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Re: My Journal

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 12:45 am
by PFracture
Hey merrix! glad that you, are still here with us! few things brought more hope and joy than reading your diary here. Happy new year, since I missed Christmas and I hope you are still here to read when it's my turn to open a thread here on the implant section.

Best of luck on the road ahead and I hope you stick here on the forum. Maybe you are the one that is going to build a wiki with me for the benefit of the community? Who knows. !!!

Effect of new cycling strategy

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:16 am
by merrix
The debate on whether or not it is beneficial with an aggressive cycling strategy will go on forever I guess.
In its essence, it is a question of whether frequent full inflation will provide the benefit of increased size (or possible minimise lost size), and whether or not that will reduce the life span of the implant.

I have learned a lot from my Doc, Dr. Eid. His opinion in this matter is that, if I understood him correctly, what matters the most for maintaining size are two things: Correct sizing by the surgeon and early activation. He has many of his patients starting cycling during the first week. I started on day 13, I couldn't do it any sooner due to the swelling in my scrotum which made finding the deflate button impossible before day 13.
He also sees a point in inflating twice per day for the first few weeks. Not beyond the point where pain sets in, but rather to the point of discomfort.
After this initial period of a few weeks, when the implant is put to regular use (twice per week), he sees no benefit in continuing inflating. The size will not increase and possibly the life length of implant will shorten.

Then there is also the famous article which several posts have linked to. I have as well in earlier post in this thread. It claims huge size gains from an aggressive 24-months cycling strategy. What they fail to present in their study is a comparison to the length PRE-OP. They use the length at the first inflation after surgery as the benchmark. So perhaps their aggressive cycling strategy just regains what was lost during the weeks before cycling started? And maybe that would have happened anyway with a more moderate cycling protocol? I.e. they fail to use a control group who follows a more moderate cycling strategy, e.g. the one Eid recommends, and consequently they fail to compare their protocol with another more moderate protocol.

Anyway, as so often in any science, there are experts presenting opposite results and recommendations.

To come to the point of this post:
I started out with a pretty aggressive cycling protocol. Not twice per day for 30-60 minutes each time as the protocol used in the article referred to above, but something like 10 times per week for anything between 5-45 minutes each time. The average probably being around 15-20 minutes each time.

I did gain size.
As said many times before, I was around 16.5 cm (6.5") before surgery. Eid measured me to 16 cm (6.3") with the stretch test day before surgery, but I have for sure measured myself to 16.5 cm (6.5") on a good day with pills. Girth (mid shaft) was 14 cm (5.5") pre op.

At start of cycling, 2 weeks post op, I was smaller. Length around 15 cm (5.9"). Girth was larger for a couple of weeks (swelling) but then also smaller after the swelling disappeared. Around 13.8 cm (5.4").

My size, especially my length, started to increase immediately. After 3 months my length was back to pre-op. After 4 months girth was back.
After 9 months, my length was up to 17.5 cm (6.9"). An increase from pre-op length with 1 cm (0.4") and with 2.5 cm (1") from post-op length.
Girth at 9 months was basically unchanged, up 0.1 cm according to my measurement, but that falls within the margin of error...

Number of pumps I could get in increased steadily as well. From around 30 after 3 months till around 40 after 9 months. Basically wall to wall pumps, but still, the last pump will not pump as much fluid as the first pump.

The point where I started to feel pain in the tip also increased. From at around 20-25 pumps after 3 months till basically no pain even at full (40 pumps) inflation after 9 months.

The # of pumps used for sex changed from around 16 after 3 months till around 30 at 9 months. I did use around 32 for a while, but nowadays feel better with around 28.

So after around 9 months, I changed my cycling protocol. I just didn't see any point of what I was doing. Length seemed to slowly increase still, but to no advantage whatsoever. My wife sometimes felt pain because I was coming in too deep inside her. A problem which never happened before the implant, so apparently the increase from 16.5 cm to 17.5 cm (6.5" to 6.9") was the straw that broke the camel's back in this case...
I also hadn't seen the girth increase for months. The initial drop was followed by a gain back to pre-op, and then another 0.1 cm (0.04") increase. Which is nothing. And after 4 months, the girth remained at that level.
So keeping on cycling to perhaps continue to gain a few mm length but no girth, seemed totally meaningless. Especially considering the risk of reducing life length of implant.
And considering the waste of time the cycling is as well. It takes time away from sleep, work, family or whatever. I never sit around for 30 minutes alone doing nothing. Except when I 'must' cycle my implant.

