Duxman - New D-Day

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
Posts: 23
Joined: Tue Jun 20, 2017 7:33 pm

Re: Duxman - New D-Day

Postby Duxman » Thu Sep 14, 2017 8:17 pm

3 months Post Op

Well time just seems to fly by once the discomfort and swelling subsided. 90 days!!!

I met with the doc yesterday and i have some concerns with the pump riding high. It has slowly been lowering, but still is a little of an obstacle for use. Doc says not to worry, it will drop more. Note to you Newbies out there, if you experience sac swelling like I need, don't put off pulling on your pump. Take some extra meds and fight through the ginormas sac and grab that pump and pull down. Those first 2 weeks set the pump high....

My cycling is constant but I can't get the burn everytime...sometimes it takes up to 30 minutes to get the pain. It seems like the pump bulb is empty and then some liquid seeps in from the reservoir....strange...

Life is pretty good, getting a lot of use. I still have the numbness on the bottom of the shaft but with time that will pass too. No real restriction on any activities. Sometime climaxing just won't happen with the wife do to lack of sensation....time will heal that...

I do regret not facing my issue earlier in life and getting the surgery years ago.
It was a scary concept the first time my doc mentioned it, but dang, no other solutions on the horizon.

In those famous words of Donnie " I love my Dick"

Age 55. Struggled with ED since mid 40's. Hypertension and VL.
Implanted June 21, 2017 with AMS CX.

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