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Re: How to keep it private?

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:06 pm
by Larry10625
Vagabond127 wrote:I say...PENIS REDUCTION. It shuts them right up. I do notice they either smile or look puzzled.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: How to keep it private?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 2:18 pm
by RecentImplant
I was very worried about this. I told no one about the surgery and took a week vacation from work. I had a medical escort take me home. Recovery sucked for a couple days (mostly because of the lying flat on my back, which caused me massive back pain, and general boredom from just lying staring up at the ceiling...I didn't need pain meds for the implant, just lots of regular advil). I even travelled to the beach with a group of friends 2 weeks post-surgery and was fine and no one had any idea, I just skipped riding a bike, and wore a very loose bathing suit).

I've still never told anyone about it. When a sexual partner notices the pump I just say "My balls are fucked up after some health stuff, but everything's fine one," and leave it at that. Everyone feels differently about privacy. Some guys on here feel strongly about Tell All, Show All. Not all of us are like that.

Re: How to keep it private?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 9:55 pm
by radioradio
Vagabond127 wrote:I say...PENIS REDUCTION. It shuts them right up. I do notice they either smile or look puzzled.

That’s beautiful!

Re: How to keep it private?

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 8:46 pm
by SW0110
FYI. In the US. It is against federal law for a dr., a medical facility, nurse, or anyone associated with your medical care to discuss it with anyone you do not authorize them to do so with. Something about a HIPPA Violation. One reason we get all that crazy paperwork. I went with my wife to one of her apts. For her upcoming brain surgery and they wanted her to sign a paper to let them discuss any issues with me. If she becomes incapacitated then I can make decisions as her spouse. Until then if she does not want want me to know one thing about her brain issue they would not tell me.

In my case if I end up needing an implant, a little over s week to my ultrasound and blood flow tests, I just plan on saying I fell on my junk and I need surgery to fix it. Period. Do not think to many will ask a lot more. People hit themselves all the time. Years ago I ran into a sharp instrument which caused a dr. To cut me open from the top of my penis to my belly button. All anyone except my spouse was told is I had a stomach infection. Keep it simple ands and keep it straight.

Re: How to keep it private?

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 5:27 pm
by QuestionGuy
I just reread this post and really like Xomanow's suggestion of using hydrocele as the surgery excuse. Telling people that its "none of their business", will create a great deal of mystique, and hernia is to routine of an operation, so many people would not consider this a subject that needs to be left alone....but hydrocele is in the realm of "something you don't pry about" but would't really be considered "bizarre" . And the recovery is similar ......and the area you might be experiencing discomfort in is the same region.

Re: How to keep it private?

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2018 7:49 pm
by DougAnd
I was on six weeks light duty. The only paper I got that showed that also had the penile implant data. Gave it to HR and my boss. Cat was out of the bag. I told my boss that if this did not work I would cut it off nail it to the wall like a shrine.