Hopeful Implant Journal

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
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Re: Hopeful Implant Journal

Postby Theboyracer » Mon Aug 24, 2020 9:49 pm

Congrats on getting everything worked out, so happy for you. Sure you're nervous, anxious and excited, I know I was. Recovery goes allot quicker than you think. Its only been a month of full use and its definitely changed my life for sure. I am so happy with it I seriously wish I had it done years ago. It has definitely changed me for the better and my confidence is through the roof. Things are so different when you don't need to worry whether things are going to work or not. Good luck, please keep us posted if you have any question feel free to pm me.
All the best,
51, Single, NJ/NYC - Colon Cancer at 36, ED issues since, low T. Was on Viagra, Levitra and Cialis for years, TriMix injections 6 months. Bad VL. Implanted with AMS700 LGX MS 6/15/20

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Re: Hopeful Implant Journal

Postby AussieFarmer65 » Tue Aug 25, 2020 4:33 pm

Theboyracer wrote:Congrats on getting everything worked out, so happy for you. Sure you're nervous, anxious and excited, I know I was. Recovery goes allot quicker than you think. Its only been a month of full use and its definitely changed my life for sure. I am so happy with it I seriously wish I had it done years ago. It has definitely changed me for the better and my confidence is through the roof. Things are so different when you don't need to worry whether things are going to work or not. Good luck, please keep us posted if you have any question feel free to pm me.
All the best,

Thanks for this really positive post. I'm scheduled for my implant in early October and occasionally feel some pangs of anxiety and excitement. I guess this is normal? I have to travel some distance (220 KM) and I guess some of my anxiety is related to my return trip even though I'll overnight in hospital and then I've decided to stay in a motel for another 2 or 3 nights. I've also got my farm work covered for 4 weeks. I'm looking forward to my life post implant.
Glad to be alive at 65 and living in OZ. RP 2015 and consequential severe ED. Tried meds (side effects!), injections 2 years (now effectiveness and injection problems) , VED (disastrous). Implanted with Titan One Touch on 12th October 2020.

Lost Sheep
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Re: Hopeful Implant Journal

Postby Lost Sheep » Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:17 pm

AussieFarmer65 wrote:Thanks for this really positive post. I'm scheduled for my implant in early October and occasionally feel some pangs of anxiety and excitement. I guess this is normal? I have to travel some distance (220 KM) and I guess some of my anxiety is related to my return trip even though I'll overnight in hospital and then I've decided to stay in a motel for another 2 or 3 nights. I've also got my farm work covered for 4 weeks. I'm looking forward to my life post implant.

Sounds like a good plan. Some comments: Even after a couple days staying horizontal, a 3 hour drive may be taxing, especially if the roads are rough. It was a week before my torso muscles allowed me even to rise from bed without a great deal of advance planning. No visible bruising on the surface, but I was sore inside where the reservoir was placed. My usual recommendation if travelling within a week is to get a driver and a vehicle large enough for you to lay down in. Motorhome or van.
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
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Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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Re: Hopeful Implant Journal

Postby Gt1956 » Tue Aug 25, 2020 5:59 pm

Aussiefarmer65, in the past have you had any surgeries or maybe injuries? How your body dealt with them might give you an idea how this one will go.
I don't mean to imply that my experience is the same. After my out patient surgery for phimosis (basically I opted for a partial circumcision) I drove to Las Vegas (700km) in order to stay in our vacation home. Trauma was only to my forskin so not as bad as an implant. Not a very bad experience. Good luck to you.
68yo, HBP at 40, high triglycerides at 45. Phimosis at 57. Type 2 at 60. Dr. William Brant May 1, 2023 CX 21cm w/no rte's penoscrotal 6" girth @ 6 months

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Re: Hopeful Implant Journal

Postby hopeful_future » Tue Aug 25, 2020 8:01 pm

Hi from the hospital, folks! Hard to type with an IV on one arm and pulse oximeter in the other So I’ll keep this short. Got to the hospital at 6 AM, was in surgery by 8 AM, and was out like a light until 11 AM. They are going to keep me overnight here for observation and to remove the catheter and drain tomorrow. After that I’m going home!

I’m not in a lot of what I’d call pain. Throat is sore from the intubation. Dr. Karpman does a 48 hr local block, so penis is numb. When I move my body says “STOP THAT”, so just chillin here with some ice cream. I’ll be sent home at 70% for a week then deflated.

May type up more details, but have some fun pics in the meantime.

