My Journal

The final frontier. Deciding when, if and how.
Posts: 469
Joined: Mon Aug 22, 2011 5:20 pm

Re: My Journal

Postby MARKOS2018 » Mon Nov 07, 2016 11:12 am

That brings it " all home". In your earlier posts Merrix you did mention "a brother" coming to your hotel room and it was also someone you didn't know. Wow, that is a very kind thing you did Xomanow! Wish you both the best and may the implants never wear out.

PS I know that the "Titans" are the "best" and Dr. Eid or "ED" is world class.

Titan implanted by Dr Eid Due to Peyronies, Implant was the only option for me.


Re: My Journal

Postby PFracture » Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:54 pm

Indeed! that was awesome right there, that he delivered on what he said! ;) glad to see your doing well merrix!

Posts: 1188
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am

One Year Update

Postby merrix » Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:48 am

One year update

So it’s been a year with a plastic prosthesis in my dick. Let me first run through the status on the details, and then spend some time on reflecting on the whole journey so far, and giving a couple of advices based on my experience so far.

I had ED for all my life, at least the part of it where I was sexually active. Not a complete ED, but always some degree of it. My issue was more of staying hard than getting hard, even if the latter was an issue as well. I went to a couple of fucking moron-docs in my twenties who told me it was psychological. Why I had the same issues when masturbating or why I had none or poor morning wood was something they failed to even analyze.
When deciding to go for the implant at 42 years old, I would say that I failed about 2-3 times out of 10 to keep my erection long enough to reach orgasm. The other 7-8 times was a race against time always balancing the desire to have sex longer than 5 minutes against the risk of my crap dick going soft.
Spontaneous sex we gave up long time ago, since it 9 times of 10 would result in failure. I needed my pills 30 minutes before action.
Never tried vacuum pumps or injections, and never wanted to.
I was diagnosed twice by two different docs (one of them being Eid) as having venous leak. A huge one according to both of them. One that they both said should make a natural erection impossible.

The surgery
I chose Eid in NY. Shortlist was Eid, Kramer, Perito. Those were the three my research showed were the ones to give me the highest chance of a good outcome. Could have been anyone of them, but coincidences made me pick Eid. He was by far the fastest one to respond. I heard back from him within a day or two, while Kramer didn’t respond till I already had my appointment with Eid a couple of weeks later, and Perito still haven’t replied.
Furthermore, I preferred Manhattan New York to the other locations, especially over Baltimore. Just a nicer place to go to, and much more accessible in terms of international fligths. I had 20+ hours to fly…
My surgery didn’t go as smooth as I would have hoped for. Had pretty bad pain and swelling (probably) due to excessive bleeding during surgery. Eid told me during his pre-surgery examination that he estimated me to require a 22 cm implant. He did put it in, and thought there was room for more. Added 1 or 1.5 cm (don’t remember which of them) RTEs, but thought there was still room for more. What he did then was something I think not many would have done. Instead of keep stacking RTEs and giving me a lower-quality erection, he removed the whole thing, threw the 22 cm implant and the RTEs in the bin and installed a 24 cm implant without RTEs. He was satisfied with the result and closed the sack.
Before surgery he stretch-test measured me with a semi erection from an injection to 16 cm. I told him I was 16.5 during a normal erection, he said in his straight-ip, no BS way, that now I am 16.0 and this is what counts. I promise you that you will be 16 after surgery as well. He measured my girth to 14 cm and said he would guarantee my girth to be minimum 14 cm.
12 months out I am now 17-17.5 cm long and 14-14.3 cm girth.
It took me almost three weeks before I left the hotel at Manhattan and took my long flight back to SE Asia. I was planning to be able to go back to Scandinavia for Christmas and New Year two weeks after surgery, but couldn’t. Still, despite my bad post-op pain (or being a wuss?) I got activated on day 13 and started inflating daily with almost no pain from there on. My pain was in my scrotum, which felt like it would burst ten seconds after standing up. I had sex after about three weeks, first night I got home. Had I got home earlier, I probably would have had sex earlier as well.

