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Re: New Implant Journey

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 2:59 pm
by purcelldds
Two week update

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year. I managed to get out to a NYE party and had a reasonably good time at day 12 post op. As of yesterday, I'm at 2 weeks post op. I, with the help of my wife, removed the sutures yesterday with no trouble. The healing is remarkable with no evidence of an incision. I also finished the last dose of antibiotics thank goodness because they made me feel kind of nauseous. I have been cycling twice daily in a hot bath since day four. I usually take a 40 minute bath while ramping up the inflation to max over 20-25 minutes. I am getting 30-35 pumps in. As time goes on, with the initial 20-25 pumps I am getting fuller pumps. The first ten squeezes kind of still burn but after that they don't. The deflate is a little more difficult as I have to hold that button down and squeeze as much as I can but all in all not too bad. I will say these two weeks while not a nightmare, have been pretty tough, definitely taken its toll on me.
I do have some concerns at the two week point. I actually texted Dr Eid this morning with some questions and concerns. Haven't heard back yet but I'm sure I will soon.

1. The Pump: it is still quite present and uncomfortable in my scrotum. I think it is basically well positioned but I have a tight, small scrotum so there just isn't a lot of room in there. The pump is the biggest thing in my scrotum. It is positioned behind the testicles, slightly to the right and below to the extent that my sack allows. It kind of sits at 45 degree angle with the pump posterior and lower and the stalk and deflate button angled up and forward more between the testicles. The pump is concealed behind my testicles but is a very prominent hard ball that pushes toward my perineum and kind of chafes my scrotum between my legs. The pump pushes my testicles forward which gives them more prominence. I have a constant sort of low grade ache like I got kicked in the balls. So, not sure where this is going. I think I'd rather have one testicle and have the pump replace the second one. I'm on testosterone therapy anyway so I don't really need them both! Right now it feels kind of like I have a golf ball between my legs.

2. Dog ears and flaccid bend: I have a significant flaccid bend to the left from the base and a lot of dog ear-ing at the base as it enters my body on the right side. This seams to be causing the left bend. My flaccid "hang" is approaching 4:00 with a good deflate but it really bends left. When inflated it is very straight with no dog ears. Will see what time does here.

3. Reservoir: More prominent then I thought it would be. Still kind of tender, can feel it and see it. I am very lean. Hoping there is still some inflammation and this will become less of an issue but I have a feeling that because of my body type this may be something I just have to put up with. This bothers me mostly because one of my favorite lifts is the snatch which involves a barbell hitting in the pubic area. I have a feeling I may never be able to snatch again.

4. Urination: This has been kind of weird. The implant has affected my urine stream. It is weaker and erratic. The sensation in my bladder telling me I need to urinate feels different, starting urination is harder. I sense that the folds in the deflated implant are creating pressure points in my urethra and possible there is inflammation around the bladder and perhaps the prostate as well due to the procedure. Hopefully will improve with time.

5. Psychologically: still trying to wrap my head around the permanence of what I've done. Of course I go through the second guessing but I must say my wife has been incredibly supportive and optimistic about it all which really helps.

So these are my concerns. I know it has only been two weeks!

On the flip side, I'm amazed at how well things healed with no bruising or visible swelling. I am amazed that I was able to start cycling this thing at 4 days. I am impressed with the quality and hardness of the erection. There is no doubt that when everything is said and done, this thing is going to perform extremely well.
I was in the tub cycling the other day and my wife walked in and stood at the foot of the tub looking at me from that perspective. Her first words were, "Wow, its looks so wide". Like in a good way. I've still yet to experience it or measure in any kind of aroused state so I don't know if there will be any additional engorgment of spongiosum around the urethra and glans. I had that pre-op so hopefully will have some of that post op. But one thing is for sure, my penis is definitely wider from side to side, measures almost 2 inches across. I can just tell visually that that is different from before. I'm hoping that my urethra will fill out the bottom a little more with arousal.

I am trying to ween off of the hot baths. I bought a small, soft electric heating pad that works really nicely to loosen things up. This morning for the first time I cycled in bed using the heating pad, it worked really well. See attached pic that I sent to my wife from my morning inflate. I call it "rise and shine"! My pre-op "erection" would have been lying flat on my belly in this position but here its at 45 degrees! My goal is when I start back to work next week, I will wake early, heat up in bed and inflate, then transition to my hot morning shower still inflated and then deflate in the shower and go about my day.

