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Surgery holes near the tip of your penis

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:38 am
by DougAnd
Thanks in advance for your help. Jaime with AMS told me that surgeons still makes holes near the head of your penis to pull the implant in place. Dr Prody touched my pubic bush and said you'll have an incision here to place the saline sac. Then he touch my upper scrotum and said you'll have an incision here for the implant. No mention of any holes anywhere in my penis itself. Is that true for you guys?

Re: Surgery holes near the tip of your penis

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 8:51 am
by Andy1955
It was true in my case. There was a small round bruise approximately the size of the end of my small finger on each side of the glan (head of the penis). Your Doc sounds like he inplants in the same fashion as mine did.

Did he mention you going home with a catheter? I left the hospital with a Foley Catheter and was instructed to remove it the following day. If that is your circumstance, I would suggest doing it in the shower and what ever you do; DO NOT forget to drain the bulb. If you do leave with one they will show you how to do this. The reason for the shower is if you happen to urinate or any bloodspill and makes cleanup easy. It really isn’t painful but somewhat uncomfortable.

If you have read much at all here; you have heard most advise to ice on 20minute intervals. I did it and can attest to the benefit. I think I took the pain medicine that evening and a coup,e the next day. After that Tylenol was all I needed.

Good luck, ask the Dr and Nurses to explain what you do t understand and good luck.

Re: Surgery holes near the tip of your penis

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 10:06 am
by rooster2
There will be two very small needle size holes on the tip of your penis. If you should watch any of the implant videos on you tube, you will see that a needle is pushed up the corporas on each sice, and exits the end of the penis. Attached to the needle is a thread that is used to pull the implant into place in the glans. Afterwards, the tread is cut and removed. All you will see afterwards, is the remaining tiny needle holes.

Re: Surgery holes near the tip of your penis

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 1:31 pm
by Mrtomcat1957
So...what happens to the thread attached to the tubes? If they snip them at the grans, does that mean that you're going to have the thread in your glans indefinitely!!

Re: Surgery holes near the tip of your penis

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:50 pm
by rooster2
After pulling the implant in place, the thread is cut and pulled out. So, it must not be tied to the implant, the thread must be just looped through a small hoop at the end of the implant. cut the thread, pull it out.

Re: Surgery holes near the tip of your penis

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:02 pm
by Mrtomcat1957
If the thread is attached to tbe tip of the tube to pull it into place, how can they access a thread that's buried in the glans? Or do they attach the thread somewhere else on the tube!

Re: Surgery holes near the tip of your penis

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:42 pm
by rooster2
Don't think the thread is attached to the tip of the tube, only looped through through it. So, cut the sting and pull the string through the loop and out of the glans.

Think of the string as a loop, like a rubber band is a loop. It is easy to cut the loop, and remove. The string is pretty much like fishing line, so easy to pull out.

Re: Surgery holes near the tip of your penis

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:55 pm
by Tybeeman
That is what they call your snake bite.

Re: Surgery holes near the tip of your penis

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 6:36 pm
by DougAnd
Ok, That makes sense. Needle holes need no stitches so no big deal except OUCH! Thanks guys.

Re: Surgery holes near the tip of your penis

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 7:07 pm
by MK1965
From what I see in multiple inplants videos, Doc cuts the tread just so close to skin of glans but small part stays in. Once doc does final control of functionality of all parts while inflating the penis, I gues that small part of the tread gets pulled in and is most likely absorbable.
That is how I saw it. I might be wrong.