As stated before, believe it or not, but my inflated length now is about 0.5-1.0 cm longer than I ever was before my implant.
Girth is same or just a couple of unnoticeable mm larger.
Could be a unique result or it is simply a faulty statement from my side. If so probably because of measuring technique. What I do now is measure bone pressed with a plastic ruler. Same as I did before. I could be messing the measurement up in some way I don’t realize. But I don’t think so. Could also be that due to my ED, I never ever got as large as I could. But that sounds a bit strange and should have led to me losing that potential over the years anyway..?

If I pump full (40+ pumps), my angle is higher than 2 o’clock, let’s say 1:30.
When inflating to sex level (currently using 28 pumps), my angle is around 2:00. Doesn’t change if I lie down, stand up or do a frigging handstand. It’s solid at 2:00. Still has the necessary flex to be able to have sex without pain for myself or my wife, and the needed hardness to push my dick up on my wife’s G-spot during sex without it being painful. Full inflation has basically no flex at all and is not comfortable for sex for anyone involved.

My glans does swell up perfectly. Most likely due to the sclerotherapy I did 6 months before the implant. Eid is still very skeptical about the sclerotherapy and has warned me it might cause me problems in the future. We’ll see. I hope he’s wrong. As for now, I think I have the hardest dick on the planet. A Titan shaft filling up every single mm of my dick up till 1 cm from glans end, and a surgically-enhanced beyond normally hard blood-bursting glans.

My orgasm function has not changed technically. However, I do reach orgasm more often than before, but that is simply because before I would go soft sometimes before I even got a chance to reach orgasm.

My pump is, as shown several times on pictures in ‘My Journal’ sitting completely hidden behind my balls. It can impossibly be seen when I am naked. Not even if I hold my dick up. Neither can the tubing.
The pump does not interfere with my activities. I can feel it sometimes if I bend over to e.g. tie my shoe laces and wear tight trousers. But it never hurts. Just lets me know it’s there.

Deflation is a skill. Once mastered, I can get my dick completely flaccid hanging as straight down as it can. Let us say 5:30. The deflate valve works as it should, I just need to press it once and my dick drains down to almost completely flaccid in less than a minute.
Sometimes I will just leave it like that till next time I need it and sometimes I will completely drain it by pressing the perineal area with one hand and squeeze the shaft with the other. And then press the bulb once to reset the valve.
Inflating till 28 pumps as I currently use for sex takes about 60-90 seconds.

Does a woman notice?
Well not an 90 year old half-lame, half-blind person who never gives oral and keeps the lights off. But any woman doing what I want her to do in bed will notice. Not the implant itself, but the pump. Any man saying that a woman doesn’t notice simply means that she hasn’t thoroughly touched his scrotum. If anyone touches the scrotum properly the pump will be felt. If another person cannot feel it when touching or sucking the scrotum then how the fuck can I not only find it, but feel it clearly enough to find the contours of the tiny little deflate button???

So then we’re at the more interesting part of this long post. A few topics in random order.

Did I get what I wanted? Am I happier? Well, first of all, I wasn’t unhappy before. I didn’t have the sex life I wanted, but life is a bit more than sex. My life is at least. I have never been the kind of person who digs a hole and bury myself when things don’t go my way. Let me put it like I think my life was perfect except for this one issue. Now that is fixed as well, and it has put the icing on the cake of my life.

Is implant sex as good as natural erection sex?
No. But it’s damn close. And it is 100 times better than the sex an unreliable semi-hardon can provide.

Wife’s opinion
She does not feel any difference on my implant dick and my best day natural erection when having intercourse or when giving oral in terms of the penis if (and this is an important if) my glans is full. If my glans for some reason is not full and hard (happens rarely, but can happen if e.g. being crap drunk or when hitting it second time with too short recuperation time, she thinks my dick feels flat (or oval) and she can feel the tip of the implant in my glans when giving oral or handjob. The ovality goes hand in hand with a soft glans, since the glans gets its blood through the spongiasum which also works to make the dick round instead of flat/oval. This does however luckily almost never happen. In normal cases, as in when glans is full, she says it feels 100% natural. Also, if I pump it too hard, she will feel it is unnaturally hard with a non-existing flex, but I never do that so it is not an issue.
So for her, this has hugely improved her sex life as well of course. Not only technically and intercourse-duration wise, but also because she can relax and concentrate on her own pleasure instead of just focusing on keeping my dick up and make me come before it goes down.