So I stopped. I decided to only inflate when using it. For sex or masturbation.Which turned out to be 72 times in 4 months, average 18 times per month, or just slightly more than every second day. Yes, I kept track of it.

I only pumped it to the maximum two or three times in this period. Just to see if the number of pumps I got in would decrease.

What happened? How did these four months of only pump for use and only pump to my standard 28 pumps (and never the maximum 40) influence size, #of pumps possible to get in, and overall feel of the dick?

Starting with size, it actually has kept on increasing. I didn't measure it for 4 months, but did just now. Well, the length has not increased. It has stayed where it was. I measured it to 17.4 cm today (6.9 "). 1mm (0.04") smaller than 4 months ago. Meaning no change, since this falls within the margin of error on the meaurement.
Girth however, had increased. I was always 14.0-14.1 cm (5.50-5.55") before. Now I was 14.4 cm (5.7").
The number of pumps I can get in has slightly increased as well. I did 43 last time I tried, which is up 2 since 4 months ago. Of course, 2 pumps is not a significant change and could be just random variation. But for sure, it hasn't decreased.

My feeling is also great. I have not felt any difference from the reduced inflation frequency and amount of fluid per inflation. All feels great. In some way, I actually think the angle has improved. I could be imagining, but it's how I feel. A theory could be that frequent full-level cycling expands the crus. This makes the implant wobbling slightly more inside the body, which negatively affects the angle. Sort of like the effect of RTEs. Reducing the inflation frequency and level has maybe tightened up the crus again. Who knows. Maybe it is just imagination as well, I can't really say for sure. My angle was nice all the time so no matter what, if this is a change, it is a very minor one.
Trying to put this improvement in another way: Number of pumps for sex is always a balance. The less the #of pumps, the better the blood flow and hence the better the feeling for both me and my wife. Regarding the stiffness, there is a sweet spot somewhere. Too few pumps, of course, there is no proper erection, just a semi. A bit further on the scale, the shaft will be hard enough, but the hinge will be a problem. Next level is to get the perfect level of (or lack of ) flex in the base (i.e. just a minimal 'hinge' to allow for comfortable sex) but not making the whole dick too hard, which will not feel good for any part.
What I feel now, is that at a given number of pumps, the window of perfection has increased. My angle and hinge has is now at 28 pumps what it was at 32 before. This means I only need 28 pumps instead of 32 to get the perfect hardness, angle and base flex. But at 28 pumps I will have more feel and more blood flow than at 32. Hence the feeling is even better as well. Both for me and the wife. Hard to explain, but it's just an overall slightly better feeling. Improvement from something that was already great. And that's a nice thing...

So to summarize, I see no whatsoever reason to keep inflating frequently for no other reason than using it.
I have maintained length (and I don't want to get any longer), I have increased in girth after reducing the frequency and level of inflation (which is good) and I have possibly slightly improved my angle at the same number of pumps (or kept the same angle at lesser pumps). It is still around 2 o'clock, and if there is a change we're talking about a quarter or 10 minutes... Also, the feeling, or pleasure, seems slightly better. For the wife as well, since what matters to her (when the hardness and the reliability is solved forever) is girth and a full, swollen glans. Glans was always full and hard, but now the girth has increased.
And another advantage in my opinion, is that I don't have to waste time on doing nothing except looking at my dick for 30 minutes. I can go straight to sleep, get right out of bed or take my shower very quickly. And I also like to come as close as possible to 'normal'. And pumping up one's dick twice per day and walking around with a hardon for 30 minutes while having breakfast or reading the newspaper is not normal.

So I'll keep on following the pump-for-usage-only protocol till I get any reason to change my opinion.

Re: My Journal

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:22 am
by ableman28
I don't post here alot but do still follow comments and want to echo what Merrix had to say.

I didn't keep anywhere near as detailed a record as Merrix but generally I started inflating as hard as I could for as long as I could at 2 weeks post surgery. That was about 15-20 minutes per and twice a day. It hurt some but wasn't as bad as I expected. I did that for about 3 months increasing the amount of time to about 20-30 minutes twice per day.