I'll update once I hear back from Dr Eid as well.
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Re: New Implant Journey

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 6:51 am
by Larry10625
purcelldds wrote:Two week update

I hope everyone had a Happy New Year. I managed to get out to a NYE party and had a reasonably good time at day 12 post op. As of yesterday, I'm at 2 weeks post op. I, with the help of my wife, removed the sutures yesterday with no trouble. The healing is remarkable with no evidence of an incision. I also finished the last dose of antibiotics thank goodness because they made me feel kind of nauseous. I have been cycling twice daily in a hot bath since day four. I usually take a 40 minute bath while ramping up the inflation to max over 20-25 minutes. I am getting 30-35 pumps in. As time goes on, with the initial 20-25 pumps I am getting fuller pumps. The first ten squeezes kind of still burn but after that they don't. The deflate is a little more difficult as I have to hold that button down and squeeze as much as I can but all in all not too bad. I will say these two weeks while not a nightmare, have been pretty tough, definitely taken its toll on me.
I do have some concerns at the two week point. I actually texted Dr Eid this morning with some questions and concerns. Haven't heard back yet but I'm sure I will soon.

1. The Pump: it is still quite present and uncomfortable in my scrotum. I think it is basically well positioned but I have a tight, small scrotum so there just isn't a lot of room in there. The pump is the biggest thing in my scrotum. It is positioned behind the testicles, slightly to the right and below to the extent that my sack allows. It kind of sits at 45 degree angle with the pump posterior and lower and the stalk and deflate button angled up and forward more between the testicles. The pump is concealed behind my testicles but is a very prominent hard ball that pushes toward my perineum and kind of chafes my scrotum between my legs. The pump pushes my testicles forward which gives them more prominence. I have a constant sort of low grade ache like I got kicked in the balls. So, not sure where this is going. I think I'd rather have one testicle and have the pump replace the second one. I'm on testosterone therapy anyway so I don't really need them both! Right now it feels kind of like I have a golf ball between my legs.

2. Dog ears and flaccid bend: I have a significant flaccid bend to the left from the base and a lot of dog ear-ing at the base as it enters my body on the right side. This seams to be causing the left bend. My flaccid "hang" is approaching 4:00 with a good deflate but it really bends left. When inflated it is very straight with no dog ears. Will see what time does here.

3. Reservoir: More prominent then I thought it would be. Still kind of tender, can feel it and see it. I am very lean. Hoping there is still some inflammation and this will become less of an issue but I have a feeling that because of my body type this may be something I just have to put up with. This bothers me mostly because one of my favorite lifts is the snatch which involves a barbell hitting in the pubic area. I have a feeling I may never be able to snatch again.

4. Urination: This has been kind of weird. The implant has affected my urine stream. It is weaker and erratic. The sensation in my bladder telling me I need to urinate feels different, starting urination is harder. I sense that the folds in the deflated implant are creating pressure points in my urethra and possible there is inflammation around the bladder and perhaps the prostate as well due to the procedure. Hopefully will improve with time.

5. Psychologically: still trying to wrap my head around the permanence of what I've done. Of course I go through the second guessing but I must say my wife has been incredibly supportive and optimistic about it all which really helps.

So these are my concerns. I know it has only been two weeks!

On the flip side, I'm amazed at how well things healed with no bruising or visible swelling. I am amazed that I was able to start cycling this thing at 4 days. I am impressed with the quality and hardness of the erection. There is no doubt that when everything is said and done, this thing is going to perform extremely well.
I was in the tub cycling the other day and my wife walked in and stood at the foot of the tub looking at me from that perspective. Her first words were, "Wow, its looks so wide". Like in a good way. I've still yet to experience it or measure in any kind of aroused state so I don't know if there will be any additional engorgment of spongiosum around the urethra and glans. I had that pre-op so hopefully will have some of that post op. But one thing is for sure, my penis is definitely wider from side to side, measures almost 2 inches across. I can just tell visually that that is different from before. I'm hoping that my urethra will fill out the bottom a little more with arousal.

I am trying to ween off of the hot baths. I bought a small, soft electric heating pad that works really nicely to loosen things up. This morning for the first time I cycled in bed using the heating pad, it worked really well. See attached pic that I sent to my wife from my morning inflate. I call it "rise and shine"! My pre-op "erection" would have been lying flat on my belly in this position but here its at 45 degrees! My goal is when I start back to work next week, I will wake early, heat up in bed and inflate, then transition to my hot morning shower still inflated and then deflate in the shower and go about my day.

I'll update once I hear back from Dr Eid as well.

That is one seriously huge package. Great to see you are doing well. Have you tried it out with you Mrs.? If not, I'll bet you can't wait. What are you waiting for? :)


Re: New Implant Journey

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 8:38 am
by purcelldds
Not cleared for sex until day 21 and not comfortable enough yet.

Re: New Implant Journey

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 9:55 am
by Happy Toy
Beautiful looking dick you have there, enjoy it!

Re: New Implant Journey

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 11:32 am
by ETGuy71
Great update and impressive results. Very encouraging to pre implant guy! Can hope mine looks as good.