Awkwardness of pumping instead of getting hard naturally
Not much of an issue for a married man with school age kids in the house. It’s not like we would be jumping at it on the sofa on a Sunday afternoon anyway. And if we want to, then we’ll just have to wait 90 seconds for me to get hard. Felt weird at first, but I’m way over that. I can actually sometimes tell myself that it’s worth it. After those 90 seconds there are no restrictions anymore, which as a matter of fact any natural man will have no matter how well his dick works.
But if I was single and dating young women, I guess this would be another story. That’s not my story currently though…

I don’t know which foot to stand on in this question. Pump my ass off twice per day for 1-2 hours and maximize size and shorten length of life, or just use it 3-4 times per week for sex and masturbation and nothing beyond that to maximize length of life of implant?
Hard one. I did for the first 6-9 months most of the time inflate around 10 times per week, including when using it. Very seldom if ever for more than 30 minutes each time simply because of lack of time. When getting up in the morning, I normally want to speed up and not sitting around doing nothing but having a hardon. Same at night. I never sit around doing nothing (e.g. watching TV). I often come back late from dinners, workouts, sports, social events, business trips etc and then just want to get to sleep asap getting in as many hours as possible to be ready for another day of action. Also, when having kids in the house, I can’t really have my breakfast inflated…
I had extraordinary results in terms of length, but the question is if it is down to my cycling. Eid does not believe so. He recommended me to inflate 1-2 times per day in the beginning till the level where it got uncomfortable (not painful), but then once the implant was put to regular use minimum twice per week, he claimed no further advantages of cycling it. Right or wrong, who knows.
I am 100% convinced though that more frequent pumping results in more frequent revisions. Any mechanical device will fail sooner the more it is used. So will an implant.
Currently I am barely ever inflating it when not actually using it. But I may change my mind again…

My decision process getting it
I think I was unique in the sense that in my case there was only 2-3 months from I even started to understand that implants existed and how they worked till I had one in my dick. On the other hand, I had a 24 hours-per-day thought process every day during those months about it. Had things gone to hell for me, I might probably have cursed myself for being too quick to jump into it. On the other hand, I am who I am, and that’s how I am in all aspects of life. I don’t let things get to me normally. Once they do, I focus 100% on solving that problem quickly and forcefully and get my peace of mind back. I do tons of research, and can’t really focus on anything else till I have come to my decision and taken the action required.

The future
I have no idea what it holds. I am one tiny year into this journey of living life implanted. I hopefully have another 40-50 years to go. So only an idiot would say all will be well. So much can go wrong during so long time. Both with the current implant or with any of the 3-6 revisions I will probably need. But there is no point in worrying about that.

A few words on the implants
I am no implant designer, no implant surgeon, and I have had one and one implant only. But I have read a lot, and I am usually good at putting one and one together. So here goes, my thoughts for you guys thinking of getting implanted to read, digest and use as one piece of the puzzle you are laying out in your preparations…
I would choose a Titan again if had to do it all over. I simply think the pros and cons of the brands tip over to its advantage. It is a known fact that AMS models have an issue with short effective length of tubing. This shortcoming basically gives a trade-off between optimal pump positioning (requiring use of RTEs) or perfect erection quality (no RTEs). The Titan doesn’t have that problem. It is a clear undisputable advantage.
Titans also come in 2 cm increments, AMS come in 3 cm increments. This does inevitably increases the need for RTEs on average. If we for the sake of argument assume dicks come in 1 cm increments, you will have 50% chance of needing an RTE with a Titan, but 67% chance of needing RTEs with an AMS.
Furthermore, it is commonly accepted that Titan gives a harder, more rigid, better erection quality, while the AMS models give a softer flaccid. This is of course a matter of personal preference, but I have one of the largest Titan implants on the market (24 cm, the Titan XL line come in 26 cm and 28 cm as well) and I have really no issues with my flaccid. I would never tamper on my erection quality to get a softer flaccid. Again, advantage Titan in my book.
It is also commonly accepted that Titans are better for guys with huge dicks, simply because they come in sizes allt he way up to 28 cm, while as AMS’ longest model is only 24 cm (CX only). And more importantly, the Titans have larger circumference, so by choosing an AMS when having a girthy dick, you are potentially leaving something on the table.
Again advantage Titan.
And then the magic LGX. The one who not only expands in girth, but also in length. I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry every time I read someone here on FT having been implanted with an LGX looks forward to a 20% increase in length. That is just utter bullshit. Show me one case where anyone has gained length after being implanted? (Well actually I did, but not from an LGX…) It just doesn’t happen. If the LGX did make people’s dicks longer, we’d see it all the time. But we don’t have one single case on FT where someone got a 20% bigger dick from an LGX. Just like with all models, most seem to lose some and a few lucky bastards keep what they had.
Marketing it as expanding in length when inflated is bullshit. The right way to put it is that it retracts when deflated. And that’s not negligible, since it will give a more natural looking flaccid. According to research the average difference between a natural flaccid and a natural erection is 4 cm. So the LGX would do its job of keeping the flaccid naturally looking. But nobody should believe they will get a longer dick with an LGX because that is wrong.
So all in all, I just think there are some known disadvantages of the AMS, most noticeably the tubing issue, and hence I would see no reason not choosing a Ttian, I would always go for the minimum risk. And when there are known disadvantages with one brand, even if they are tolerable, I’d go for the one without those known disadvantages rather than hoping those disadvantages would not backfire on me. Keep it simple, don’t disregard the known facts.