After that I tapered off and only pump about 3X a week the last 3-4 months, mostly for sex, but I go about an hour or 90 minutes, the first part pumped up pretty hard and then backed off a bit to finish.

I too was a patient of Eid's. His pre-surgery measure, stretched and ICP was about 6.1". At my three month check up it was 6.6" and after I told Eid that he measured it himself and noted it has increased about .5". At this point I've gained a little more to 6.9".

My erection pre-injury/pre-peyrone was about 7.5" maybe bit more on a good day. The interval between injury and surgery was about 20 months so the fibrosis associated with the injury was relatively new plus I took a combination of drugs (pentox) and OTC stuff.

In my circumstance what I believe is that aggressive cycling really does make a difference in length and length recovery....particularly if you have peyronie/fibrosis of relatively recent occurrence. If the implant is size aggressively and you pump aggressively I think you can in fact stretch out the penis closer to original length. Whether this is possible with a non-fibrotic ED that leads to implant I don't know.

Size increase

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 1:22 am
by merrix
I keep reading it's impossible. Doc's say so and nobody here, from what I have seen, has claimed to gotten longer post implant than pre implant. And yet that is what I have seen happening to myself.
Those of you who have followed my posts and 'My Journal' know that I take pride in keeping all data accurate. I have measured, monitored, counted and photographed it all. All in order to base what I say on facts. In all aspects of life, I favor objective data rather than subjective statements.
I agree 100% that if nobody on the planet got a longer dick after their first implant, then most likely I didn't either.
But why do I measure it longer then?
I'd love to get your ideas on this. What is going on?

My own list of possible reasons:
* Measuring problem. I am not longer. I just measure in a different way now compared to before. Of course I don't think that's the case, but it's still a theoretically possible option.

* My dick isn't really longer, it's just straighter. Pre implant I had a left curve, at least 30 degrees. Now it's basically gone. When measuring my dick pre implant, I didn't measure along the side of the penis. I measured the distance from bone pressed pubic area to tip. Just like now. I don't know if this can really have a 1 cm impact, from 16.5 to 17.5 cm. But I'll try to calculate some time.

* Another option is that due to my VL, even my best pill-induced erection pre implant was not a full erection. Without the VL my erection would have been 17.5 cm pre implant as well, and the 1 cm difference now is just the difference between a full erection and a close-to-full erection. I don't think that's the case since I felt that my best-days' erection pre implant was truly a full erection. I also guess that if this really was the case, that close-to-full size would have over the years became my permanent size due to scar tissue development. But this is still one possible explanation.

* My dick has truly got longer. Why not? All reports of a second implant being longer than the first does prove dicks can grow. And it doesn't grow during replacement surgery, it grows while the first implant is in there stretching the dick. Maybe the reason this lengthening isn't realized till the new bigger implant comes in is simply that the old implant was already maximizing the size. The dick won't grow off the implant, causing a floppy head. It'll only realize the growth when something is pushing it. In my case, since the implant is creasing when deflated, maybe it is actually to some degree creasing when inflated as well and as my implant stretches my dick, it gradually creases less and less the longer my dick gets. I know Eid told me when he inflated me the first time that there were some creases even when inflated. He always said my sizing was truly on the limit and that he wasn't 100% sure whether it'd have been better to leave the 22 cm + 1 cm RTEs he originally inserted (and later during same surgery removed, threw in the bin and installed a 24 cm implant without RTEs instead).
This would mean that I was slightly oversized according to the rule "a perfect length creases when deflated but not when inflated", and this oversizing allows my dick to grow longer in the same way a dick can get longer after the second implant is inserted. Of course, if this is the case, it should mean I was/still is at a higher than normal risk for erosion as well. Every coin has its flip side...

* Of course, from your point of view, another option is I'm just full of bullshit and haven't gotten longer. Maybe my whole story over these 15 months is just fake. Data, measurements, pictures - the whole lot. You can never know. Maybe I don’t even have an implant. Same goes for any post on FT. There is never any 100% guarantee that anything is true. But in my case, I would argue from an outside perspective, that why would anyone go through all this massive work of documenting something like this with detailed data and pics if it was all fake? I wouldn't think so.