Re: New Implant Journey

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2019 3:56 pm
by David_R
Hey, how did you get a picture of my dick?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: New Implant Journey

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2019 10:08 pm
by purcelldds
Day 19

Today was a milestone because it was my first day back to work. I had a full schedule of patients and was on the go for 10 hours. Surprisingly, I did very well, way better than I expected. I was up and down a lot, sat for a few procedures that were 1-2 hours long. The beauty is that I wear scrub pants which are perfect for concealment and comfort.
I was mostly surprised at how little discomfort I had. My biggest concern to date has been the pump but in the last few days that issue has greatly diminished and I was hardly aware of it at all today. This is a huge relief! I kept my unit pointed up. I have these underwear from a company called King Style at They have a sleeve that keeps the penis pointed up and a separate pouch for the scrotum so my junk was compact and contained. No one could tell anything and I sat and walked comfortably all day.

I started the morning by waking in bed about 45 min earlier than normal. Grabbed my heating pad and put in on my crotch. Pumped up in bed, 10 pumps waited for my snooze alarm then another 10 pumps, waited on snooze then got up and into the shower and pumped up 10+ more to max while showering. Deflated then went about my normal business.

It was great getting back to work to join the land of the living. Once I got home I had dinner with the family then had a nice hot soak in the tub for 40 min and cycled again. So, I think I'll make this my routine.

I'm two days out from the magical day 21. I'm feeling better by the day but will likely wait until the weekend to christen this thing.

As for issues:
1. Pump- improving by the day as far as comfort and position. My scrotum seems to have relaxed more probably as a result of decreasing inflammation. I'm just not nearly as aware of it as I was. I expect this to continue to improve. I'm getting wall to wall pumps now for the first 20 and partials up to about 35. The pain in the scrotum with pumping is definitely decreasing as well.

2. Flaccid- still about the same. 3:30 to 4 with a left bend hang. Seems like during the day it got a little stiffer and fuller. I don't necessarily think this was an auto fill situation but more likely fluid collecting from being on my feet all day. Up to this point I've spent most of my time on my back. When I got into the hot bath and laid back it felt softer and more deflated. Still working on improving my deflation technique.

3. Urination- still not normal but not as bad. I've been drinking a ton of water to keep things moving down there.

4. Pain- in general and across the board has decreased significantly since the two week mark and suture removal. I still take Motrin/Tylenol a couple of times a day but mostly just preventively. I probably don't need it at all.

Overall making good progress and optimistic

Re: New Implant Journey

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 9:40 am
by Larry10625
purcelldds wrote:Day 19

Today was a milestone because it was my first day back to work. I had a full schedule of patients and was on the go for 10 hours. Surprisingly, I did very well, way better than I expected. I was up and down a lot, sat for a few procedures that were 1-2 hours long. The beauty is that I wear scrub pants which are perfect for concealment and comfort.
I was mostly surprised at how little discomfort I had. My biggest concern to date has been the pump but in the last few days that issue has greatly diminished and I was hardly aware of it at all today. This is a huge relief! I kept my unit pointed up. I have these underwear from a company called King Style at They have a sleeve that keeps the penis pointed up and a separate pouch for the scrotum so my junk was compact and contained. No one could tell anything and I sat and walked comfortably all day.

I started the morning by waking in bed about 45 min earlier than normal. Grabbed my heating pad and put in on my crotch. Pumped up in bed, 10 pumps waited for my snooze alarm then another 10 pumps, waited on snooze then got up and into the shower and pumped up 10+ more to max while showering. Deflated then went about my normal business.

It was great getting back to work to join the land of the living. Once I got home I had dinner with the family then had a nice hot soak in the tub for 40 min and cycled again. So, I think I'll make this my routine.

I'm two days out from the magical day 21. I'm feeling better by the day but will likely wait until the weekend to christen this thing.

As for issues:
1. Pump- improving by the day as far as comfort and position. My scrotum seems to have relaxed more probably as a result of decreasing inflammation. I'm just not nearly as aware of it as I was. I expect this to continue to improve. I'm getting wall to wall pumps now for the first 20 and partials up to about 35. The pain in the scrotum with pumping is definitely decreasing as well.

2. Flaccid- still about the same. 3:30 to 4 with a left bend hang. Seems like during the day it got a little stiffer and fuller. I don't necessarily think this was an auto fill situation but more likely fluid collecting from being on my feet all day. Up to this point I've spent most of my time on my back. When I got into the hot bath and laid back it felt softer and more deflated. Still working on improving my deflation technique.

3. Urination- still not normal but not as bad. I've been drinking a ton of water to keep things moving down there.

4. Pain- in general and across the board has decreased significantly since the two week mark and suture removal. I still take Motrin/Tylenol a couple of times a day but mostly just preventively. I probably don't need it at all.