Read between the lines
To all young men considering an implant, I would strongly advice you to read between the lines of all success stories here. A lot of people don’t state how old they are, how old their wives are, what type of sex life they have. They don’t even state what their dick works iike. Length loss, angle, pump placement, hinge effect, hardness etc. All they say is ‘I couldn’t be happier’. In my book that means absolutely nothing. The guy might be a semi-retarded, handicapped 80 year old man who lost 3 cm length, having a dick hanging at 4:00 when erect, his pump sitting right on his shaft – fucking a semi-dement 80 year old woman twice per month who never gives oral, never touches his dick, never even discussing sex. If this guy says ‘I couldn’t be happier’ – what level of carry over does it have on a thirty year old guy fucking 25 year old sex-crazy bikini models left and right? Absolutely none. Zero. Nada. Learn to read between the lines. Look for facts, not subjective crap about ‘I couldn’t be happier’.
And that statement in itself is completely stupid. How the F does anyone know that? Not even I, with my documented data and picture backed up good results, would ever say that. How do I know that? Nothing is ever perfect, and I could most likely be even happier with a fraction of even better results than what I had.
During my year on FT, I have seen several guys posting glorified sweet stories about how great their implant works, how great their doc is. And then when going back and reading all their posts, they have long ago posted data on how their pump sits on their shaft, how their angle is below 3:00 when inflated, how their hinge allows them to swing their fully inflated dick from straight down to their belly. But still, their doc, their brand of implant, their results are ‘great’ and they ‘couldn’t be happier’.
Read between the lines. Get the facts. Don’t listen to anecdotal bullshit. If you don’t think a dick hanging down at 4:00 when inflated is ‘great results’, or if you actually could be happier than having a pump sitting on your shaft noticeable for all your buddies in the shower and painful for your reverse-cow-girl-loving sex crazy girlfriend, then you must not take any subjective statements for facts.

Why do I still hang around here?
Damn good question. As said before, part of me just wants to log out for good and terminate my account. Because in some way, reading here just reminds me about something I’d actually rather never think about. Just make good use of. So I think my time in the future on this forum is limited. But I am still here, and I hope I help someone make a more informed decision. If not, it would be a total waste of time for me.

Picking the doc
The debate will never end. I do however say to all thinking about getting implanted – Pick a good one. If you can afford it, choose someone with a proven track record of good results and high volume. I can only speak for Dr. Eid since he’s the only one I’ve used. I truly believe that when choosing him, one has done what one can do to maximize chances. I am sure there are a couple of others being equally good, but one advantage I see with Eid is that he uses almost exclusively Titans. And as I described above, I think that is something increasing chances of a good outcome as well, at least if you’re a relatively young man with a larger than average dick wanting to maximize your erection qulity.

That’s it. Sitting 12,000 meters up in the sky on a flight over Asia with a shaky internet connection. Will see whether I can get this post up from here…
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon


Re: My Journal

Postby PFracture » Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:03 am

Dude.... This update of yours brought a bit of tears to my eyes. Having followed most of your posts on the sclero thread, and reading through your whole diary it's so cool to read that it turned into such a positive life changing event for you. Also, how impressive is that you consistently nail the questions and the issues that should be addressed here on this forum? I think so alike, but I am not as blunt in what I write as you.