What do you think? Any of my options sound likely?
Or are their other options?

I think this is of interest for all since size seems to such a big issue for most guys here. Even though it wasn't for me, which I said all the time even before surgery. My opinion was that I wouldn’t give much of a shit about losing half an inch if all else went perfectly well.

But if size is so important for most, and something in my process made it increase, it is of interest to many potential candidates for this procedure I guess.

Re: My Journal

Posted: Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:15 am
by Donnie1954
Happy for you brother. A bigger dick isn't a problem unless it's too big. :lol: :lol: Happy news for Catman and his ladies. 8-) 8-) 8-)

Re: My Journal

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:09 am
by merrix
Well my long post was not to tell the (FT-) world I have a big dick. I don't even think it is particularly big.
It was to initiate a discussion on why I measure mine as bigger than ever before the implant. I thought it would be of interest for many here to try to understand why.

Re: Size increase

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:45 am
by alibaba
[quote="merrix"]I keep reading it's impossible. Doc's say so and nobody here, from what I have seen, has claimed to gotten longer post implant than pre implant. And yet that is what I have seen happening to myself.
Those of you who have followed my posts and 'My Journal' know that I take pride in keeping all data accurate.
I'd love to get your ideas on this. What is going on?

Did Kramer use the stem cells on you? That may be the issue. Stem cells + testoserone is one way they treat micro penis. Right health and hormone situtions your body is thinking you are a young stud. d

Re: My Journal

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 1:00 am
by PFracture
Lol ALI... What's gotten into you on that last post?

Merrix: as soon as I saw this post I remembered you of. Would appreciate your thoughts very much.


Re: My Journal

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 12:11 pm
by alibaba
PFracture wrote:Lol ALI... What's gotten into you on that last post?

Merrix: as soon as I saw this post I remembered you of. Would appreciate your thoughts very much.


Please explain what you have an issue with or question. I do not understand what you are asking. d

15 months update and conclusions

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 2:50 am
by merrix
Long post...

Just passed 15 months now. In terms of the physical side, there is not much to update. Length is still >17 cm (>6.7”), it varies anywhere from 17 - 17.5 cm (6.7-6.9”). I guess that depends on degree of glans swelling (jerking off with a ruler in the other hand ready to measure is not always delivering a maximum degree of arousal…) and it also probably shows that measuring a dick with a ruler is not an exact science. But the interesting thing is that it is longer than before surgery. At that time it varied from 15.5-16.5 cm (6.1”-6.5”). That variation was probably more down to variation in my erection level.
Girth has increased some. Used to be 14 cm (5.5”) before, now it varies from 14.3-14.5 cm (5.6”-5.7”). Again, measuring is not an exact science, and level of natural blood flow can vary.
Safe to say, my dick is 100% sure not smaller than before surgery. 99% likely larger, but at least same size.

I have reduced the cycling a lot. Since a few months basically only pumping for use. Sex or masturbation. Since I don’t pump full neither for sex nor for masturbation, I do pump it blasting full maybe once per week on top of the pumping for usage. Full level still keeps increasing. It is now up to 45 pumps. The slow but steady increase of how many pumps full is hasn’t changed by the lowered frequency of full pumping. Around 30 pumps are wall to wall, and from there on they gradually decrease. The last 45:th pump is barely moving any fluid at all into the cylinders.

What I think has changed is the way I look at the implant. As many of you who have followed this thread know, even though I got as great results as probably possible in terms of the physical part, I wasn’t over the moon about it from the beginning. I still felt like I was impotent. I just had replaced my malfunctioning dick with a fake plastic dick. But it didn’t mean I was normal. I was still having ED. A fucking freak, a young man in great shape with a prosthesis dick. Just found a workaround. Like having a car accident and not being able to walk afterwards. Fixing that with a wheelchair wouldn’t make you happy and think problem was solved and all was normal again. And I still could find myself damning my bad luck for having this problem.

This gradually lessened, but never 100% disappeared. Maybe till now. I think that looking at it that way is nothing but stupid. Thinking about it, what I have is an ability that basically no other man on the planet has (well, some guys here do). Getting rock hard, staying that way for hours, and still with the glans engorgement making the erection feel and look 100% natural. Why not think positive about this? Why not look at it as an improvement of the natural status? Or at least look at it as the advantages (more than) compensate the disadvantages. For me this has been easier said than done.

