact take a 22 cm. On the other hand Dr. Eid installed a 22cm I’m Merrick after measuring him in surgery and was not satisfied with it even with a rear tip extender so he pulled it out and put in a 24cm even though the fit was on the edge of being too aggressive because he knew his penis had more potential than he was getting when pumping the initial implant. So a good surgeon that has done several thousands knows the odds of what size you are likely to need but he must go in prepared for new information revealed during surgery. He must be prepared to be aggressive enough to size up rather than take the easy route and do a completely safe “ok” job, even if it means tossing an implant.

Your concern however is not what size the implant is. Your concern is that the surgeon has the skill, experience, and talent to aggressively but safely maximize you. I think you or I could live with an inch less of penis IF we knew that was our best possible size. What we don’t want is to be short changed by a less experienced surgeon due to a lack of skill or because he is overly cautious.

Re: Surgical Sizing

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:58 pm
by David_R
naginati wrote:Am I right in thinking that they make the final decision when they open you up and use those measuring rods that they place internally?

That is my understanding of what my urologist did.

Re: Surgical Sizing

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:52 pm
by DougAnd
Actually not being able to choose a size pre surgery is an urban myth. All you need to do is pump it up and measure outside from pube to tip before you close. It is being done successfully world wide as we speak. But you do have to make sure the tips are even and that takes skill to do consistently. Few surgeons can do that or even care to try. There is NO mystery in measuring. You just have to do it the right way. Most refuse to even consider it they are stuck in premed training using outdated methods and outdated reports.
Google Asian Andrology Journal LGX for an example.

Re: Surgical Sizing

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 4:17 pm
by Donnie1954
While I concur that a Urologist can get an idea of the sizes he may consider. Tine tuning must be done on the operating table. I asked my awesome Urologist Surgeon why he used an 18cm rather than a 21 (My total measure from crus to tip was. 23.5cm) He said he didn't want that much of my implant buried inside my crus so RTEs were used to put most of my implant outside my body. I'm glad he didn't make a choice before operating. It would have not been good for me. I have utmost confidence in my Urologist. I do not not will I question his methods.

Re: Surgical Sizing

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 4:53 pm
by SW0110
I actually had one urologist surgeon tell me that it does not matter who does the implant. They all just go in and measure with the rods. It was not rocket science so whoever did the job should all come out with the same length, whatever it happened to be. Then wanted to know when I wanted to do the implant or excision surgery if I preferred that route. I said I would get back with them.

I did not get a real good feeling about it especially since he never even measured my dick first. Not one inch on a ruler. I realize no doctor can give you a guarantee, but they should be doing it long enough to give me a general idea.

FYI, I have gone to three so far and still not gotten any good feelings from any one of them. Only one actually measured me. One actually told me most of his patients would love to have a dick my size, but still no measurement. Not the comment I was looking for. Maybe I am a bit picky, but I really like this body part and if I got to spend some of my kids inheritance to get a good job done, so be it. My wife got me an appointment with doc number 4 up in Ohio. I figure since I have to wait probably till spring, one more opinion will not hurt. Otherwise, as I posted elsewhere, when my wifes surgery is done, and she is recovered, I plan on heading to Baltimore.

Re: Surgical Sizing

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:08 pm
by SW0110
Not to double up on comments, but my wife made an observation and thought it might be interesting. We were watching some porn. Sometimes I need all the help I can get. I was mentioning my size and she said really. On screen was a couple. The woman was on the small side. She said look at her hands on his dick. She had it wrapped around his shaft and there was probably not much more to get to the head. Maybe an inch or so. She then had me measure her hand. It was around 3 inches wide. Looking at it from that perspective. This quote porn star had to be working with somewhere in the vicinity of a 6 inch dick. And everything looks bigger on tv. Ron Jeremy and John Holmes excluded. Anyone on here who remembers VCRs probably knows those two names.

Re: Surgical Sizing

Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:08 pm
by Donnie1954
My awesome Urologist didn't measure me either. I guess he knew a 7" dick when he saw one.