A few words on the implants
I am no implant designer, no implant surgeon, and I have had one and one implant only. But I have read a lot, and I am usually good at putting one and one together. So here goes, my thoughts for you guys thinking of getting implanted to read, digest and use as one piece of the puzzle you are laying out in your preparations…
I would choose a Titan again if had to do it all over. I simply think the pros and cons of the brands tip over to its advantage. It is a known fact that AMS models have an issue with short effective length of tubing. This shortcoming basically gives a trade-off between optimal pump positioning (requiring use of RTEs) or perfect erection quality (no RTEs). The Titan doesn’t have that problem. It is a clear undisputable advantage.
Titans also come in 2 cm increments, AMS come in 3 cm increments. This does inevitably increases the need for RTEs on average. If we for the sake of argument assume dicks come in 1 cm increments, you will have 50% chance of needing an RTE with a Titan, but 67% chance of needing RTEs with an AMS.
Furthermore, it is commonly accepted that Titan gives a harder, more rigid, better erection quality, while the AMS models give a softer flaccid. This is of course a matter of personal preference, but I have one of the largest Titan implants on the market (24 cm, the Titan XL line come in 26 cm and 28 cm as well) and I have really no issues with my flaccid. I would never tamper on my erection quality to get a softer flaccid. Again, advantage Titan in my book.
It is also commonly accepted that Titans are better for guys with huge dicks, simply because they come in sizes allt he way up to 28 cm, while as AMS’ longest model is only 24 cm (CX only). And more importantly, the Titans have larger circumference, so by choosing an AMS when having a girthy dick, you are potentially leaving something on the table.
Again advantage Titan.
And then the magic LGX. The one who not only expands in girth, but also in length. I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry every time I read someone here on FT having been implanted with an LGX looks forward to a 20% increase in length. That is just utter bullshit. Show me one case where anyone has gained length after being implanted? (Well actually I did, but not from an LGX…) It just doesn’t happen. If the LGX did make people’s dicks longer, we’d see it all the time. But we don’t have one single case on FT where someone got a 20% bigger dick from an LGX. Just like with all models, most seem to lose some and a few lucky bastards keep what they had.
Marketing it as expanding in length when inflated is bullshit. The right way to put it is that it retracts when deflated. And that’s not negligible, since it will give a more natural looking flaccid. According to research the average difference between a natural flaccid and a natural erection is 4 cm. So the LGX would do its job of keeping the flaccid naturally looking. But nobody should believe they will get a longer dick with an LGX because that is wrong.
So all in all, I just think there are some known disadvantages of the AMS, most noticeably the tubing issue, and hence I would see no reason not choosing a Ttian, I would always go for the minimum risk. And when there are known disadvantages with one brand, even if they are tolerable, I’d go for the one without those known disadvantages rather than hoping those disadvantages would not backfire on me. Keep it simple, don’t disregard the known facts.

Read between the lines
To all young men considering an implant, I would strongly advice you to read between the lines of all success stories here. A lot of people don’t state how old they are, how old their wives are, what type of sex life they have. They don’t even state what their dick works iike. Length loss, angle, pump placement, hinge effect, hardness etc. All they say is ‘I couldn’t be happier’. In my book that means absolutely nothing. The guy might be a semi-retarded, handicapped 80 year old man who lost 3 cm length, having a dick hanging at 4:00 when erect, his pump sitting right on his shaft – fucking a semi-dement 80 year old woman twice per month who never gives oral, never touches his dick, never even discussing sex. If this guy says ‘I couldn’t be happier’ – what level of carry over does it have on a thirty year old guy fucking 25 year old sex-crazy bikini models left and right? Absolutely none. Zero. Nada. Learn to read between the lines. Look for facts, not subjective crap about ‘I couldn’t be happier’.
And that statement in itself is completely stupid. How the F does anyone know that? Not even I, with my documented data and picture backed up good results, would ever say that. How do I know that? Nothing is ever perfect, and I could most likely be even happier with a fraction of even better results than what I had.
During my year on FT, I have seen several guys posting glorified sweet stories about how great their implant works, how great their doc is. And then when going back and reading all their posts, they have long ago posted data on how their pump sits on their shaft, how their angle is below 3:00 when inflated, how their hinge allows them to swing their fully inflated dick from straight down to their belly. But still, their doc, their brand of implant, their results are ‘great’ and they ‘couldn’t be happier’.
Read between the lines. Get the facts. Don’t listen to anecdotal bullshit. If you don’t think a dick hanging down at 4:00 when inflated is ‘great results’, or if you actually could be happier than having a pump sitting on your shaft noticeable for all your buddies in the shower and painful for your reverse-cow-girl-loving sex crazy girlfriend, then you must not take any subjective statements for facts.