I think part of the reason is that I am still in the same relationship as I have been the last 20 years. And during all those 20 years, my ED has been there. We have never had sex without having to live with the restrictions, fear, anxiety, disappointments that ED brings.
There was no ”pre-ED” days to re-experience or go back to. To use as the bench mark for what we now could do again. All our mutual sexual habits have been built up around living with and trying to work around the ED. Just erasing 20 years of habits and start over is difficult. Especially for me who never ever had sex in my whole life without having to think of the ED. Never. Sometimes of course, especially when younger, my dick performed well and the ED didn’t show its ugly face. But that was random and I could never know.

Trying to pinpoint what the difficulties are, here is what I’d say:
With ED, sex was never spontaneous. It just wouldn’t work. Sex needed a 45 minute window to make the pills work. And that kills spontaneity 100%. And just popping a pill every night 45 prior to expected bedtime was a bad (and expensive) idea since sometimes things happens and that bedtime is delayed, kids wake up, phone rings etc. So no spontaneity. Sex was decided and planned. ”Hey babe, tomorrow at 10 pm ok for you?” Great. Then I can take my fucking pill at 9:15.

Furthermore, sex was always about avoiding failure rather than aiming for perfection and just having fun. It was about avoiding disappointment rather than enjoying the moment. The stick instead of the carrot.
When choosing between a quickie with 100% focus on achieving orgasm as quick as possible and accomplishing that, or aiming for a slow start with plenty foreplay, and taking the time to enjoy - only to see the dickfucker go down, it was always going to be the former option. At least, banging her fast and hard and then come, was sex. It might have been egoistic and not very good sex, but it was sex that was not putting the ED in the limelight. While as trying to be a great lover only to see the crap dick go limp during foreplay before even getting to the penetration part just felt like shit.

That caused both of us to never really enjoy the ride to the goal, but rather just anxiously and desperately rushing through the journey itself, 100% focused on just keeping that fucker up till the end. And the end then was more a relief to have reached the goal without a crash on the way, than the climax of a great journey.

This feeling has lingered. For both of us. It has gradually improved, but I really think it is still improving. And it feels like it has taken several huge steps just the last few months. I think I am finally getting my stubborn brain to understand that ”Hey, you do actually have a one in a million dick. Larger than average, harder than average, with an erection lasting forever if needed. Enjoy it for fuck’s sake. Just enjoy the moment. The moment will last as long as you want it to. That dick is never going down. You can do whatever you want. Whatever she wants. Do all the things you wanted to do before, but couldn’t.”
And my wife is on the same page. She is enjoying it more than ever as well. And we do have our spontaneous daytime sessions now and then when opportunity is presented.

Same with the pumping. I used to try to do it privately. In the bathroom before going to bed mostly. It just felt weird to do it in front of her. Again, like a fucking freak with a strap on dildo. ”Hey babe, wait for me while I put on my strap-on. You know I need it since I’m an impotent bastard.” But again, I am married. She knows I have an implant. She knows I need to pump it. That fact doesn't change because I pump alone in the shower. The pumping is a mild downside of having a super dick once inflated. I don’t care anymore.
I do however still feel that if I was single and dating this would be an issue. But most likely an issue I would learn to deal with in a good way as well.

So this has been a loooong journey. But I am prepared to say I have reached the goal now.

Also, since I know new members pop up here all the time, and maybe not all have bothered to read this long thread, here is a recap of how things happened for me, along with some of the insights I have made over these 15 months.

I had my surgery with Eid. I still believe he is the best in the world, but there can never be any 100% objective claim on that. But my vote is on him. Everybody, including myself of course, will be biased to this question.
He measured my dick day before surgery with injections and stretch test and said that he guaranteed I would not get anything less than that. I didn’t. Rather a bit longer.
He stuffed me as full as possible. First inserted 22 cm Titan. Room for more. Added 1 cm RTEs. Still room for more. Ripped it all out, threw it in the bin and inserted 24 cm Titan without RTEs. And here is one simple quality indicator. I actually don’t believe how anyone can come out from an implant surgery with a floppy head (i.e. too short implant). How the F is it even possible? If the doc just bothers to inflate the dick during surgery, he will see (unless he is retarded) that the cylinders are too short. And then he has to fix it. If he doesn’t, he is either too incompetent to even understand how a good implant should be sized (unlikely) or he is just too lazy, cheap or mean to bother to take out the implant he just inserted and replace it with a larger one. Or he doesn’t keep all sizes on stock. Either way, he is rubbish.