Overall making good progress and optimistic

The phrase "Time heals all wounds" couldn't be more true than a post implant patients major complaints. Once you body gets use to all the new gadgets that was placed in you, you will not even notice them. As for a small, tight scrotum... I had a small tight scrotum, then two surgeons cut all of my penis shaft off and gave me a new one using scrotal skin. Then, two years later Dr. Brock comes along and the only way for him to fix the mistakes of the first two was to give me an implant and of course, place the pump in my smaller, tighter scrotum. That skin is incredibly elastic and, trust me, there is lots of room... otherwise he wouldn't have been able to close the incision. Give it time my friend. In another 2 months, you won't even think about it until your wife gets home and you get a sniff of the perfume she is wearing.. ;)


Re: New Implant Journey

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2019 11:30 am
by purcelldds
Thanks Larry, things are already rapidly improving. My wife better watch out!

Re: New Implant Journey

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 10:22 am
by purcelldds
Day 23

Everything is continuing to progress well. I did another test run this morning with masturbation and will be giving it a go with my wife this weekend for sure. We have a couple of parties to go to so we'll be having a good time and the mood will definitely be right.
In the session this morning, I was FULLY aroused and decided to pump up to near max to see how it felt with stimulation. It felt really good with only minor discomfort. The great news is that I measured a solid 6 5/8" length (16.8cm) and 5 1/8 girth (13cm). After ejaculating the size dropped back to 6 inches. As for length, this is as long as I have EVER measured with best erection or VED. I'll definitely get some pics next time. The difference that arousal and glans engorgement makes is very significant. I am so glad that I have that and was frankly kind of worried that I wouldn't. It creates a larger, fuller dick and makes it more comfortable because the cylinder tips can't be felt. As for girth, it is measuring still a bit shy of where I was pre-op. An interesting observation as I think back on things. Prior to Peyronies and some of the shape changes that came with it, I always measured 5 inches in girth. With the Peyronies Disease, my penis changed shape and kind of got this potbelly effect midshaft and then kind of constricted more towards the glans and I noticed that my girth in that midshaft area was actually more at 5.5 inches. So I'm kind of thinking that this implant is straightening me out and making things more uniform and more like I used to be.
That being said, looking at where I am right now, I would be completely happy with this and no more. Any more future gains would be gravy. It is an impressive, good sized, rock solid erection. Better than any natural erection I ever had. My wife better hang on! And if she needs to hang anything on it she can do that to!

As for other issues:

1. Pump- quickly becoming a non-issue and almost approaching the point where I'll say the placement is nearly perfect.

2. Flaccid- still not great but slowly improving. While working it can be a bit of a bother trying to find the most comfortable spot but definitely manageable. I has a definite left hang and twist. My natural penis always had the same thing but it seems like the implant, at least for now, kind of exaggerates that. I think with time as it softens its going to find a reasonable hang with a left bend and twist similar to what I used to have. Dog ears and such are still present but only in flaccid.

3. Reservoir- present as before, can't say it is an issue though. Will be able to say more once I get back into gym

4. Urination- flow issues improving but the weird thing is that my sense of how it feels when I need to pee has changed. My bladder feels different, I don't get the same sensation of needing to pee. It's almost like there is some numbness or lack of normal feedback sensation from the bladder. I don't know it this is caused by pressure or inflammation around the reservoir. This is my biggest concern actually. The other thing is that at night, I wake up numerous times feeling my PC muscle contracting, you know, that muscle you use when you try to cut off peeing. I don't know if it the new way my body is trying to have nocturnal erections or what. I'm going to ask Dr Eid about these things.

5. Pain- minimal. Minor irritation level. I worked four 10+ hour days this week, busy schedule, full steam ahead. I take two ibuprofen and two Tylenol once or twice per day, but really don't think I need it or if it even makes a difference. Continuing to cycle twice per day with no problems. Getting 20-25 good full pumps and partials up to 30-35. Hurts like hell at that level with no arousal. Deflation ok but still no "one touch" release success.

6. Psychology- feeling pretty good about everything at this point. Obviously would still rather have a good functioning natural dick but I didn't and I don't. I choose to dwell on the positives and can already anticipate the coming benefits. I have an understanding and supportive wife, both of my young adult boys know about it. I've been very transparent with them about it. Based on what I saw this morning I have a feeling that I have probably been "enhanced" and may have an unfair advantage! My only downer is missing the gym which is a huge part of my life. My fear is that I may be limited with some of the exercises I can do. However, that is just another challenge to overcome, which I will.

Dr Eid rocks! I think he hooked me up!

I'll update after the maiden voyage this weekend