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Oh, as a note I requested to have very few opiates as painkillers since they make me nauseous. Even more comfortable with those if they don’t bother you.
39yo, ED since sexually active, moderate to severe. Bisexual. Pills helped a little, trimix and muse failed. Implanted 8/25/20 by Dr. Karpman, 22cm+1RTE Titan Touch.

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Re: Hopeful Implant Journal

Postby hopeful_future » Wed Aug 26, 2020 5:19 pm

Any declaration of victory over the pain was HIGHLY premature. But now that I'm at a computer, I'll take a step back.

I arrived for the 8am operation at 6am, and got admitted to the hospital. I had been given instructions for bathing the night before with some hexachlorophine soap, then to repeat it in the morning...They also gave me a pre-surgery drink (it was very very sweet). Followed all the directions. Upon arriving, I was told to brush my teeth with a special solution (3 times), take all of my clothes off, and wipe myself from head to toe with some cleansing cloths (twice). The anesthesiologist came by to talk about what he'd be doing...I mentioned that I've had issues remembering surgery in the past with twilight sedation...He told me there wouldn't be an issue here, that I'd be OUT. I waited around with my husband for a while, then they took me up to the waiting area for surgery.

IV was put in, and I few folks came by to check in on me, confirm why I was there, my name, and my birth date. If you've had surgery, I'm sure you know the drill...But this was my first time being fully under, so I was pretty nervous. Eventually Dr. Karpman came by with a bunch of folks, probably his team and the Coloplast rep. He was really friendly and totally put me at ease. It was clear that it was just another day in the office for him, and he was completely comfortable and confident.

Got wheeled into the OR, I remember that clearly...as well as sliding over onto the table. Then the anesthesiologist said "you'll be out in a few seconds, see you later!" and I remember thinking "oh, I feel something". Then I was waking up, in the middle of talking with a nurse. Glanced over, and the clock said 11am. Got taken to my room after a bit, and my husband was waiting for me. Chatted with him a bit, and was feeling great. Mostly wanted to sleep, and the hospital isn't a super comfortable place to sleep, so he headed home.

After a nap, I posted the previous post in the thread. I was feeling "uncomfortable" but not in pain. The worst was the boredom...I had been sleeping all day, and being vaguely uncomfortable and really bored and unable to sleep is frustrating, especially when you're not allowed to get up. But when I started feeling some pressure/pain, I got to take a norco (5mg hydrocodone + acetaminophen). That put me out pretty good, though I never got more than 2 hours of sleep at a time. You get woken up now and then by the nurse for vitals and to empty my drain and catheter bag.

About 6am, my pain was at a 4-5, and creeping toward 6. I'd say a 6 is enough pain to be unbearable if it is constant...Equivalent to the ache when you get smacked in the balls. The pain itself was a kind of burning ache...Sometimes in the groin, sometimes in the penis...So I got another norco (it had been about 8 hours, so I was due). It helped.

I'll continue in another post, but first I want to say none of this is meant to discourage anyone. I just want to share my experience with the whole thing, unfiltered. So far, I have absolutely no complaints.
39yo, ED since sexually active, moderate to severe. Bisexual. Pills helped a little, trimix and muse failed. Implanted 8/25/20 by Dr. Karpman, 22cm+1RTE Titan Touch.

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Re: Hopeful Implant Journal

Postby hopeful_future » Wed Aug 26, 2020 8:40 pm

Alright, let's start from the top of the morning today, right where the previous left off. The nurse on the morning shift realized that I had an ice pack, and it had been fully melted for a while. I didn't even know I had one! Probably why the pain started creeping up. Either way, she started swapping ice in, and it was heavenly. The main discomfort I was starting to have at this point was from my bowels...I was full of gas that I couldn't seem to get to come out, and some pretty solid fecal matter, and it was causing cramps...I think the pain/discomfort from that was more than I was getting from my penis...They had prescribed me Colace, but it caused me massive stomach pain (worse than when I had an ulcer), so I ordered some Miralax instead. It hadn't arrived before I went in, so that's probably part of why I got so backed up.