I was left ’partially’ inflated. But my ’partial’ inflation was enough to give me a dick that pointed at about 1:00 after surgery. In that state, clearly smaller than the 16 cm I was promised by Eid after the pre-op measurement. But he was calm and said that he knew he had put the absolutely largest possible implant in me and my dick for sure would be at least 16 cm (probably more) when put in use and properly inflated. My scrotum hurt like hell and I could barely stand up long enough to get my ass to the bathroom. My pump was at a good height and behind my balls, but not pointing down, rather to the right. Even poking my right thigh. I was sure it would have to be surgically moved. But Eid was calm and said after looking at it that it was nicely placed and once swelling was gone, It’d be perfect.

I had two ’incidents’ while at the hotel a few days after surgery. One with the catheter and one other issue. Both times I called Eid because I was simply scared things had gone wrong. One time on a Sunday afternoon. He came to my hotel room within a few hours. Once on a weekday at 3 am. He picked up, said he would sleep another hour and then come by my room at 5 am before his first surgery. And he did. Amazing.

I had planned to fly back to my part of the world a week after surgery, but couldn’t because of the scrotum pain. Eid was clearly concerned and I met him every second day for the whole first week, and the whole second and third week as well. His only concern was infection. All other issues (such as the pump positioning) he was sure was good. He said I was later than normal for his younger patients to start cycling. I couldn’t do it till day 13. Well, actually he did it. On that day, the swelling was down enough for him to feel the deflation button. So he pumped me up and it hurt like hell the first time. The pain was only marginal in the dick itself, but rather from squeezing the pump. I took my jacket and bit it as hard as I could to not scream too loud. But I just told him to keep going. He inflated it. And then deflated it. Which hurt even more. Reaching that deflate valve, which is of course sitting higher than the pump, more hidden in the scrotum, was painful as hell due to the swelling and tenderness. But it worked, and at that time he said he was sure there was no infection and I should just pump away. So I did. And it never really hurt much from the second time and on.

I always consider my healing to been rough with bad pain. On the other hand, I was activated at day 13 and pumped two times per day from that day. I had sex first time after three weeks without pain, which was the first time I met my wife after surgery. I am sure it would have happened earlier had I seen her earlier. I masturbated after about a week if I remember right. If you want to check me on that detail, look in the early days of this thread. No pain. So I don’t know. In terms of starting using the implant my recovery was extremely fast, in terms of being back on my feet it wasn’t.

I had some other weird issues. High blood pressure, nightly flood-like sweating and urine retention for the first weeks. Eid was almost annoyingly calm about that, and just said that if they are a stress reaction of the implant surgery, they will go away within soon. And they did.

My pump of course found its place as well like he said. It sits perfectly hidden behind my balls and can impossibly be seen when I am naked, even if I hold my dick up to my abs. Since it is behind my balls and at the same height as them, it is in no way interfering with intercourse. The only time my wife feels it’s there is if she sucks and thoroughly massages my balls.

I am, least to say, active. I play decent level of tennis, I do some boxing, I lift weights. And by lifting weights, I don’t mean pulling a string with 5 kg attached to it while sitting in a padded seat with back support. I mean 400 pounds deadlifts for reps, 300 pounds squats for reps etc. I don’t remember now how quickly I started to work out. Just check further up in this thread if you want to know. I do remember in the first few workouts that deadlifts felt a bit awkward with the belt pushing hard in the bottom position. Probably the reservoir being felt. It didn’t hurt, but made me postpone heavy deadlifts a few weeks more. Squats was never an issue, strangely enough. And never has the pump, or the implant, been an issue since then.