This above should be stickied and discussed thoroughly by the community imho! Spot on!

Why do I still hang around here?
Damn good question. As said before, part of me just wants to log out for good and terminate my account. Because in some way, reading here just reminds me about something I’d actually rather never think about. Just make good use of. So I think my time in the future on this forum is limited. But I am still here, and I hope I help someone make a more informed decision. If not, it would be a total waste of time for me.

Why terminate your account? Just take a break, even if a long one and come back for a brief moment or two and then repeat. I think views like yours are extremely necessary on the food for thought they provide, and at least I value your posts alot. All the best for you, and bye. For now?

Posts: 2518
Joined: Wed Feb 19, 2014 9:04 pm

Re: My Journal

Postby Donnie1954 » Mon Dec 05, 2016 5:07 pm

Congratulations on the success of your implant! :) I found your journal to be personal, yet informative and direct. 8-) I refuse to dwell on whether I made good or bad choices concerning any aspect of my implant.(What's done is done) I can only hope to have as favorable an outcome as yours, but only time will tell. :) I'll be 63 next month and I hope this implant will be my last. So far things are great. No problems, concerns or complaints.
Rev. Donnie
Implant AMS 700 CX, MS (18cm x 12mm with 5.5cm RTEs) on 10\4\16. 64 Dr. Edward Kata of Orlando. Awesome surgeon. Check out, 'DD Bryan. My implant journey, Wit and Wisdom, Stretching routine, Implant Pics, Natural Hang. Live in Ga.

Posts: 76
Joined: Tue Sep 13, 2016 10:21 am

Re: My Journal

Postby mrp2007 » Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:51 am

thank you very much for sharing your journey.
It has influenced my decision enormously. Perfect journeys are not what I needed to know.
I needed to know what can go wrong and were they insurmountable.
I had no doubts about doing this after yours and other stories.
52yo ED after Radical Prostatectomy (Cancer) in 2007. All clear 9yr. Only trimix 0.8ml worked.
Implanted by Dr Katz and Dr Love (assist) 11/11/2016. Titan 20cm + 1cm RTE Infrapublically
Activation on 13/12/2016
Wasn't ready before.

Posts: 1188
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am

Re: Frequency of inflation

Postby merrix » Mon Dec 12, 2016 10:27 pm

As said, I have been reducing the frequency of inflation quite a lot lately. The only potential advantage of frequent inflation would be size, along with maybe that some would argue it is a great feeling walking around the house with an erection. Potential downside would be shortening length of life of the implant, and that it is simply a waste of time spending 30-60 minutes every morning and night doing nothing else than looking at your dick. I could be working out, spending time with friends or playing with my kids instead.

So I have moved from an average of 10 inflations per week, whereof maybe half of them was sex or masturbation, to basically only using it for sex and masturbation totally roughly 5 times per week. Just skipped the inflations when not actually using the implant.
So frequency down from about 10 to 5 times per week, i.e. half.
Total time inflated probably down more than that, or at least half.
And since I can do around 40 pumps maximum, but only use around 30 for sex, and sometimes even less for masturbation, I haven't inflated anywhere near maximum for a month now.

Have been doing this for around a month now, and wanted to share my findings.

I used to think in the early months after surgery that as soon as I didn't inflate during a day, the feel was not as good next time I inflated. None of that now. On the contrary, I'd say if any difference, it almost feels better.

I also notice that my erection is harder at the same number of pumps. 1-2 months ago I used 32 for sex, but nowadays only 28. I also notice when I inflate, that I am getting a decent above 3:00 erection already at 15 pumps, while the hardness and angle at only 15 pumps before was more of a semi.

