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Pain in glans months after IPP

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:12 pm
by VegasED
I thought I'd ask if anyone has experienced what I might describe as "phantom" pain in the head of penis post IPP? I get a lot of sharp pain sensations all over my body. Just a quick split second intense pain wherever for no particular reason, didn't just "have fun" with it. I usually call my random pains my "roulette" pain because I never know where it will hit me. I just chalked it up to Diabetic nerves acting up. Prior to my IPP I had never had it in the head or "glans penis" though. It's not weekly, just every so often. It doesn't bother me, just curious if anyone experienced this. Could it still be healing from the IPP trauma? (I apologize if it has been discussed before, I can't keep up with all that's discussed here on FT) VegasED