Here is another issue which seems to be a fairly common problem here on FT. A shitty placed pump. Sometimes too high and too much to the front so that it interferes with penetration.
I know I will get 10 replies from the Kramer fan club now, but I think it has to be said to balance the prevailing idea here on FT. There are several patients recently on FT who has gotten a shitty pump placement in Baltimore. None by Eid. It is a fact. If not, i.e. if I got those facts wrong - please let me know. Of course the FT population is not equal to the total population of their patients. But all I say is that it is a fact that we have several Kramer patients here complaining on their shitty pump placement and none of Eid’s patients. We can make what we want of that fact, but nonetheless it is a fact. And as always, I take a pragmatic approach to things. If there are two world class doctors out there, and I must choose one, why would I choose the one who has evidently failed on the same parameter several times recently?

Personally I just say that if I had my pump sitting in front of the balls, basically on the shaft of the penis - I’d be devastated. A good pump placement (behind the balls and in the middle, pointing down) is together with proper sizing the most important things with the implant. Well, and not getting an infection of course.

My angle was ridiculously high from the beginning. Around 1:30. That changed when I started cycling. Since then it has been around 2:00-2:30 depending on how hard I pump it. I am sure the reason was not the pumping per se, but rather the deflating and starting to bunch the dick down in tight clothes, which I did around after three weeks. Not that I care that my angle went from 1:30 to 2:15. That’s actually a good thing. And I don’t know by the way what would have happened had I kept it pointing up another few weeks. Maybe the same thing. Anyway, my angle change was no problem since it started too high, but if it would have gone from a starting point of 3:00 to 3:45 it would have been crap. So my advice there is to keep that dick pointing up 24 hours per day for as long as you can after surgery. Several weeks.

I can get in over 40 pumps, but only around the first 30 are full wall to wall pumps, then they gradually pump less and less fluid. I currently use around 30 pumps for sex. That gives me an erection which is clearly harder than a natural erection, but still not ridiculous artificial broom stick level. It still feels like a dick and nobody gets hurt. If I would do 40+ pumps for sex, it wouldn’t be nice for anyone. I would not feel comfortable (not painful though), my blood flow would be less and my wife would get an uncomfortable feeling as well. Even painful. We tried.
With 30 pumps it is hard enough to being able to penetrate without any use of a guiding hand. I can pull it out and stick it in again during sex without no assistance. I can slowly pull it out and it will ’spring’ up when it comes out. Since it has minimal base flex I can use it to stroke it outside her to stimulate her clitoris. Again without using hands. I can even alternate between using my dick for clitoris stimulation and penetration. Back and forth. All without using any hands. An ability highly appreciated in this house…

The flaccid is another issue for many. Numerous posts here have claimed that their flaccid is too large or too stiff or points straight out at a too high angle. Especially with Titans.
I have a Titan. A big one. 24 cm, which is part of the Titan XL line (those are the 24, 26 and 28 cm models). But I can honestly say that my flaccid is no issue. Sure, it is large. About 15 cm (5.9”). But it hangs as straight down as the scrotum allows it and it is pliable and bendable. I almost always use tight clothes. For work I use modern slim fit suits with the shirt tucked in (of course). For leisure I wear mostly shorts (and not the baggy, loosely fitted ones) due to the climate where I live. Or swimming shorts. But never do I feel my flaccid dick is a cause of concern. Not even when getting out of the water with my soaking wet swimming shorts. There is, I guess, a larger bulge than at most men. But it is still only a bulge. It is nothing like an obvious semi erection. I have never felt uncomfortable.

