My experience with Dr. Eid (added pics)

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: My experience with Dr. Eid (added pics)

Postby ochorey » Fri Jun 25, 2021 9:53 pm

First big milestone today, got stitches removed and done with antibiotics. My uro said everything looked really good, in fact he said Dr. Eid basically did a "perfect job".

No signs of infection at suture site, everything healed really well, all scrotal bruising gone. No surprise here, but I'm convinced ice for first 48-72 hours and then after that, heat, whether baths or electric heating pad, 2-3x daily for at least a month, is key to speedy recovery.

I asked about my concern over floppy glans, and he said he didn't see that as an issue at all, that my cylinders are going up as far as they should go, so it sounds like I didn't need to be worried about that. Basically, at this point, I'm just hoping to avoid infection.

Feeling really good at this point. I can finally sit normally, and I'm now at 2x 40min a day cycling (definitely uncomfortable, but bearable), so from here on out, I'll just be looking to slightly increase pumping, as I can tell that, although I'm stand up hard (2oclock), there's still more pumping that could be done. I take daily cialis (5mg), and my shaft and head are almost always engorged it seems, which at times is uncomfortable, but happy to see some natural functioning is still there.

Now I just need this bad boy to drop a bit, as hanging at 3:30 all the time is rough. Thankfully I work from home, otherwise it'd be really uncomfortable.
47, ED in some form all my adult life, Titan 22 “chopped”, June 11 2021 by Dr. Eid

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Re: My experience with Dr. Eid (added pics)

Postby cbinspok » Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:05 pm

Excellent Ochorey, Good work, many years of happy humping to you!
67years,fighting ed for over twenty years. A sever break, vit E, pataba, Viagra, massage Ved cilas, and I'm tired- throwing in the towel, Op for implant Mar 18, 2021 AMS LGX 18 x12 + 1 3cm RTE, gained girth and length, very glad I took the hard step.

Posts: 71
Joined: Thu Jun 10, 2021 4:28 pm

Re: My experience with Dr. Eid (added pics)

Postby ochorey » Thu Jul 01, 2021 1:17 am

cbinspok wrote:Excellent Ochorey, Good work, many years of happy humping to you!

Thanks man, that's definitely what I'm hoping for.

Not much to update on really, except that I kept feeling a little bit of tissue or some kind of small mass that would sometimes get trapped between my thumb and the pump when cycling. Of course I was concerned about infection, but it's not attached to the pump, sort of floats around in there, and feels connected or something to my left testicle, so could just be part of my anatomy or something. No pain, and I can just sort of push it to the side so I can pump. It's odd, and I messaged Dr. Eid about it, and he said not to worry, that infection is most often swelling, redness, discharge, and a lot of pain, and I don't have any of that, so I'm not too concerned.

Length and girth remain the same, and as mentioned, my local Uro praised Dr. Eid's work, and that, along with my quick healing, has made me feel really good about things. Just waiting to be able to use it at this point. Next things I'm looking forward to are no more heating pad sessions, as this (40 minutes) plus cycling (40 minutes) = an hour and 20 min 2x a day, which is just a lot of time. It was recommended to do the heating sessions for a full month though post-op, according to Dr. Eid's instructions, so that's what I'll do. After that, it'll just be cycling for 40 min 2x a day, which is much more reasonable. And even then, they say you don't need to cycle after the first month, but I probably will anyway until I decide exactly how long to cycle for, as I know this is a topic in and of itself.

I have actually noticed the cylinders becoming ever so slightly more "broken in", which is good. I now hang at 4:4-30 flaccid, which is an improvement over 3:3-30 I was at before. Dick points about 5 deg to the left when fully inflated, which is kind of annoying, hopefully that will resolve over time as well. Not a big deal, just noticed it the other day and it's kind of bugged me ever since.

Only other thing is still quite a bit of discomfort when cycling. I keep trying to find that sweet spot though, to push things, but not to the point of real pain.

Looking forward to getting back into weight training and other forms of exercise, probably in the next couple of weeks. Then I just gotta find myself a girl to try this thing out on. I've noticed while I'm healing, feeling frustrated, weak, etc, I haven't really allowed myself to imagine how great things could be from now on. So, yeah, really looking forward to that. Each day seems to get slightly better.
47, ED in some form all my adult life, Titan 22 “chopped”, June 11 2021 by Dr. Eid

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