Flaccid actually feels more flaccid... Don't really know why or even how to put words on the difference, but it simply feels smaller and more natural. Marginally of course, but if I was forced to describe a difference, this is what it'd be.

I hadn't measured size during all this time. I used to measure it basically once per week up till a month ago, just to be able to back up my story here with good data and not just some subjective estimation of my size. But the last month I hadn't measured. Did now just before writing this. One could believe that if the daily pumping was so important for size, mine would have decreased now. Wrong. My length was actually higher than all the 4 previous measurements.
My girth was slightly lower than the average of the 4 previous measurements (but we're talking 1 mm and it was not even the lowest of those 4 measurements).
So I'd say that if any change, the length had increased!


I will keep on like this. It saves me time which I can make better use of.

I am sure it will extend time till revision.

The feeling (both erect and flaccid) is if any change to the better.

In terms of size, all the changes are maybe just down to normal random variation (including measurement imperfection), but if there is any real change, the length has kept on increasing. That could mean nothing or it could mean something. If it means something, here are a couple of theories:

My doc was right. Inflating in addition to usage after having put the implant to regular use adds no size benefit. The inflation during usage is enough.

Since my erection is harder at any given number of pumps now than before, but the size has not decreased, could it be that the thing that is expanding mostly with regular limit-pushing inflation is actually not the dick itself, but rather the internal part (crus)? That would explain why I need less pumps to achieve the same erection and have not lost size. The crus has tightened up again with the decreased cycling.
If so, regular inflation (which expands the crus) would over time potentially give a hinge effect and reduce the angle due to the slack between implant and crus.

Theories and speculations only, but for sure, since I see no whatsoever advantage with frequent inflation and only potential disadvantages, I will keep on like this till I find a reason not to.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 1188
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am

Merry Christmas

Postby merrix » Sun Dec 25, 2016 10:18 am

Being with my family back in Scandinavia for the Christmas reminds me of last year this time. I had planned to be up and running after my surgery on the 15:th of December well on time to fly back for Christmas. But my pain made it impossible and I was stuck alone at a hotel on Manhattan over Christmas and New Year.
It sucked big time and it was a major disappointment for my family.

What I still remember is all the encouragement I got from people on FT. I was amazed by all the support I got, and it really helped me.
I want to thank all of you who took time to post in 'My Journal' and did your best to cheer me up. Highly appreciated then and still today.
None mentioned, non forgotten - but thanks to all who were there for me.
And Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

Posts: 403
Joined: Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:03 pm

Re: My Journal

Postby Xomanow » Mon Dec 26, 2016 10:21 am

While it was rough going, it's great that everything worked out well and it seems that your life is in good order.....this forum and group is valuable to all of us who share the problem of ED.

In some ways the year seems like it flew by and in other ways it feels like a long time, at least for me as I used the past year to both make my decision and to mentally prepare myself for this procedure......I'm scheduled for surgery on Jan 4 with Dr. Eid......I have to keep my mind open in terms of the healing process as everybody has different experiences as will I......I'm fortunate in that I don't have to fly anywhere or stay in a hotel....I just have to clean my bath tub and buy several packs of frozen peas......

As your journey has pretty much ended, so mine begins.....

Glad that you had a great holiday with your family back in your country....

All the best
Implanted Jan 4 2017 by Dr. Eid - 70 yo and single...ED gradually over 15 yrs...tired of pills, injections, cock rings....happy with my choice and results. Titan OTR - one 20cm cylinder - one 20cm+1 RTE...."got a rocket in my pocket"....

Posts: 1188
Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:08 am

Re: My Journal

Postby merrix » Mon Dec 26, 2016 5:08 pm

Yes it has truly been a success. And what surprises me is that even though I keep thinking I am through the healing, physically and mentally, things keep getting better still a year after. The huge steps were taken the first 3 months, and after 4 I thought I had reached the final result. Not so. It just keeps feeling more and more natural and the sex keeps getting better and better.

You are in great hands Xomanow. The odds are truly on your side.
I hope to read about your success soon.
Get a good rest during the holidays. Eat and sleep well and be ready.
43 yo, ED forever from VL
Fit and active
Implanted December 2015
Titan XL 24 cm, no RTEs
Dr. Eid
Activated day 13
Sex after 3 weeks
Gained length and girth
So far It works perfectly
Only one advice: Find a world class surgeon

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