At about 8am (24 hours post surgery), Dr Karpman's main assistant came in to unwrap me and take out the catheter. It was every bit as horrible as I expected...but it was 3-4 seconds and the damn thing was out. Honestly the most painful part of the experience so far, but I have a really small pee-hole (urethral meatus for the med students out there), so your experience may be better. Either way, once it was out, it was out. She removed the drain next, and that was a piece of cake after the catheter. Superglued up the drain hole, and I was finally de-tubed. She showed that the penis was fully inflated, then dug around to find the release button and brought me down to 70%. It was all very uncomfortable, but I'm really glad she was moving confidently and not giving me a chance to react too much. :lol:

Dr. Karpman showed up a bit after that and gave me instructions. I'm to keep the wad of gauze in the support overnight to give my testes and scrotum some rest, but I'm to wear the support all week until our visit. He demonstrated how to pull down on the pump (gently, and from above the deflate button) and instructed me to do it every time I go to pee. He said the surgery went well, he implanted a 23" device, and when he initially inflated it, he heard some sounds that he usually associates with scar tissue or otherwise unstretched tissue. He said that I'll probably gain some girth over time now that he's stretched it. He also said I could probably expect some pain over the next few days as the local anesthetic wears off, but by Sunday things should be much better. Hot shower tomorrow, hot baths starting the day after.

Then it was my sole purpose to figure out how to pee, as my body had completely forgotten. I was full to the brim of IV fluid, I had a cup of tea and two bottles of water and couldn't get anything to happen. I was starting to panic a little, but eventually I got a few drops out. Then a short stream. Those first bits felt like lava, probably minor tearing from the cath. Once I got a stream going, it was like Niagara, and I felt MUCH better...the stinging went away too. My husband arrived and we were cleared to leave! Since getting home, I've used our bidet (which has a turbo jet feature) to break through the impacted bowels and clear things out, and I'm feeling SO MUCH BETTER. TMI, sure, but you're getting the full story here. :D

I'm currently on 600mg Ibuprofen and 500mg Acetaminophen, and it's keeping the pain at or below a 3 as long as nothing hits my dick. I'm saving the good stuff (hydrocodone + acetaminophen) for bedtime, because I can tell sleep is going to be tough. Used to be a side/belly sleeper. That's not happening with the boner I'll be sporting for the next week!

This pic was not long after the penis was unwrapped and the catheter removed:
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More as the week goes on!
39yo, ED since sexually active, moderate to severe. Bisexual. Pills helped a little, trimix and muse failed. Implanted 8/25/20 by Dr. Karpman, 22cm+1RTE Titan Touch.

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Re: Hopeful Implant Journal

Postby Perseverance » Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:59 pm

So far, so good. Everything looks great.

Keep us posted with your progress!
44 YO - first signs of ED in early 20s - pills have worked well for 20 years but starting to lose effectiveness - first office injection did not work well - injections have worked well at home - looking at an implant

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Re: Hopeful Implant Journal

Postby hopeful_future » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:13 pm

Thanks, Perserverence! I'll definitely be keeping folks updated in the early days here...Once I get back to work, much of my time is gone, so I'm sure updates will come much less frequently.

Today is 2 days post surgery, and the pain is really quite manageable. I've been primarily taking 400mg Ibuprofen with 500mg Acetaminophen, and it brings any pain down to a very manageable level. I've got some Norco as well (acetaminophen + hydrocodone), but I'm being as light on those as possible. Had one to help sleep last night, and one just a bit ago since my nuts started aching a bit...Still getting used to the new neighbor I guess.

I got to have a hot shower today and it was a blessing. I took that opportunity to wash the nasty, iodine and blood stained jock strap they sent me home with to wear for a week. Got it nice and clean with some laundry detergent and a splash of bleach in the kitchen basin, and air dried it. I still look ridiculous wandering around the house with an erection, but at least I don't look gross (or at least no more than usual). I'm definitely looking forward to the hot baths I get to have starting tomorrow. A good soak would feel wonderful.

Aside from a bit of bruising here and there, all is still pretty steady state. Easier to move around today. Also learning how to pee with an erection has been amusing. This thing has become my best friend in the bathroom. Really glad I asked the hospital to let me take it home:

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Take care, everyone!
39yo, ED since sexually active, moderate to severe. Bisexual. Pills helped a little, trimix and muse failed. Implanted 8/25/20 by Dr. Karpman, 22cm+1RTE Titan Touch.

Lost Sheep
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Re: Hopeful Implant Journal

Postby Lost Sheep » Thu Aug 27, 2020 6:25 pm

hopeful_future wrote: Really glad I asked the hospital to let me take it home:


Take care, everyone!

Some simply pee in the shower. :shock:

I made sure I had two jock straps so I could alternate between wearing one and washing/drying the other. :D

Walking around the house with an erection was not an issue for me. I stayed horizontal 99.5% of the first week. :mrgreen:
Lost Sheep
AMS LGX 18+3 Nov 6, 2017
Prostate Cancer 2023
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Pre-op VED therapy helps. Post-op is another matter

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