I have no RTEs. I do believe this is one factor which should not be underestimated. An implant has a 5 cm fixed part in the rear end even without RTEs. Adding 2 cm RTEs makes the fixed uninflatable part 7 cm. Anyone having e.g. an 18 cm implant with 3 cm RTEs (total 21 cm) will have a total of 8 cm non inflatable fixed part in their ass. Only 13 cm is inflatable. 62% is inflatable. If using the rule of thumb of 2/3 (67%) in the dick and 1/3 (33%) in the crus, then it means that 14 cm will be in the dick and 7 cm in your body. So the part that is inflatable (13 cm) is not enough to fill up your dick. You will have 1 cm of the fixed part in your dick. This is what creates the hinge effect. The hinge appears at the junction of the inflatable and the fixed part. It is the natural weak spot of the implant. Optimal is to get that junction (i.e. the natural weak spot where the implant will bend if forced to bend) as far back in your body as possible. Let us take the same example again without RTEs.
21 cm implant. 5 cm fixed and 16 cm inflatable. 14 cm in the dick, 7 cm in the crus. it means the inflatable part will go 16-14=2 cm back in your crus. You will have no hinge in your dick. That is an important difference. In my case: 24 cm implant, no RTEs, 19 cm inflatable, 5 cm fixed. 16 cm in the dick, 8 cm in the crus. 19-16=3 cm. My junction is 3 cm inside my body. No hinge.
Furthermore, the deflection of the implant (how much it bends when force is applied to it) increases with RTEs.
Even the girth is effected by RTEs. A longer inflatable cylinder will make it increase the inflated diameter more than a short one. I.e. a 24 cm inflated cylinder will expand more in girth than a 15 cm inflated cylinder. Think of a long narrow balloon vs a shorter ballon of same non-inflated diameter. That means that for girth maximising you want as much of your total length as possible to be inflatable, i.e. no RTEs or at least as short RTEs as possible. Because every cm of RTEs means 1 cm shorter inflatable cylinder. And less girth potential.
And finally, a longer implant cylinder has a thicker wall and hence creates further rigidity.

And then we’re on to the next big question, AMS or Titan?
The saying goes: Titan is harder in the hard state and AMS is softer in the soft state. Ultimately, we want both. But must choose. For me, I say that having ED means I have a soft erection (or no erection). That’s my problem. That’s what I want to address. My problem was not that my flaccid was too hard and I need to soften it. I do this to get the best possible erection. If I have to accept a harder than normal flaccid, then so be it. But others can have other priorities.
More important, the Titan provides greater girth potential. It is simply a fact that the diameter is larger. A fact. I think another fact is that most women really notice a difference in pleasure between being fucked by a thick dick and a thin dick. Not so much difference between a slightly longer and a slightly shorter dick. Hence, doing what we can to optimise girth should be more important than length.
A major issue with the AMS is the tubing insertion. It is further back than on the Titan. This results in, depending on anatomy, the pump ending up too high simply because the tubing is not long enough to make possible a low pump placement when the tubing insertion is so far back and consuming all the tubing length. A patient with a deep crus will have even greater problems.
The solution for many docs is to add RTEs to extend the tubing insertion point further out, closer to the pump - i.e. the scrotum. A 2 cm RTE will push the tubing insertion 2 cm further out, closer to the pump. But then we get the hinge problem, the deflection problem and the girth problem (due to use of shorter inflatable cylinder which will expand less in diameter than a longer cylinder which would have been used without RTEs) as mentioned above.
What about the LGX and its length increasing ability? Bullshit. Show me one guy here on FT who has gotten a substantially longer dick because his doc put an LGX inside him. Nobody. The advantage of the LGX is that it shrinks with your dick when you deflate it. It means you will have a larger difference between flaccid and erect. But that is due to a shorter flaccid (vs Titan or AMS CX), not because of a longer erection. This is on the other hand not a negligible factor. But again, if having to choose between a great, thick, hard dick with no hinge but a large flaccid - or a nice little soft flaccid with a thinner hinging erection - I know what I choose.
So to summarize the brand discussion, I just think there is more pointing to advantage Titan. Rigidity, girth, less risk of shitty pump placement, less risk of hinge. There have been issues mentioned with pump failures on the Titan OTR. But the OTR is phased out and replaced with the Touch. If the Touch model has reliability issues as well, then that’s bad of course and something that should be weighed in to the decision.

Do I regret getting an implant? Hell no. Do I wish I had done it earlier? Well, I don’t ever think in those terms. I didn’t even know they existed till about 18 months ago. And once I got to know, I studied my ass off and within a month or two I had made my appointment with Dr. Eid on the other side of the planet. Paying every penny myself. So What is there to regret? That I didn’t know earlier there were implants? That’s nothing to regret. It would have been different if I walked around the earth for ten years with my ED getting worse and thinking about whether to get that implant or not. Then finally getting it and realising it was great. Then I could start thinking about regrets. But now I acted as soon as I ever could.

Future and revisions. Yes, it’s a problem doing this at a fairly young age. It means more revisions than doing it when 70 year sold. But again, what’s the option? Keep having shitty or no sex for another 30 years and wait till I am 70+ just to avoid revisions?
There’s just no way around it. If you need an implant, if you really need one, then there is really no point in waiting.